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How To Vote For Trump

Attempts To Delay Or Deny Election Results

‘Why I’m no longer voting for Trump’: Lifelong Republicans on why they’re voting for Joe Biden

Republican reactions to Donald Trump’s claims of 2020 election fraudTexas v. Pennsylvaniaamicus curiae

In November, Trump focused his efforts on trying to delay vote certifications at the county and state level. On December 2, Trump posted a 46-minute video to his social media in which he repeated his baseless claims that the election was “rigged” and fraudulent and called for either the state legislatures or the courts to overturn the results of the election and allow him to stay in office. He continued to apply pressure to elected Republicans in Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania in an unprecedented attempt to overturn the election result. Some commentators have characterized Trump’s actions as an attempted coup d’état or self-coup.

On December 15, the day after the electoral college vote, Republican Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell, who was previously among those who would not recognize the election results, publicly accepted Biden’s win, saying “Today, I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden.”

In a December 21 news conference, outgoing Attorney General William Barr disavowed several actions reportedly being considered by Trump, including seizing voting machines, appointing a special counsel to investigate voter fraud, and appointing one to investigate Hunter Biden.

As A Person Trump Is Disgusting

Im exhausted when it comes to sexual assault in politics. Its become so weaponised, you dont know who to believe. Because it now affects nearly everyone at the top, its almost become a non-issue which is unbelievably sad and disgusting. I feel bad for the women and potentially men who are truly victims. I dont think well ever hear them or that theyll ever get justice, because its impossible to tell whats real and what isnt.

As a person, Trump is disgusting. There are enough accusations out there that there has to be some level of truth to some of them. These women are going out on the line to make these allegations, it cant just be the Democrats rounding people up to say things. But I believe theres a problem with Biden too in this regard, so we actually dont have an option to vote for someone who isnt tainted by this. Its so sad.

I Just Started Pleading With Him Saying Texas Is In Play The State Is So Close And If The Republicans Can Lose Texas Maybe Thats A Wake

My dad used to be a Republican congressman. Our family always grew up pretty conservative, though it sure feels, as I get older, Im becoming more liberal, especially with Trump in power. I think Trump is an absolute menace. Theres no way I would ever have voted for him. In 2016, I did a write-in for John Kasich, but this year Im voting for Biden.

My brothers a retired banker down in Dallas, and hes ten years older than me. Hes a conservative Republican, hes a loyal soldier for the party, but he also believes Trump is a moron. He knew he wasnt gonna vote for Trump this time he was planning to write in Reagans name. And I just started pleading with him, saying, Texas is in play. The state is so close. And if the Republicans can lose Texas, maybe thats a wake-up call for them to get their act together. The Republicans are pulling out every dirty trick they can to suppress voting and try and save this guys bacon. And I said, You cant just vote for Reagan or Ross Perot and feel good about it.

We talk probably three times a week on the phone, if not more. His wife is also a conservative Republican, and she cant stand Trump, like me. She and I werent plotting together, but it was definitely a tag-team effort.

I think my brothers a smart guy. Hes not a fan of Joe Biden , but he believes hes a decent human being and a good man. And I think he knows that the countrys in a bad place right now and we do have to put country over party.

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Demographic Profiles Of Trump And Biden Voters

As was the case in the 2016 and 2018 elections, the Democratic voting coalition in 2020 looked quite different from the Republican coalition in several respects. Overall, Biden voters were younger, more racially and ethnically diverse, and less likely to live in rural areas than Trump voters.

In 2020, 85% of voters who cast a ballot for Trump were White non-Hispanic this compares with just 61% of Biden voters. These differences are roughly consistent with the share of White voters in each partys coalition in 2016.

Nearly two-in-ten voters who cast a ballot for Biden in the 2020 election were Black, identical to the share of Clinton voters in 2016 who were Black. That is significantly higher than the share of Trump voters who were Black .

The community profiles of Trump and Biden voters are similar in some fundamental ways to the previous two elections but more voters who cast ballots for Biden in 2020 say they live in a suburban area compared with Clintons 2016 voters.

Overall, urban voters continue to constitute a larger share of the Democratic coalition compared with the Republican coalition. And rural voters remain a significantly larger portion of the Republican electorate.

However, when comparing Clintons voters with Bidens, there are some significant shifts. In 2016, about half of Clintons voters described their communities as suburban , while 32% said they were from an urban area and 19% were from a rural area.

House Impeaches Trump A 2nd Time Citing Insurrection At Us Capitol

WATCH: Trump Says Election Results Could Be Delayed for ...

This vote could expose some of them to potential primary challenges from the right as well as possible safety threats, but for all of them Trump had simply gone too far. Multiple House Republicans said threats toward them and their families were factors weighing on their decisions on whether to impeach this president.

Ten out of 211 Republicans in the House is hardly an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote, and clearly, most Republicans’ sympathies still lie with Trump and his ardent base of followers. But the 10 represent something significant the most members of a president’s party to vote for his impeachment in U.S. history.

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Because I Went To The Effort To Make It Easier For Her She Was Motivated To Follow Through Daniel 54 Virginia

The majority of my family is completely out of touch with politics. They dont understand how policies and the people we elect can affect their lives. They just tend to complain.

My sister hasnt voted in over 30 years. She does watch TV, but because Trump has so dominated the airwaves, shes just sick and tired of it. She was just frustrated by his childish behavior. And I said, Lets do something about it. You need to go vote. And shes like, Dan, I havent voted in years, and Im blind.She actually went blind this past year because of diabetes, and shes only gone blind in the last six or seven months so shes still struggling with how to live this way. So I printed off the Missouri absentee ballot application and sent her hard copies of it, and I walked her through the ballot and explained how to get it submitted in Missouri and all that. And because I went to the effort to make it easier for her, she was motivated to follow through, but I did have to lead her every step of the way.

Who Really Voted In 2016

The national story

Exit polls indicated that the voting electorate in 2016 was 71 percent white, 12 percent black, 11 percent Latino, and 7 percent Asian or other race. Compared to 2012, the share of white voters dropped by a percentage point, as did the share of black voters.4 The vote share of Latinos increased by a point and the vote share of Asians and all other racial minorities increased by 2 points.

Our estimates tell a significantly different story about the racial/ethnic distribution of voters. The most salient difference here is that the exit polls underestimated the share of white voters and overestimated the share of voters of color. Our estimate is that 73.7 percent of voters were white , 8.9 percent were Latino , and 5.5 percent were Asian or other race . However, our figures agree with the exit polls on the percent of black voters .

As for shifts from 2012, our data show that the white vote share declined by only 0.3 percentage points in 2016. We found that the black vote share declined by 1.1 points, which mirrors the exit poll results, while the Latino vote share increased by 0.9 points and the vote share of Asians or other races increased by 0.5 points. So, other than shifts in the black vote share, we generally found less change in the racial/ethnic structure of the voting electorate between the two elections.

The story in the states

Well start with the trio of Rust Belt statesMichigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsinthat were decisive to Trumps victory.

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Trump Cultivated The Latino Vote In Florida And It Paid Off

MIAMI From the time President Donald Trump took office, he focused on the Latino vote in Florida, and according to figures coming out of the state, it paid off on Election Day, especially in Miami-Dade County, the most populous in the state.

Around 55 percent of Florida’s Cuban-American vote went to Trump, according to NBC News exit polls, while 30 percent of Puerto Ricans and 48 percent of “other Latinos” backed Trump. Trump won the coveted battleground state with its 29 electoral votes.

Trump drastically improved his support in Miami-Dade County, going from 333,999 votes in 2016 to at least 529,16 votes this year. Biden, however, wasnt able to grow Democratic support in the county. Clinton got 624,146 votes there in 2016 and with 95 percent of the vote tallied, Biden had 613,086.

Trump’s popularity also seems to have affected down-ballot races, with two House Democrats from South Florida losing in early ballot returns to Republican challengers:Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, the first South American-born member of Congress, was trailing Carlos Gimenez, the Miami-Dade County mayor, and Rep. Donna Shalala was trailing TV host and commentator Maria Elvira Salazar.

Gsa Delays Certifying Biden As President

Democrats prepare for the vote on Trump’s impeachment

Although all major media outlets called the election for Biden on November 7, the head of the General Services Administration , Trump appointee Emily W. Murphy, refused for over two weeks to certify Biden as the president-elect. Without formal GSA certification or “ascertainment” of the winner of the election, the official transition process was delayed. On November 23, Murphy acknowledged Biden as the winner and said the Trump administration would begin the formal transition process. Trump said he had instructed his administration to “do what needs to be done” but did not concede, and indicated he intended to continue his fight to overturn the election results.

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Obama Has Put A Wedge Between The People Of This Country

The first woman president should have integrity and that historic moment should not be tainted by someone like Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump might not have political experience but I truly believe he has the American peoples interest at heart.

We need to bring jobs back to our country, make the economy stronger and hopefully unite all people. I feel Obama has put a wedge between the people of this country. We should be looked at as individual merits and not by the colour of our skin.

Trump wont take nonsense from anyone and he doesnt have any special interest he has to make happy. Hes for the people!

Arlene, New Jersey

A Conservative Supreme Court Does Worry Me

I am voting absentee in this election due to my military service outside of my state of residence. The election commission emailed my ballot to me a few days before Justice Ginsburg passed away. Id printed it and started filling it out, but it was still laying on the kitchen table when I received an alert on my phone with the news that she had passed. I was watching TV with my husband and paused the show. My immediate thought was this is not good, and I might need to reprint my ballot.

I love the United States because we do have a peaceful transfer of power between two different ideological points every four to eight years. A conservative Supreme Court threatens that balance. It means they could just overturn or overrule every idea coming out of the left, and I dont think their ideas are all bad. Throughout history, when one political party or person gets too much power, they dont make good decisions. To have a conservative majority on the court for the rest of my life could affect something that I care about deeply in the future. I dont even know what that is yet.

That said, there is definitely precedent for a sitting president to make a nomination in an election year, and even stronger precedent for a confirmation to take place when the presidents party also controls the Senate. I would have loved to see a more moderate nominee, but President Trump is going to nominate someone who will satisfy his base. Unfortunately, this has left us with Judge Amy Coney Barrett.

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Voting Methods In The 2020 Presidential Election

The 2020 election brought a huge change in howAmericans cast their ballots. As some states looked to adapt to challenges in administering elections amid the COVID-19 pandemic, large numbers of voters were offered expanded access to absentee and vote-by-mail options in the 2020 election. As a result, a record number of voters said they cast their ballots this way . And smaller shares of voters said they either voted in person on Election Day or in person before Election Day .

A majority of absentee voters said they had previously voted this way before the 2020 election . Still, a sizable share said the November election was the first time they had cast an absentee or mail ballot.

Sizable shares of voters across racial and ethnic subgroups cast absentee or mail-in ballots in the 2020 election though there are some differences in voting methods when comparing across groups. White voters were most likely to say they voted in person on Election Day . Comparably smaller shares of Black and Hispanic voters said the same.

Black voters were more likely than White or Hispanic voters to say they cast their ballot in person before Election Day .

Voters ages 65 and older stand out in their voting behavior: 55% say they voted absentee or by mail in the 2020 election 13 percentage points higher than the share of adults under 65 who cast a ballot by mail.

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