Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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When Can We Vote For Trump

We Are Getting Left Behind Because Of Immigrants

We asked people around the world if they would vote for Biden or Trump and why

He seems to have a head on his shoulders. He does know what he is talking about, she said. And he can make it better. I think he can.

Ridico said she was angry about what she perceives as undue resources and opportunities going toward immigrants.

Americans here, were going down, she said. We are getting left behind because of immigrants.

Ridico also supports a $15 minimum wage, universal health care and higher Social Security benefits, even as she acknowledged Trump might be against those ideas.

But he can make it better, she said. Hearin what he has to say at all hes real.

We Underestimated Trump Before It Didnt Go Well

Opinion Columnist

Sometimes, and much to our detriment, we find real events are simply too outlandish to take seriously.

Many professional Republicans, for example, initially dismissed the movement to Stop the Steal as a ridiculous stunt.

What is the downside for humoring him for this little bit of time? No one seriously thinks the results will change, an anonymous senior Republican official told The Washington Post a few days after Joe Biden claimed victory:

He went golfing this weekend. Its not like hes plotting how to prevent Joe Biden from taking power on Jan. 20. Hes tweeting about filing some lawsuits, those lawsuits will fail, then hell tweet some more about how the election was stolen, and then hell leave.

Republicans went ahead and humored the president, who then urged his followers to assault the Capitol and try to void the election results in his favor.

Now, 10 months after the election, Stop the Steal is something like party orthodoxy, ideological fuel for a national effort to seize control of election administration and to purge those officials who secured the vote over Donald Trumps demand to subvert it. Assuming that he is in good health, Trump will almost certainly run for president in 2024, and if he does, hell do so in a Republican Party pacified of any resistance to his will to power.

In short, there was no way the slaveholding South could sustain itself on its own.

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Grand Jury Convened In Criminal Investigation Of Trump

Only one president, Grover Cleveland, has ever lost a re-election bid and come back to reclaim the White House. In modern times, one-term presidents have worried more about rehabilitating their legacies by taking on nonpartisan causes Democrat Jimmy Carter by building housing for the poor and George H.W. Bush by raising money for disaster aid, for example than about trying to shape national elections. But Trump retains a hold on the Republican electorate that is hard to overstate, and he has no intention of relinquishing it.

“There’s a reason why they’re called ‘Trump voters,'” Miller said. “They either don’t normally vote or don’t normally vote for Republicans.”

Trump lost the popular vote by more than 7 million last year and the Electoral College by the same 306-232 result by which he had won four years earlier but he got more votes than any other Republican nominee in history. And it would have taken fewer than 44,000 votes, spread across swing states Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin, to reverse the outcome.

Republicans, including Trump allies, say it’s too early to know what he will do, or what the political landscape will look like, in four years. A busload of Republican hopefuls are taking similar strides to position themselves. They include former Vice President Mike Pence, who is speaking to New Hampshire Republicans on Thursday, an event that the Concord Monitor called the kickoff of the 2024 race.

That’s basically what Trump is doing.

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Why Biden Has Taken Up Vaccine Mandates And The Political Fight Over Them

Then she added that there’s just an overall unease that’s troubling. “It’s just kind of, like, not really trusting what to expect,” she said.

As for Biden, she said, “I just put him at, like, the average. He hasn’t done anything great. And outside of Afghanistan, nothing awful.” But she was clearly hoping for better.

Terrifying For American Democracy: Is Trump Planning For A 2024 Coup

Can you be a feminist and vote for Donald Trump? Yes, you ...

Republicans are vying for critical positions in many states from which they could launch a far more effective power-grab than Trumps 2020 effort

At 1.35pm on 6 January, the top Republican in the US Senate, Mitch McConnell, stood before his party and delivered a dire warning.

If they overruled the will of 81 million voters by blocking Joe Bidens certification as president in a bid to snatch re-election for the defeated candidate, Donald Trump, it would damage our Republic forever.

Five minutes before he started speaking, hundreds of Trump supporters incited by the then presidents false claim that the 2020 election had been stolen broke through Capitol police lines and were storming the building. McConnells next remark has been forgotten in the catastrophe that followed the inner sanctums of Americas democracy defiled, five people dead, and 138 police officers injured.

He said: If this election were overturned by mere allegations from the losing side, our democracy would enter a death spiral. Wed never see the whole nation accept an election again. Every four years would be a scramble for power at any cost.

Eleven months on, McConnells words sound eerily portentous. What could be construed as an anti-democratic scramble for power at any cost is taking place right now in jurisdictions across the country.

The idea of the stolen election continues to spread like an airborne contagion.

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America Is Not Ready For Trumps Second Term

And he could win, fair and square.

About the author: David A. Graham is a staff writer at The Atlantic.

The United States was unprepared for the scope of President Donald Trumps attempt to steal the 2020 presidential election. By Election Day, Trump had spent months calling the election rigged, and historians and democracy experts warned of the damage that these false claims could make. But when the president stepped to a lectern in the White House late on Election Night and insisted hed won, many Americans were taken aback. Much worse was still to come: Trump calling Georgias secretary of state, asking him to find 11,000 votes attempting to weaponize the Justice Department and instigating the failed January 6 insurrection.

Americans are ready now. If anything, theyre overprepared. Many members of the uneasy coalition of Democrats and former Republicans who oppose Trump are frantically focused on the danger of Trump and his GOP allies trying to steal the 2022 and especially 2024 elections. This is not without justification many of Trumps henchmen, meanwhile, are frantically focused on stealing it. But these watchdogs risk missing the graver danger: Trump could win this fair and square.

The possibility remains that they might try everything else and then opt for the wrong thing after all.

It’s Like Where Do We Go

These swing voters readily say that their frustrations with both a Republican Party in Trump’s grasp and with Biden leave them feeling a bit lost politically.

Georgia resident Xaveria asked a simple question: “It’s like, where do we go?”

These voter discussions were part of a series of focus groups that have been organized by longtime political strategist Sarah Longwell, the publisher of The Bulwark website who herself is a Republican who’s worked to defeat Trump.

She hears voters like Xaveria and Christine and says they reject Trump and GOP candidates trying to be “Trumpy” themselves. She says such voters are open to voting for Democrats, but the party also needs to nominate more moderate candidates to make these voters feel welcome there.

These moderate-to-conservative voters “are very clear that they feel politically unmoored, politically homeless,” Longwell said in an interview.

“I really view these voters as up for grabs in 2022 and 2024,” she said. But Longwell says it matters who the candidates are and how the parties see themselves.

And Longwell says it makes such voters worth watching. It also makes them potentially pivotal. “Right now, people who are willing to change their vote from one party to another really hold the keys to political power,” she said.

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Attempts To Delay Or Deny Election Results

Republican reactions to Donald Trump’s claims of 2020 election fraudTexas v. Pennsylvaniaamicus curiae

In November, Trump focused his efforts on trying to delay vote certifications at the county and state level. On December 2, Trump posted a 46-minute video to his social media in which he repeated his baseless claims that the election was “rigged” and fraudulent and called for either the state legislatures or the courts to overturn the results of the election and allow him to stay in office. He continued to apply pressure to elected Republicans in Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania in an unprecedented attempt to overturn the election result. Some commentators have characterized Trump’s actions as an attempted coup d’état or self-coup.

On December 15, the day after the electoral college vote, Republican Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell, who was previously among those who would not recognize the election results, publicly accepted Biden’s win, saying “Today, I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden.”

In a December 21 news conference, outgoing Attorney General William Barr disavowed several actions reportedly being considered by Trump, including seizing voting machines, appointing a special counsel to investigate voter fraud, and appointing one to investigate Hunter Biden.

Judge Stomps Out Trump Big Lie Case In Georgia Triggers Trump Tantrum

‘We can’t have an election stolen like this, Trump says in unsubstantiated claims

Trump is implying he could encourage an election boycott if hes displeased with Republican allegiance to his 2020 position and that could wreak havoc on the GOPs election prospects.

Its already evident that Trump is capable of dramatically reshaping voter behavior. His constant disinformation about unreliability of mail-in ballots caused a huge partisan gap in mail-in ballots vs. in-person voting, sometimes reversing historical trends. Furthermore, some political analysts believe that Trumps constant messaging in the wake of 2020 voting about the election being rigged may have contributed to the loss of both Republican incumbents in Georgias senate runoff races in January by causing Republicans to grow mistrustful of the electoral system or implying voting was pointless.

In the short term, Trump likely sees this threat as a way to extract even greater obedience from the GOP establishment and potentially ward off 2024 challengers. But it’s a shortsighted approach, to put it lightly.

Should Trump choose to engage in months or years of threatening a boycott, he could indeed persuade some of his base to check out of electoral politics altogether and spend their political energy in other arenas . And even if Trump were to backtrack eventually, he might not be able to reverse all the damage hes caused.

If Trumps threat is a one-off, its of little consequence. But if hes foreshadowing a future strategy, the Republican Party could suffer a devastating blow from within.

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Why Im Voting For Donald Trump

I voted for Barack Obama twice, then reluctantly for Trump. This time Im more convinced hes the right choice. Heres why.

From openDemocracys Editor in Chief: I first met Craig in South Carolina in 2006. He was the anonymous John in a story I wrote aboutdiscrimination against LGBT people in the US army and wider American society that year. In 2016, he explained to me why he’d decided vote for Donald Trump last month, he told me he was voting for him again.

Since this article was posted, however, Craig has changed his mind. His reason are laid out at the end of this piece.

Original article: 1.10.2020

The 2020 election is a bit of a joke. Four years ago, I voted for Donald Trump because I thought he was the least bad option. This time round, I feel differently.

At first, I felt pretty good about Joe Biden. I voted for Barack Obama twice and thought his former vice president was one of the stronger Democrat contenders. But as time has worn on, Ive lost faith in him.

When we got the news of the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, I seriously considered changing my vote to the Democrats, or not voting at all. In the days after the news, I really questioned how I could sit right with my actions. But as things stand now, Donald Trump will be getting my vote.

If Not Trump Or Clinton Then What

Clinton at a South Carolina campaign event in 2008.

What remains for conservative evangelicals to do? A subset of evangelicals believes it would be wiser to vote for Hillary Clinton because a Trump presidency would be far too damaging to our nation and the safety of minorities.

But most conservative evangelicals cannot in good conscience vote for Clinton, and voting for Trump is harmful for our country, conservatism, and our witness to the world so we must choose to either support a third-party candidate or abstain from voting for president.

So far, the closest we’ve come to a conservative third-party candidate has been David French, whom Bill Kristol asked to run. But on Sunday night the National Review writer and attorney announced that he was unwilling to take on the task, believing that he simply was not a strong enough candidate. He lacked the capital and name recognition.

And while I was ready to support a run by French, many of his views on race and the culture wars would have made him a weak candidate to draw supporters from the dissatisfied right and left.

I had heard several minority evangelicals express dissatisfaction over French because of his treatment of issues of race in his National Review column. But since French is an honest and intelligent man, I believe he could have moderated on those critical issues. As it is, he has left us with yet another call for a third-party candidate:

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The Frank Rizzo Republicans

James Wolfinger, an historian at DePaul University in Chicago and author of Philadelphia Divided: Race and Politics in the City of Brotherly Love, called the area canvassed by HuffPost Frank Rizzo territory, after the citys larger-than-life Democratic mayor in the 1970s.

Rizzo represented a kind of white, culturally conservative brand of Democratic voter that is still common in Philadelphia, but may no longer vote for Democrats at the national level.

There is probably a lot of social conservatism going on in terms of patriotism, but also nationalism and xenophobia about people taking jobs, Wolfinger said. Wolfinger speculated that could explain why Trumps candidacy has gained some traction there.

In fact, many residents of the neighborhood have long since stopped voting for Democratic presidential candidates. Some of the streets we walked on were in Ward 26, where Obama won just 52 percent of the vote in 2012 his lowest margin in any of the citys 66 wards.

Bob Danzi, a retiree and Trump voter, said he used to be a Democrat, but could not remember the last time he voted for a Democratic presidential candidate.

He supports raising the minimum wage and expanding Social Security, both Democratic positions, but he believes Trump means well and make a good president.

Hes forward and tells it like it is, Danzi added.

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