Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Has Trump’s Approval Rating Gone Up

Biden Campaign Launches New Video Attacking Trump On Coronavirus Response

President Donald Trump sees bump in approval ratings as coronavirus concerns fall: CNBC poll

Mike Memoli and Marianna Sotomayor

WASHINGTON Former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign is mounting a new offensive against President Trump and his allies over the administration’s response to the coronavirus. The new digital campaign argues that Trump was more worried about protecting his trade deal with China than he was about the virus that had already come to America.”

In a new digital video, first shown to NBC News, Biden says, “The uncomfortable truth is that this president left America exposed and vulnerable to this pandemic. He ignored the warnings of health experts and intelligence agencies, and put his trust in Chinas leaders instead. And now, we’re all paying the price, Biden says in a new digital video first previewed to NBC News.

Biden also points Trump ending the Obama administration’s “PREDICT” program and reducing the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention’s footprint in China as two specific actions that left the U.S. less ready both to identify the health crisis at an early stage, and address it once it had spread.

When the coronavirus started to spread, the CDC wanted to get into China to get information that could save American lives. China said no. And President Trump refused to insist on access, Biden said.

New Planned Parenthood Ad Campaign Seeks To Show Coronavirus Abortion Access Impact

Ali Vitali

WASHINGTON Planned Parenthood Action Fund is launching an accountability campaign across eleven states, highlighting efforts to roll back, or expand, Americans access to reproductive healthcare during the coronavirus pandemic.

The $5 million buy, reported first by NBC News, includes digital, radio, mailers, and online organizing events in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. Almost all of these states are battlegrounds in the coming November election. Some of the ads laud politicians for the work theyve done others urge voters to call their representatives to push back.

The awareness project is the first of several steps Planned Parenthoods advocacy and political arms will undertake in the next several months, Rachel Sussman, Vice President of State Policy and Advocacy for Planned Parenthood Action Fund, told NBC News, calling it a starting point to help connect the dots for people about actions taken in their states during the pandemic.

Since the onset of the novel coronavirus pandemic, blue and red states have, unsurprisingly, responded to questions of reproductive health access in non-uniform fashion.

Other states have tried to legislate around reproductive issues during the pandemic, something PPAF and their state partners are seeking to highlight in the campaign.

Democratic Super Pac Wades Into New Mexico Gop Primary

Liz Brown-Kaiser

WASHINGTON A Democratic super PAC is inserting itself into a contentious GOP primary in New Mexico, spending so much that its set to be the top TV ad spender in the races final week.

Patriot Majority PAC has booked $150,055 worth of ads set to hit the television airwaves between Tuesday and next weeks in New Mexicos second House District, according to ad-tracking firm Advertising Analytics.

A recent ad from the group depicts former state legislator Yvette Herrell as loyal to President Trump and criticizes her GOP rival, oil executive Claire Chase, for once labeling the president unworthy of the office.

She’s 100 percent loyal to Trump, backed by 11 pro-gun sheriffs and Cowboys for Trump, and she’s even for Trump’s border wall, a narrator says of Herrell, ticking through some popular characteristics among Republican voters.

The spot has come under fire from some Republicans, including Chase, who suggested in a letter issued Sunday that the Democratic group is attempting to boost the GOP candidate they view as weaker against Democratic incumbent Rep. Xochitl Torres Small, who flipped the seat as part of the 2018 blue wave. Torres Small narrowly defeated Herrell that year.

The group has a history of meddling in GOP primaries to support candidates they view as less electable in general elections, the letter reads, according to the Associated Press.

Herrell denied the accusations and stressed that shed stay in the race.

Ben Kamisar contributed.

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New Biden Digital Ad Compares Trump To A ‘deer In The Headlights’ On Coronavirus

Joe Biden’s presidential campaign Friday launched a new digital ad charging that President Donald Trump has reacted to the coronavirus pandemic like a deer in the headlights” and has been “too scared to act, too panicked to tell the truth, too weak to lead.”

The one-minute ad, targeted to voters living in key battleground states, blasts Trump’s reaction to the pandemic since its onset, charging that the president was unprepared, indecisive, frozen in place and paralyzed by fear to act against the Chinese government and risk ongoing trade deal negotiations.

Panicked at the thought of what a stock market collapse could mean to his re-election, he failed to act and the virus got out of control and shut down the nation and crushed the economy, the narrator says as images of frontline workers and Americans in masks waiting to get tested flash on the screen.

The ad will play across key battleground states including Arizona, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

This is the third consecutive digital ad in which the Biden campaign has honed in on Trumps handling of the coronavirus pandemic, a message senior campaign aides announced last week is one of the defining pillars of their general election strategy.

Trump Leaves On A Personal Low Note

Expect Trumps approval to rise, then fall

The 34% job approval rating for Trump in Gallup’s Jan. 4-15 poll is one point lower than his prior lowest single rating, registered on several occasions in late 2017. The first of these came in August 2017, as Trump was facing intense criticism over his unvarnished threats against North Korean aggression and his response to deadly violence by a white nationalist at a protest in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Between October and December of that year, his approval fell to 35% on three separate occasions as Justice Department officials charged several of Trump’s 2016 campaign figures with crimes in the Russia investigation, including former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to officials in the investigation in December 2017.

His support fell below 40% in two June 2020 polls amid racial justice protests in response to the death of George Floyd at the hands of police and growing displeasure with his handling of the pandemic. By the time of the 2020 election in which he sought a second term, his support had recovered somewhat, and 46% approved of the job Trump was doing.

Trump is the only president not to register a 50% job approval rating at any point in his presidency since Gallup began measuring presidential job approval in 1938. Likewise, he is the only president who did not have a honeymoon period of above-average ratings upon taking office. His initial 45% job approval rating proved to be his high point for his first year as president.

Also Check: Trumps Lies To Date

Yes This Is Really Happening: Trumps Poll Numbers Are Going Up

In the fantastic sci-fi action film The Matrix, one of the key scenes involves Morpheus, a mysterious mentor figure, showing a young man named Neo what the Matrix really is.

Rumors abound regarding this mysterious and important Matrix, and Neo has been obsessively trying to discover the secret for some time. Now, having accepted the red pill from Morpheus and the two of them having gone into a sleep state to enter a computer simulation mimicking reality, he is ready to learn the true nature of the Matrix at last!

What Neo is then shown by Morpheus is so horrifying that his mind cannot take it. To be brief, what Neo is shocked to learn, is that much of the human race lives in a fake computer simulated world as their bodies have been turned into batteries to run the machines holding them captive.

Neo violently rejects what Morpheus has shown him, demanding to be let out of the computer simulation and back into the real world, where he quickly vomits and passes out.

Right now, as the leaders of the Democratic Party and the DNC Media Complex stare in disbelieving horror at President Donald J. Trumps rising poll numbers, they are coming to understand what Neo felt in that terrifying moment he was confronted with the awful truth.

Yes, as incredible as this news might seem to some people, Trumps approval rating is ticking upwards in the month of May.

I suspect theyre telling themselves the same things repeatedly.

But it is real. And it is happening.

Gop Super Pac Releases New Ads Targeting Biden On China

WASHINGTON Allies of President Trump are finally responding to Democratic super PAC ads criticizing the president’s coronavirus response with a new set of ads attacking former Vice President Joe Biden.

As part of its multi-million ad buy in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the pro-Trump super PAC, America First Action, has released two new TV ads attacking comments Biden has made about China, according to Advertising Analytics.

One of the ads, entitled “Bad Folks”, focuses on Biden saying China is “not bad folks” and then flashes to Biden and China’s President Xi Jinping together when Biden was vice president. Biden has mentioned on several occasions throughout the campaign that he got to know Xi during his time in the White House when former President Barack Obama sent Biden to China to meet with Xi.

The second ad, “40 Years”, also paints Biden as sympathetic toward China. The ad points to a 2011 speech in which Biden said that “a rising China is a positive development”. The ad also says that Biden wrongfully admonished Trump’s decision to stop travel from China to the U.S. due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Of course, though, these ads left unsaid the president’s own positive words about China especially during the pandemic. On a tweet on Jan. 24, Trump tweeted his thanks to Xi for his “efforts and transparency.”

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They Wrote A Different Script For 2020

The political elites had set the script 2020 was **supposed** to follow months ago.

The Ukraine impeachment farce was supposed to have weakened this President and made him extremely vulnerable. Then a black swan event of a worldwide pandemic unleashed on the world by China caused a massive crisis.

Democrats and their media allies ruthlessly and blatantly used the pandemic to attack Trump from every direction as he sought to guide the country through an unprecedented national emergency.

You must understand: Trump is supposed to have been destroyed by now, his chances at reelection forever lost.

Hes supposed to have approval numbers in the high 20s at best, an increasingly unpopular President under siege, despised and loathed from sea to shining sea.

After impeachment fizzled, the combined might and influence of the top Democrats in Congress, the news media, Hollywood, academia, it was allfocused and centered like a laser for one purpose: keep Donald Trump from being reelected.

This is THE most important script the supposedly powerful American Left had ever written. So much is riding on it being followed to the letter. And the pandemic gave them an important chapter in that script, one they labored to take full and complete advantage of when it came to destroying one Donald John Trump.

To put in the parlance of contemporary pop culture, as Austin Powers lamented in the film The Spy Who Shagged Me, theyve lost their mojo.

Trump Campaign Demands Sessions Stop Tying His Senate Campaign To The President

Biden’s Covid, economy approval ratings take another hit: CNBC All-America Economic Survey

Monica Alba

WASHINGTON President Trumps re-election campaign sent a scathing letter to former Attorney General Jeff Sessions this week, calling him delusional for tying himself to the president in his current Senate campaign and demanding it stop circulating any mailers that imply Trump supports his bid.

We only assume your campaign is doing this to confuse President Trumps loyal supporters in Alabama into believing the President supports your candidacy in the upcoming primary run-off election. Nothing could be further from the truth, wrote Trump campaign chief operating officer Michael Glassner in a letter obtained by NBC News.

The New York Times first reported on the letter.

Trump endorsed former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville, Sessions primary opponent, last month after the two men advanced to a runoff. Aides close to the president had tried to get him to hold off on slamming Sessions until after the primary, which Trump did, until the morning after.

Tommy Tuberville is running for the U.S. Senate from the Great State of Alabama. Tommy was a terrific head football coach at Auburn University. He is a REAL LEADER who will never let MAGA/KAG, or our Country, down! Tommy will protect your Second Amendment….

Donald J. Trump

The president famously told “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd that the single biggest mistake of his administration was appointing Sessions as attorney general and wishes he would have made that decision differently.

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Sanders’ Bid To Collect Delegates Takes Blow As New York Cancels Its Democratic Presidential Primary

Gary Grumbach

The New York State Board of Elections is removing Vermont Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders’ name from its June presidential primary ballot in a decision that effectively cancels the contest over protests from Sanders, whose campaign argued it should be able to stay on the ballot and accumulate delegates despite his recent decision to drop out and endorse former Vice President Joe Biden.

While Sanders suspended his campaign on April 8, Sanders’ campaign lawyers sent a letter, obtained by NBC News, to the state board this past weekend asking the party to keep his name on the state’s primary ballot.

In the letter, the Sanders legal team’s argued that the move only amounted to a “limited suspension of his presidential campaign” because he “intended to remain on the ballot in upcoming primaries, gather delegates, and attend the Democratic National Convention, with an eye to influencing the party’s platform.”

The campaign’s lawyers had been specifically concerned about a new provision of New York’s election law, enacted five days after Sanders dropped out, which gives the state election board the power to omit a candidate who has dropped out of a race from the ballot.

His removal from the ballot would hamper those efforts, to the detriment of the party in the general election.

But ultimately, the state board disagreed and canceled the presidential primary. But other down ballot primaries will still go on as scheduled.

Ben Kamisar contributed

Democratic Super Pac Priorities Usa Says It’s On Track To Spend More Than $200 Million In 2020

Mike Memoli

WASHINGTON Priorities USA, one of the chief outside groups working to boost Democrats hopes for recapturing the White House this November, says it is on pace to exceed its $200 million budget for the 2020 cycle and is putting that cash to use with a new set of ads blasting President Trump for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The super PAC said Tuesday it has obtained commitments for more than $25 million since April on top of the $126 million it already raised for November, with the pace of fundraising picking up in May. Priorities says it is already outspending the Trump campaign online and on air in targeted battlegrounds, and will look to expand its role to go toe-to-toe with the Trump disinformation machine.

“Donald Trump and his allies have started advertising in battleground states and it’s imperative that Priorities gives Joe Biden the air cover he needs as he builds his general election campaign,” Guy Cecil, Chairman of Priorities USA, said in a statement to NBC News. “This election is going to be very close and this early period will be key to a Biden victory.

While another pro-Biden super PAC, Unite The Country, has turned toward positive advertising promoting Bidens middle class message, Priorities newest ad continues its focus on countering the president, accusing him of failing America.”

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