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How To Contact President Donald Trump

How Can One Contact Donald Trump

US President Donald Trump to address US House | WION News | World News

With social media and public appearances, especially in New York, Donald Trump has always made himself accessible to the public. As President, however, there are fewer ways to contact him.

Contacting Donald Trump Through the Official Site

As President of the United States, there are a few ways in which a citizen can leave feedback for him. The first step is to contact the White House directly via the official White House website at . Users can then navigate to the Contact page, where they can leave a message. There are two types of messages that can be selected. Users can contact the President directly or choose a different type if they need help with a federal agency. Users are then asked to leave their name, address and means of contact for response.

In lieu of leaving a web message for the White House, those who wish to contact Donald Trump or the White House may do so by calling or writing a letter. There are two separate numbers via which callers can “Call the President.” To simply leave comments, callers can dial 202-456-1111. To reach the White House switchboard directly, users can call 202-456-1414. Those who require a TTY/TTD line can call 202-456-6213 to leave comments, or dial 202-456-2121 to reach the visitor’s office. To send a letter, write to: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C., 20500.

Getting a White House Letter Read

President Trump Is On The Net Again

President Trump has released a new media site that allows people to follow the President. American Military Times reports:

Former President Donald Trump launched his own communications platform Tuesday, allowing him to communicate directly with his followers through comments, images and videos months after being banned from social media sites like Twitter and Facebook.

The platform, From the Desk of Donald J. Trump can be found at

The platform allows followers to share his posts to social media sites, but does not include a feature to let users reply or engage with Trumps posts directly.

Heres a promo of the site:

Zachery Henry May 4, 2021

Its a shame we have such corrupt individuals in our media and Big Tech.

Who Should I Contact If Iam Interested In President Donald Trumps Official Records

President Donald J. Trumps Presidential records arehoused at National Archives facilities in the National Capital Region. Theserecords are governed by the PresidentialRecords Act and will be available,subject to provisions of the Freedom ofInformation Act, beginning January 20,2026.

For more information on the records of President DonaldJ. Trump please contact:

National Archives and Records AdministrationArchival Operations Division – Trump Presidential Library700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room G-7Washington, DC 20408-0001Email: [email protected]

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Sending A Letter By Regular Mail

  • 1Write the letter respectfully. Regardless of your sentiments toward the President, or whether you’re condemning or praising POTUS, remember that you’re writing to the leader of the United States. Write an honest but respectful letter, stating your thoughts clearly and reasonably. Don’t include any threatsovert or otherwise.
  • 2Format the letter according to White House rules. The White House requests that you either type your letter on an 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of paper, or if you hand-write it, that you use ink and your most legible handwriting. Format it as you would a business letter, or any formal communication:XTrustworthy SourceThe White HouseOfficial website for the Executive Branch of the U.S. governmentGo to source
  • Put your name and address, including your email address, at the top right corner of the letter, with the date written out below that.
  • Use a formal salutation, such as, Dear Mr. President,
  • Close with a formal salutation, such as, Most Respectfully,
  • Print and sign your name.
  • 3Prepare the envelope. Fold your letter and insert it into the envelope. Add your return address to the top left corner of the envelope. Add a stamp to the top right corner of the envelope. Address the envelope to:XTrustworthy SourceThe White HouseOfficial website for the Executive Branch of the U.S. governmentGo to source
  • The White House
  • Politika Ta ‘separazzjoni Tal

    Trumps Address Receives Mixed Reviews From Connecticut ...

    Bala parti minn tentattivi biex tissiilla l-fruntiera ta l-Istati Uniti mal-Messiku, l-amministrazzjoni ta Trump fl-2018 bdiet issegwi politika ta tolleranza ero biex tipproedi kontra kull min jinstab li qasam il-fruntiera illegalment. Billi t-tfal legalment ma tallewx jinammu mal-enituri taghom, dan kien ifisser li kellhom jinammu separatament bala kaijiet tal-familja midruba permezz tal-qrati tal-immigrazzjoni.

    Irriulta furur wara li aru rapporti li kwai 2,000 tifel u tifla kienu sseparati mill-enituri taghom fuq perjodu ta sitt imgat li ntemm fMejju 2018, aggravati minn ritratti ta tfal gar jibku fil-gae. Il-President Trump inizjalment iddevja t-tort gas-sitwazzjoni, u insista li rriulta mill-isforzi tal-predeessuri u l-avversarji politii. “Id-Demokratii qed jisfurzaw it-tifrik tal-familji fil-Fruntiera bl-aenda leilattiva orribbli u krudili taghom,” huwa tweeted.

    Il-president fl-aar mill-aar eda gall-pressjoni mill-PR aina, u fl-20 ta ‘unju ffirma ordni eekuttiva li ordnat lid-Dipartiment tas-Sigurtà Interna biex iomm il-familji flimkien.

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    Donald Trump Fuq Guns

    L-isparatura ta San Valentinu 2018 fl-Iskola Sekondarja Marjory Stoneman Douglas fParkland, Florida, li alliet total ta 17-il student u fakultà mejta, qanqlet reazzjoni qawwija mill-President Trump.

    Huwa ordna lid-Dipartiment tal-ustizzja joro regolamenti li jipprojbixxu l-istokks tal-otob, u ssuerixxa li kien lest li jikkunsidra firxa ta ‘miuri, mit-tisi tal-kontrolli tal-isfond sat-tgollija tal-età minima gax-xiri ta’ xkubetti. Huwa appoja wkoll proposta maddma mill-NRA gall-armar tal-galliema, li ibdet reazzjoni minn afna fil-professjoni.

    Il-president baqa investit fil-kwistjoni anke hekk kif i-iklu tas-soltu ta gajb beda jonqos: Flaqga televiiva tat-28 ta Frar mal-leilaturi, huwa talab gal leilazzjoni dwar il-kontroll tal-armi li jespandu l-ispezzjonijiet tal-isfond gal wirjiet tal-armi u transazzjonijiet bl-internet, jiggarantixxu skejjel u jirrestrinu l-bejg gal xi adulti gaag.

    Fin partikolari sejja lis-Senatur ta Pennsylvania Pat Toomey talli bea mill-NRA, u fieor issuerixxa li l-awtoritajiet gandhom jatfu l-armi tan-nar minn morda mentalment jew persuni potenzjalment perikolui ora mingajr ma l-ewwel imorru l-qorti. “Jien inobb nieu l-armi kmieni,” huwa qal. “u l-armi tan-nar l-ewwel, gaddi l-proess dovut it-tieni.”

    Abbozz Ta Lii Dwar Il

    Wada mill-ewwel ordnijiet eekuttivi tal-President Trump fil-kariga kienet li ssejja lill-aenziji federali biex “jirrinunzjaw, jiddiferixxu, jagtu eenzjonijiet minn, jew jittardjaw” aspetti ta ‘l-Att dwar il-Kura Affordabbli biex jimminimizzaw il-pi finanzjarju fuq stati, assiguraturi u individwi.

    Fis-7 ta ‘Marzu 2017, ir-Repubblikani tal-Kamra, immexxija mill-Ispeaker Paul Ryan, introduew l-Att dwar il-Kura tas-Saa Amerikana, pjan biex iassar u jissostitwixxi l-Att dwar il-Kura Affordabbli . Madankollu, l-abbozz kontroversjali fl-aar mill-aar ma kellux biejjed voti Repubblikani u ie rtirat ftit imgat wara, li jirrappreenta daqqa ta arta leilattiva kbira gall-Ispeaker Ryan u l-President Trump.

    Wara negozjati intensi fost il-fazzjonijiet tal-partiti, pjan did ta ‘kura tas-saa Repubblikana tressaq gal vot fil-Kamra tad-Deputati fl-4 ta’ Mejju 2017, u gadda b’marni rqiq ta ‘217 gal 213. Dak gadda l-flus lis-Senat.

    F’Settembru, abbozz ta ‘lii did biex iassar l-Att dwar il-Kura li Jintlaaq il-las jitressaq mis-Senatur Lindsey Graham ta’ South Carolina u s-Senatur Bill Cassidy ta ‘Louisiana. Madankollu, fis-26 ta ‘Settembru, ir-repubblikani tas-Senat abbru li mhux se jimxu’ l quddiem bil-pjan attwali, peress li ma kinux fil-qosor mill-voti metiea. “Ana diappuntati b’erti hekk imseja Repubblikani,” wieeb Trump.

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    Who Should I Contact If Iam Interested In Vice President Mike Pences Official Records

    Vice President Mike Pences Vice Presidential records arehoused at National Archives facilities in the National Capital Region. Theserecords are governed by the PresidentialRecords Act and will be available,subject to provisions of the Freedom ofInformation Act, beginning January 20,2026.

    For more information on the records of Vice PresidentPence please contact:

    National Archives and Records AdministrationArchival Operations Division – Vice Presidential Collections700 Pennsylvania Avenue, Room G-7Washington, DC 20408

    Former Donald Trump Contact Information

    Former US President Donald Trump to address a summit in Florida | World News | WION

    c/o The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500 c/o Trump Plaza, 167 E 61st St #32-C, New York, NY 10065 c/o Trump International Hotel & Tower, 1 Central Park W, New York, NY 10023 c/o Trump Park Ave, 502 Park Ave #PH24 & #PH31-32, New York, NY 10022 c/o Trump World Tower, 845 United Nations Plz, New York, NY 10017 c/o Trump Parc East, 100 Central Park S, New York, NY 10019 c/o Trump International Hotel Las Vegas, 2000 Fashion Show Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89109 c/o Trump International Hotel & Tower, 401 N Wabash Ave, Chicago, IL 60611 c/o Michael Cohen, Michael Cohen Esq, #10A, New York, NY 10022 c/o Trump Mortgage/Trump University, 40 Wall St, New York, NY 10005 c/o Trump Drinks Israel/Trump University, 60 Greentree Dr #101, Dover, DE 19904 c/o Ari Emanuel, WME|IMG Agency, 9601 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 c/o Creative Artists Agency, 2000 Ave Of The Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067 1290 6th Ave, New York, NY 10104 555 California St, San Francisco, CA 94104 315 Montgomery St, San Francisco, CA 94104 2611 W 2nd St, Brooklyn, NY 11223 4049 Sansom St, Philadelphia, PA 19104 100 Central Park S #3C New York, NY 10019 6500 Okeechobee Blvd, W Palm Beach, FL 33411 38 Malpass Rd, Albany, NY 12203 515 N County Rd, Palm Beach, FL 33480 21 Vista Dr, Greenwich, CT 06830 806 N Rodeo Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 85-15 Wareham Pl, Jamaica Estates, NY 11432

    Get more Donald Trump contact information using our online database.

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    Donald Trump Opens The Office Of The Former President In Palm Beach Florida

    Donald Trump has opened the Office of the Former President in his new base of Florida, to “carry on the agenda of the Trump administration”.

    The statement says Mr Trump plans to do this through “advocacy, organising and public activism” but does not elaborate further.

    “President Trump will always and forever be a champion for the American People,” the statement adds.

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    Are The Donald J Trumppresidential Records Available For Research

    The Donald J. Trump Presidential records are governed bythe PresidentialRecords Act . Under the provisionsof the PRA, Trump Presidential records are not available to public accessrequests for the first five years after the end of the Administration. Trump Presidential records will become subject to Freedom of Information Act requests on January 20, 2026.

    Contact The White House By Phone

    Contact Donald Trump (2021) [Email, Address, Agent ...

    If you wish to call the President, or the White House, use the following phone numbers:

    • For general comments, call 202-456-1111
    • To reach the switchboard, call 202-456-1414
    • For TTY/TTD, use Comments: 202-456-6213 or the Visitors Office: 202-456-2121

    Lets face it, it is highly unlikely that you will get to speak with any sitting POTUS directly on the phone.

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    Donald Trump Suggests He Might Be Reinstated Due To ‘tremendous’ Voter Fraud

    Former President Donald Trump has suggested he could be inexplicably reinstated as president due to “tremendous voter fraud.”

    In remarks to conservative media network Real America’s Voice, Trump seemingly indicated that baseless conspiracy theories that claim he will quickly regain the presidency if it were a possibility. Host Gina Loudon, who has also served as co-chair of the group Women for Trump, asked the former president when the country would “get President Trump back” at his rally in Perry, Georgia on Saturday.

    “Well we’re going to see,” Trump replied. “There’s been tremendous voter fraud. And it’s being revealed on a daily basis and we’ll see what happens.”

    Newsweek reached out to the office of Trump for comment.

    No credible evidence of substantial voter fraud has been uncovered in the more than 10 months since Trump lost the 2020 presidential election to President Joe Biden, while the election results have long since been certified and finalized. Trump has continued to fight the outcome despite there being no legal pathway for him to be declared the winner or return to office without winning another election.

    “I think you’re going to be incredibly impressed by what’s happening and I think maybe by the next election,” said Trump, who has repeatedly hinted that he will be a 2024 candidate without making a firm commitment to run.

    Trump Launches Official Website For Post

    Donald Trump is back online but not yet back on social media.

    The former president launched an official website,, for his post-presidency office on Monday. The website allows the public to submit messages, scheduling requests and press inquiries to Trump and former first lady Melania Trump.

    Trump also says hell be back on social media, this time on his own platform, in the next few months.

    Trump has been off Twitter since January, when the social media giant suspended his account after his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol in a riot that resulted in five deaths. His Facebook and Instagram accounts were also suspended.

    Also on Monday, Trump blasted two of his most prominent coronavirus advisers. He called Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx two self-promoters trying to reinvent history.

    In a statement Monday night, Trump called Fauci the king of flip-flops and accused Fauci of moving the goalposts to make himself look as good as possible. Fauci is the chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden.

    Birx managed the Trump administrations response to the pandemic. In the statement, he called her a proven liar with very little credibility left.

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    Former President Donald Trump Launches New Website

    Former President Donald Trump launched his new website called 45 Office Monday

    Former President Donald Trump launched his new website called 45 Office Monday.

    The announcement said:

    President Donald J. Trump and Mrs. Melania Trump have announced the launch of The official website of the 45th President of the United States will allow individuals to submit correspondence, scheduling requests, and press inquiries for President and Mrs. Trump.

    President and Mrs. Trump are continually strengthened by the enduring spirit of the American people, and they look forward to staying in touch.

    From the website: the Office of Donald J. Trump is committed to preserving the magnificent legacy of the Trump Administration, while at the same time advancing the America First agenda. Through civic engagement and public activism, the Office of Donald J. Trump will strive to inform, educate, and inspire Americans from all walks of life as we seek to build a truly great American Future. Through this office, President Trump will remain a tireless champion for the hardworking men and women of our great country and for their right to live in safety, dignity, prosperity, and peace.

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