Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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How Does Donald Trump Feel About Healthcare

Set Aside Pandemic Response Plans Prepared By Bush And Obama

Do you think President Trump put public health first? Hear former health officials response

The plan was passed on to Donald Trump’s incoming administration. The office was shut down in 2018 by Pres. Donald Trump, who disbanded the pandemic response team.

On Jan. 28, 2020, Carter Mecher, Senior Medical Advisor for the Department ofVeterans Affairs, warned others that, “Any way you cut it, this is going to be bad.” Mecher was one of the medical advisers who, in 2006, had conceived for George W. Bush a pandemic response strategy of “social distancing.”He started to push for immediate social distancing. Ignoring that and other scientists’ requests or emphasis on testing, Trump and his administration decided the best strategy would be to keep infected people in China.

Body Language Expert Reveals How Donald Trump Really Feels About The Upcoming Presidential Debates

The upcoming presidential debates could be a make-or-break moment for President Donald Trump, who is behind in the polls and has said going toe-to-toe with challenger Joe Biden will expose that the former VP has mental impairment that would make him ill-suited for the most important public service office in our country .

So how confident is Trump that he will emerge the victor? In an exclusive interview with The List, body language expert Dr. Renée Carr, a psychologist, as well as a political and corporate advisor, pointed to some subtle body language cues that potentially reveal how Trump really feels about debating his contender, who he has nicknamed “Sleepy Joe.”

The moniker means to imply that the ex-VP is “not all there,” as Trump stated during a June 2020 interview, per Fox News. Dr. Carr told The List that “It’s possible that Trump either had true information, or he observed and personally concluded that Biden was ill.” The psychologist added, “He believes what he is saying… The sincerity of his thought is evidenced by Trump’s softening of his eyes and voice.” But just because Trump might believe what he’s saying, it does not make it true.

Ready for more of Dr. Carr’s observations? Here’s what else the political advisor had to say about Trump ahead of the presidential debates.

Healthcare Equality For Marginalized Communities

Recognizing the needs of marginalized communities due to inequalities in healthcare is an area in which the two candidates vastly differ.

The president has focused on economic opportunity as a way to support the Black community.

On Friday, he announced the Platinum Plan, a $500 billion economic plan designed to increase opportunities for Black Americans.

The plan promises better and cheaper healthcare and investments in treatments for kidney disease, diabetes, and sickle cell anemia, conditions that disproportionately affect Black communities.

Taylor criticized the Platinum Plan as a day late and a dollar short.

He is 4 years in and we have seen no comprehensive plan to address inequality for African Americans under the Trump administration. Furthermore, Trump policies have done nothing but deepen inequities for low-income people and people of color throughout this country, she said.

Taylor said that Biden, in contrast, has been consistent and clear about addressing health inequalities as well as ensuring coverage for those who have fallen into the gap.

Biden has talked about maternal mortality for women of color, ensuring mental health coverage regardless of sexual orientation, ensuring access to quality generics. The list goes on and on, Taylor said. All of these issues are essential to addressing disparities as well as the gap for folks of color.

In fact, Trump has rolled back healthcare protections for LGBTQ people, actions Biden has pledged to reverse.

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If H1n1 Were As Lethal As Covid We’d Have 700000 Dead

BIDEN: If you’re going to open a business, have social distancing. If you have a restaurant, you need to have plexiglass dividers. You need to take testing rapidly. You need to beable to trace. You need to be able to provide all the resources that are needed to do this. That is going to make sure that we’re going to open safely.

TRUMP: We have to open our country. We can’t keep this country closed. This is a massive countrywith a massive economy. People are losing their jobs. They’re committing suicide. There’s depression, alcohol, drugs at a level that nobody’s ever seen before. He’ll close down the country if one person in our bureaucracy says we should close it down.

What Does Donald Trump Really Believe About Immigration

Trump makes bold claims about his health as he returns to ...

There is change, and then there is behaving like a master marketer who understands a slice of the American electorate well, saying what he thinks necessary to get elected.

When Donald Trump announced his plans to seek the White House, he alluded to a nonexistent Mexican government conspiracy to dispatch the criminal dregs of its society to the United States, and he promised to build a remarkable wall along the border the United States shares with Mexico and force the latter to pay for it.

By August, Trump began assuring reporters repeatedly that he was not only serious about deporting every undocumented immigrant in the United States at least 11 million people but sending their U.S.-born or U.S.-raised children and young adult progeny with them, too. In fact, Trump also thought there was good reason to repeal birthright citizenship, and he put that in his first policy paper.

Then came Wednesday, when a Trump surrogate, Rep. Chris Collins the very first member of Congress to sanction Trump’s campaign, in fact told a reporter with the Buffalo News something just a little different:

I have called it a virtual wall. … Maybe we will be building a wall over some aspects of it I dont know, the Clarence Republican said of Trumps proposed barrier to keep illegal immigrants and drugs from crossing the southern border.

And, he also said this:

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Ivana Is Confident She Could’ve Fixed Donald Trump’s White House

Donald Trump’s White House has seen some drama from his impeachment trial to the backlash Melania Trump received over her dramatically red Christmas decorations in 2018 the news coming out of the White House has been nonstop. And according to Ivana Trump, she could have fixed all of it.

“Could I straighten out the White House in 14 days? Of course,” she told Time. “Can I go and give the speech without a teleprompter for 45 minutes? Of course. Can I entertain? Of course I can entertain. But it is just not something I would like to do,” she concluded. But it’s safe to conclude that Ivana clearly thinks she could have handled the White House better.

She went on to say that she has even turned down political offers because she simply doesn’t have the interest. She told Time that Milo Zeman, the Czech president, asked her if she would ever consider being the American ambassador something that even Donald was on board with himself. But she ultimately said no, given that she enjoys her life so much as it is.

Taking Care Of Poor Sick People Isn’t Single

TRUMP: Well, I like the mandate. I don’t want people dying on the streets. The Republicanpeople, they don’t want people dying on the streets, but sometimes they’ll say “Donald Trump wants single payer.”

Q: Will people with pre-existing conditions be able to get insurance?

TRUMP: Yes.Now, the new plan is good. It’s going to be inexpensive. It’s going to be much better for the people at the bottom, people that don’t have any money. We’re going to take care of them through maybe concepts of Medicare. Now, some people would say, “that’snot a very Republican thing to say.” That’s not single payer, by the way. That’s called heart. We gotta take care of people that can’t take care of themselves.

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Ivana Trump Got A Little Shady When Asked In An Interview If She Ever Brings Up Melania While Speaking To Donald About Their Family She Doesnt Pay Any Mind To His Ex

They divorced in 1992, but Ivana Trump still frequently speaks with Donald Trump, she revealed on Loose Women. They mostly gab about their three children Ivanka, Eric, and Donald Jr. and political issues. But one thing thats off limits? Ex-wives. Yes, plural. The former Mrs. Trump, 71, was specifically referred to the presidents current wife, Melania Trump, when she made her remark.

I speak directly to Mr. President. I dont get involved with his ex-wives or his private life, Ivana said on the September 14 episode of the British talk show when asked if she ever talks to Melania. She did not correct herself when host attempted to tell her that Donald and Melania are, in fact, married. She went on to insinuate that Melanias not a good First Lady, as well. Shes very quiet and doesnt go to too many places, Ivana said.

The president and first ladys marriage has been under attack in recent weeks, with Melanias former best friend, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, even Stephanie, who recently published a tell-all called Melania and Me, told BBC on September 11, Donald got arm candy. Melania got two dynamic decades. She was a young model, she didnt have success yet. She met Donald, she married, she became an American citizen, they had a son and ten years after that shes the first lady of the United States. I do believe it was a magic moment, and I also believe it was a made-for-TV moment.

Everytown Booking $6 Million In Florida Ads To Target President Trump

How Kentucky voters feel about Trump’s health care battle now

WASHINGTON Everytown for Gun Safety Victory Fund is booking $6 million in television and digital ads to boost former Vice President Joe Biden in Florida, NBC News has learned.

The group is partnering with Priorities USA, the major Democratic super PAC that’s supporting Biden and attacking President Trump, on production and strategy. Everytown plans to spend $4 million in TV ads in the Orlando and Tampa markets and $2 million in statewide digital ads starting after Labor Day and running for five weeks.

Facing a gun violence crisis that claims 100 American lives every day, President Trump has chosen the gun lobby over the safety of the American people at every turn, John Feinblatt, the head of Everytown Victory Fund, said in a statement. Together with Priorities, we’re going all-in to make sure Trumps a one-term president. Everytown has an aggressive plan to mobilize voters in Florida, who know the pain of gun violence all too well and are poised to play a decisive role in electing Joe Biden, a proven gun sense champion.

The announcement marks the group’s first formal entry into the presidential race’s TV ad wars of the cycle, and its largest-ever investment in a presidential race. The state has seen a handful of mass shootings in recent years, including at an LGBT-friendly nightclub in 2016 and a Miami-area high school in 2018.

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Make Health Insurance Premiums Tax

There are other reforms that might be considered if they serve to lower costs, remove uncertainty & provide financial securityfor all Americans. And we must also take actions in other policy areas to lower healthcare costs and burdens. Enforcing immigration laws, eliminating fraud and waste and energizing our economy will relieve the economic pressures felt by every American.

Lack Of Mental Healthcare Is Greatest Tragedy Today

TRUMP: This is one of the great unfolding tragedies in America today. States are reducing their commitments to mental health treatment and our jails are filled with thosewho need mental health care. Any mental health reforms must be included in our efforts to reform healthcare in general in the country. We must make the investment in treating our fellow citizens who suffer from severe mental illness.This includes making sure that we allow family members to be more involved in the total care of those who are severely mentally ill. We must ensure that the national government provides the support to state and local governments to bringmental health care to the people at the local level. This entire field of interest must be examined and a comprehensive solution set must be developed so that we can keep people safe and productive.

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We Must Have Universal Health Care

Our objective to make reforms for the moment and, longer term, to find an equivalent of the single-payer plan that is affordable, well-administered, andprovides freedom of choice. Possible? The good news is, yes. There is already a system in place-the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program-that can act as a guide for all healthcare reform. It operates through a centralized agency that offersconsiderable range of choice. While this is a government program, it is also very much market-based. It allows 620 private insurance companies to compete for this market. Once a year participants can choose from plans which vary in benefits and costs.

We Reduced Coronavirus From An Expected 22 Million Deaths


TRUMP: 2.2 million people were expected to die. We closed up the greatest economy in the world in order to fight this horrible disease that came from China. The mortality rate isdown 85%. There was a spike in Florida and it’s now gone. There was a very big spike in Arizona. It’s now gone. We have a vaccine that’s coming. We have Operation Warp Speed, which is the military is going to distribute the vaccine. I had it and I gotbetter.

BIDEN: He did virtually nothing. And then he gets out of the hospital and he talks about, “Oh, don’t worry. It’s all going to be over soon.” Come on. There’s not another serious scientist in the world who thinks it’s going to be over soon.

TRUMP: I didn’t say “over soon.” I say we’re learning to live with it. We have no choice. We can’t lock ourselves up in a basement like Joe does. As the president couldn’t do that and go away for a year and a half until it disappears. I can’t do that.

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In Her 2017 Book Ivana Said That Donald Trump Thought She Was Too Successful To Be Mrs Trump

We love a woman who knows her worth, and Ivana Trump knew just how much she benefited the Trump Organization and, furthermore, Donald Trump’s image. She served as a senior executive for seven years and even was the president of Trump’s Castle located in Atlantic City . And according to her, she knows just how much strength she added to her ex-husband’s brand, and she claimed in an interview with Time that “it wouldn’t have happened without her.”

As she grew in her stature and success, overseeing casinos and Trump Plaza, her marriage began to crumble and she has an idea as to why. “I think Donald probably felt a little bit jealous of my success. And I felt it,” she told Time. “There was nothing really he could do. He saw how much profit I made, so he would never fire me from Atlantic City. He would never fire me from Plaza Hotel because I did such a great job. And maybe he resented it a little bit.”

She later wrote in her book Raising Trump, “In our marriage there couldn’t be two stars. So one of us had to go.”

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