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Can Biden Beat Donald Trump

A Deeper Look At 5 Key States That Flipped Red To Blue

Smerconish: Why Trump can beat Biden in 2024

Arizona: Every election, most of the vote in Arizona comes from Maricopa County, home to Phoenix. That was no different this year, as more than 60% of the state’s vote came from Maricopa. So winning it is key. And that’s exactly what Biden did.

Biden became the first Democrat since Harry Truman in 1948 to win Maricopa, which is fast-growing and diversifying. Biden defeated Trump there, 50% to 48%, or by about 45,000 votes. Biden’s statewide margin: a little over 10,000.

Trump actually increased his margins in the rural counties overall, but Biden also gained significantly in Pima County, where Tucson is. There, Biden won by 40,000 more votes than Clinton in 2016.


Michigan: Votes for Democrats in Michigan start in Detroit, or Wayne County. About 1 in 5 Biden votes in the state came from Wayne County. He won it by 32,000 more votes than Clinton did.

But Biden also flipped Kent County, home to Grand Rapids, winning 31,000 more votes than Democrats did in 2016.

Biden made up even more votes in the suburbs, improving more than 94,000 over 2016 just from four counties Oakland, Washtenaw, Macomb and Ottawa. And more than half of those votes came from Oakland.

Like in other places, Trump expanded here in rural areas but not enough to offset Biden’s improvements, for a 51% to 48% win, or 145,000 votes.

Remember, this is a state Trump won by just over 10,000 votes in 2016.





Can Joe Biden Defeat Donald Trump

The Democratic presidential hopeful and veteran insider could end the Trump era on 3 November. If he succeeds, will he set the US on a path to renewal?

ByEmily Tamkin

When Barack Obama chose his running mate in 2008, he did not pick somebody who was, like him, a history-making force. He went for Joe Biden, who, during the primary, had said of Obama, I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, thats a storybook, man. And yet Obama chose him anyway.

Biden had decades of Senate experience, especially on foreign policy, that the Democratic presidential nominee lacked. But by choosing Biden, Obama showed he could overlook an older white man calling him articulate and clean. He could show voters, and specifically white voters, that saying Yes We Can didnt have to be scary.

The first big question, then, is whether Biden can appeal to both those groups and win the White House. The second big question is what a Biden presidency will look like if he does.

Biden was not a strong student, but he was popular, an athlete, and became class president. He studied history and political science at the University of Delaware. This was the 1960s, but Biden was hardly part of the counterculture. He got married , had three children and studied for a law degree at Syracuse University College of Law studies that Biden deemed boring.

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People Wanted To Throw A Human Grenade Into The System

Michael Moore perfectly made this point before the election . Middle and working-class citizens are feed up with politicians. It doesnt matter if they are Dems or Reps, they feel theyre all the same and they dont care about them. They were tired of broken promises. And then there was Trump. A reality show celebrity with aspirations to be President. Proud not to be a politician. Using all the pages of the populist book: drain the swamp, build the wall, made in America. It was music to the ears of many people and some thought why not?, lets give it a try and, as DT himself likes to use regularly, what do you have to lose?. So they decided to throw a human grenade to the system and voted for Trump.

This is not the case anymore. Grenades can only be thrown once. DT is the incumbent President of the United States. Hes been there for almost 4 years. Voting for him wont be a disruption anymore but a continuation of whatever policies and actions hes been putting in place since 2017.

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Psaki Claims Covid Is Root Cause For Wave Of Looting Incidents

Blue states have removed consequences for crime, via measures like bail reform, lower penalties, higher thresholds for felonies and assorted legal handcuffs on cops. Woke prosecutors refuse to investigate crimes and charge criminals. Judges offer convicts lenient sentences or set them free altogether.

In 2014, Californias voters passed Proposition 47, which changed crimes like shoplifting and grand theft from felonies to misdemeanors. Raiding a store for goods valued at less than $950 became just a misdemeanor.

Meanwhile, prosecutors, like San Franciscos Chesa Boudin, have signaled that theyll all but close their eyes to low-level violations and perhaps even to some serious crimes.

Notably, Los Angeles and San Francisco along with some of its suburbs have suffered devastating attacks on retail outlets. A mob of 18 looters broke into a Nordstrom in LA last week. In Walnut Creek, near San Francisco, 80-strong stormed a Nordstrom in November, while another group hit Friscos Union Square, targeting 10 stores there. Stores in the Golden State are now closing by the dozen for fear of robbery.

New York City, too, has gone soft on crime in recent years and also seen shoplifting soar: By September, there were more such cases here up to that point than in 26 years.

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Trump: I am a

When it comes to Bidens likability, he soars among almost every demographic and is more favorable than Donald Trump . However, Biden also sits atop all the potential 2020 candidates as the only candidate with a favorability over 50 percent, according to late December Quinnipiac polling.

Biden has a track record of working across the aisle to get things done. Biden was the guy who negotiated the fiscal cliff deal with Senator Mitch McConnell as well as a major part of the 2010 deal that extended the Bush tax cuts, because he doesnt view Republicans as enemies, he knows he needs to work with them in order to get things done. This is exactly the right tone that needs to be set on the campaign trail especially as Republican voters in general and Trump supporters in particular feel vilified by the media.

Just this week, he responded to criticism of himself in the New York Times for being bipartisan saying, I read in the New York Times today that one of my problems if I were to run for president, I like Republicans. OK, well bless me father for I have sinned.

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Regrets: Trump Would Beat Biden Today More Women And Blacks Support

A slew of new polls have come out this week showing the shrinking support for and approval of President Joe Biden, his average now below 50%.

But today, Rasmussen Reports is issuing the capper, telling Secrets that in an election do-over, Biden would lose to former President Donald Trump.

The details of the survey, which samples more Democrats than Republicans, showed that Trump would win more women and blacks than he did in 2020 when he lost to Biden, 46.8%-51.3%.

A sizable 14% would choose some other candidate, though none were named.

The survey comes at a key point in Bidens presidency. He is now under fire for bungling Americas withdrawal from Afghanistan, increasing inflation, and spiraling crime.

Several other surveys out this week have shown his approval rating underwater, a place Trump floated for much of his presidency.

Today, Axios headlined, Biden’s average approval rating drops below 50% for first time. It cited poll trackers from FiveThirtyEight and RealClearPolitics.

The site added, This marks a precipitous decline from the FiveThirtyEight peak of 55.1% in March and the RCP peak of 55.7% in April.

Despite showing Trump edging Biden in an election today, most told Rasmussen that they do not regret their 2020 vote. Some 89% said so, led by 95% of Republicans. For Democrats, it was less, 87%.

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Why Joe Biden Will Beat Donald Trump In Election 2020

So, the 2020 American election has just gotten underway. And this might be the most important American election of recent memory. At this very moment, the nation is in crisis and faces a critical moment in history. A very divided America is making its choice between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden with tense political divisions worsened by the worst public health crisis in over 100 years. The country is also facing an economic collapse that has seen millions of Americans become unemployed, amid unsettled racial tension and police brutality.

Although the polls are looking increasingly close, I just happen to be one of those who strongly believe that Vice President Joe Biden will emerge victorious in this race. Call it wishful thought, in my analysis, Biden will take the day.

In explaining why Joe Biden will beat Donald Trump for the American Presidential seat, one has to venture to the very beginning to really understand how and why Donald Trump was successful to become President in the first place back in 2016.

In this present election, the trajectory of the electoral map of America will be quite different than it was in 2016 should Biden emerge winner. To properly understand where and how the chips fall in the politics of the Presidency of America, one needs to know that the voting trend of the country is divided into three groups those in the rural areas, the urban dwellers and the Suburbanites.

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Us Election Results: Georgia Confirms Joe Biden Beat Donald Trump To Win State After Second Recount

President-elect Joe Biden took the state by more than 12,000 votes in last month’s ballot.

Monday 7 December 2020 23:56, UK

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Georgia has recertified its presidential election results after a second recount – requested by Donald Trump – confirmed Joe Biden won the state.

President-elect Biden took the state by more than 12,000 votes in last month’s ballot, becoming the first Democratic presidential nominee to win there in nearly three decades.

Georgia’s secretary of state Brad Raffensperger, who, like Mr Trump, is a Republican, said: “We have now counted legally-cast ballots three times, and the results remain unchanged.”

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Mr Trump has repeatedly claimed, without evidence, that the presidential election was rigged, saying there was widespread voter fraud and that poll watchers were denied access to counts.

“They cheated and they rigged our presidential election but we will still win it,” Mr Trump told supporters in the state on Saturday, at his first rally since election day on 3 November.

Biden Performed Better In Other Key Areas Too

How Joe Biden Defeated Donald Trump | NYT Opinion

It wasn’t just metro Detroit, however. Biden, for instance, did far better than Clinton did in some other areas, and in some of them may have been helped by forces outside his or Trump’s control.

And that accrued to Biden’s benefit in, for instance, northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula, where Trump’s level of support from four years ago was virtually unchanged at 58.6%. But Biden got 40% to Clinton’s 36%. The difference? Third parties.

For instance, look at East Bay Township Precinct 1 in Grand Traverse County. Four years ago, Trump won among the 1,182 votes there 53%-40%, with 6% split between Johnson and Stein. This year, 1,311 voters cast ballots, and it was Trump 49.4% to 49.1% for Biden. That left about 1.5% for the third party candidates.

That played out in other areas all over the state.

“It’s a huge reason we got the vote that we did, when you’re talking about the numbers of third party votes we had in ’16,” Dulio said. “It’s back to more typical levels this year.”

From one standpoint, Biden didn’t overachieve: Where Trump in 2016 flipped a dozen counties from blue to red, Biden flipped only three. Only one of them Saginaw was among those Trump flipped four years ago, and even then, Biden won it by only three-tenths of 1%. Biden was alsoable to flip Kent and Leelanau, though, two more traditionally Republican counties .

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Sen Lindsey Graham To Newsmax: Trump Would Beat Biden In A Blowout

Sen. Lindsey Graham to Newsmax: Trump Would Beat Biden in a ‘Blowout’

If President Joe Biden is not impeached before 2024, and former President Donald Trump winds up running for the White House again, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., on Newsmax predicts a Trump “blowout.”

“There’s been no more influential person on conservatism and the Republican Party than Donald Trump since Ronald Reagan,” Graham told Thursday’s “Eric Bolling: The Balance.“”The party of Donald Trump is the America First party. It is a strong-border, strong-military, low-tax party, socially conservative party constitutional judges.

“Every day that goes by Trump is looking better. Biden has screwed up everything he touched, and then if the election were held tomorrow, it would be a blowout.”

Graham has called for articles of impeachment against Biden on Newsmax before, saying the president has been “derelict in his duties.”

“I think he deserves to be impeached based on what he did in Afghanistan alone,” Graham said again Thursday, adding the first priority is the GOP capitalizing on Biden’s failures and taking back Congress in the 2022 midterms.

“I want to take back the House for a lot of reasons,” Graham added. “Number one to stop this socialist train.”

Graham offered some unsolicited advice to Trump as he campaigns for candidates in the midterms, potentially setting up the 2024 presidential campaign rematch against Biden, or one of his proxies.

If Trump chooses to run, the party is his, Graham noted.

Look First To Metro Detroit

A few weeks ago, the Free Press took a deep dive into the state’s regions, their voting trends and their importance in electing statewide candidates. That piece concluded that history indicated that anytime a Democratic presidential or gubernatorial candidate won better than 56% in metro Detroit defined as Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties he or she would win the state.

Clinton won the Democratic-leaning region 55.8%-39.9% for Trump four years ago.

Biden won it 58.6%-40.1%.

Driving Biden’s success wasn’t only the fact that he did better percentage-wise than Clinton did in 2016 across metro Detroit, however. Record turnout of 5.5 million, larger than that seen in the election of 2008, drove his victory. In Oakland County, the state’s second largest county, turnout was nearly 75%, higher than the 72% seen in 2008 in Detroit which is getting smaller and the rest of Wayne County, turnout was 62%, just under that seen in the 2008 election.

And it helped Biden buck history.

And while Trump won Macomb, his margin, 53%-45%, was well below the 54%-42% Trump beat Clinton by there four years ago.

This year, he won the precinct again. But it was 56%-45%.

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