Monday, July 15, 2024

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Who Is The Best Democratic Candidate To Beat Trump

More Fringe Candidates Headed To Congress

How can the Democrats beat Trump?

Defense contractor Cory Mills boasted that he would make the media shed real tears after news accounts reported on how his company sold tear gas used on Black Lives Matters demonstrators. Mills has also questioned the legitimacy of President Joe Bidens win in 2020.

Anna Paulina Luna, who was endorsed by former President Donald Trump, alleged last year that a handful of her rivals were engaged in a conspiracy to kill her.

Both are poised to join the Republican caucus in Congress after winning their respective primaries for Floridas 7th and Floridas 13th congressional districts. The contests in both races were noisy, bitter and expensive.

The GOP candidates are likely to win in November because the districts were reshaped to favor Republican candidates under a controversial new congressional map championed by Gov. Ron DeSantis. Currently Republicans hold a 16-11 edge in Floridas congressional delegation. After adding one seat due to population growth, the new map is projected to give the GOP a 20-8 margin in the next session of Congress.

The result was that Republicans vying for the new seats shifted even further to the right.

How Joe Biden Won Michigan

Biden also bested Sanders among union voters in both Michigan and Missouri, two states where union-affiliated voters make up a significant part of the electorate.

Across Michigan, Washington and Missouri, 42 percent of Democratic voters said they would be satisfied if either Biden or Sanders won the nomination. But a significant proportion said they would be happy only if one candidate won the nomination 30 percent said theyâd be satisfied only if Biden wins, while 20 percent said the same about Sanders.

In Michigan, 50 percent of voters said theyâd trust Biden the most of the Democratic field to handle a major crisis, with 31 percent choosing Sanders. Biden had a double-digit edge over Sanders on the same question among Democratic voters in Washington and Missouri, as well.

Tuesday nightâs exit polls show other interesting preferences of Democratic primary voters.

In Washington, 81 percent said they are concerned about the coronavirus outbreak, which has hit the state harder than most others. Older voters were more likely to say they were very concerned than younger voters 45 percent of voters ages 45 or older said theyâre very concerned about the virus, compared to 19 percent of those younger than 45.

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Turbulent Few Weeks Ahead

If you look at the chart below, it shows the latest polling averages for candidates in the five Super Tuesday states with the highest number of delegates on offer – California, Texas, North Carolina, Virginia and Massachusetts.

Bernie Sanders is ahead in four of them at the moment, with Joe Biden just ahead of him in North Carolina. If the polls are correct, Sanders could have the nomination sewn up after Super Tuesday.

But Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar dropping out of the race is bad news for Sanders.

Up until now, the moderate vote has been split between Biden, Buttigieg and Klobuchar. If Biden can attract their former supporters, he will make up some ground on Sanders.

Michael Bloomberg, however, is another candidate who could end up taking delegates away from Biden.

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Joseph R Biden Jr Former Vice President

Mr. Bidens argument about being the most electable candidate is increasingly not the subtext of his campaign its the text.

But it wasnt until the closing portion of the debate that he said Democrats had to be mindful of who can win and bring some coattails to ensure the party reclaims the Senate.

Who has the best chance, most likely chance, of defeating Donald Trump, who is the one most likely to do that? he asked, before continuing: Who can help elect Democrats to the United States Senate in states like North Carolina and Georgia and Arizona and other states?

For most of the night Thursday, however, he avoided stating why hed be the Democrat most likely to win against Mr. Trump, instead trumpeting his knowledge of foreign affairs and boasting that hes running on his near half-century in politics. With my experience comes judgment and a little bit of wisdom, Mr. Biden said.

Mr. Biden had one of his better debate performances Thursday, in part because he was able to make a succinct pitch for his viability and even more because he watched two of his most daunting rivals in Iowa, Mr. Buttigieg and Ms. Warren, tangle with each other.

Tom Steyer Former Hedge Fund Manager

Poll: Democrats say a white male is most likely to beat Trump ...

Mr. Steyer, a billionaire, continues to make the debate stage thanks to his self-funded advertising blitz. But he plainly recognizes he must present a sharper reason for why he should be the nominee.

My experience building a business, understanding how to make that happen means I can go toe to toe with Mr. Trump and take him down on the economy and expose him as a fraud and a failure, he said Thursday. And I think thats different from the other people on this stage. I think we need a different, unconventional way of attacking a different, unconventional president.

But Mr. Steyer risks being drowned out by the din of television commercials being aired by an even wealthier self-funder, who wasnt onstage but whos slowly climbing in the polls: Michael R. Bloomberg.

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Opinionkamala Harris’ Candidacy Requires A Nuanced Debate About Her Record Race And Gender Is The Left Ready

When it comes to Bidens likability, he soars among almost every demographic and is more favorable than Donald Trump . However, Biden also sits atop all the potential 2020 candidates as the only candidate with a favorability over 50 percent, according to late December Quinnipiac polling.

Biden has a track record of working across the aisle to get things done. Biden was the guy who negotiated the fiscal cliff deal with Senator Mitch McConnell as well as a major part of the 2010 deal that extended the Bush tax cuts, because he doesnt view Republicans as enemies, he knows he needs to work with them in order to get things done. This is exactly the right tone that needs to be set on the campaign trail especially as Republican voters in general and Trump supporters in particular feel vilified by the media.

Just this week, he responded to criticism of himself in the New York Times for being bipartisan saying, I read in the New York Times today that one of my problems if I were to run for president, I like Republicans. OK, well bless me father for I have sinned.

Liberals Shouldnt Be So Worried About Biden

A fear among liberal skeptics of Biden is that his pragmatism represents a retreat from the partys leftward momentum. Thats true in one sense. He doesnt pass progressive purity tests on issues like Medicare-for-all. On paper, his plans are less ambitious.

But hed still be the most progressive Democratic nominee in history if he won.

His plans line up closer with the center of gravity in the party, but in recent years the center has moved much further left than even during the Barack Obama years. For example, Biden isnt willing to replace the Affordable Care Act with a new, single-payer system like Warren or Sanderss Medicare-for-all. But he does want to improve on it with a major new addition, an expansive public option. Hed also cap premiums at 8.5 percent of a patients income.

These might seem small relative to the scope of Medicare-for-all, but Medicare-for-all has pretty much no chance of becoming law, and its likely to spark a damaging intraparty fight among congressional Democrats that harms the chances of passing any health care bill.

Lamb pointed out that there probably arent enough votes in the Democratic-controlled House to pass it, never mind a Republican-controlled Senate . And the key Senate Democrats who will drive health care policy if Democrats retake the gavel have already said Medicare-for-all is a nonstarter.

Woodfin agreed, echoing Lambs point that most Americans dont favor Medicare-for-all even among Democrats, the enthusiasm has .

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Early Results Paint Confusing Picture

Only twice since 1976 has the Democrat who won the Iowa caucuses not gone on to become the party’s presidential nominee. This time, however, the winner was Pete Buttigieg by just 0.1% and he’s now dropped out of the race.

Sanders, who came a close second in Iowa, did top the bill in New Hampshire, but it was nowhere near the 60% he won against Hillary Clinton in 2016, albeit in a far less crowded field. He won by a bigger margin in Nevada, thanks in part to support from the Hispanic community.

Joe Biden, however, launched his comeback in South Carolina with a resounding win in the first state to vote that has a significant African American population. It was Biden’s first-ever victory in a primary in what is his third attempt to become president.

The results so far mean that Sanders is ahead in the measure that matters – national delegates – but just 3.9% of the 3,979 delegates on offer have been awarded so far.

To put that into context, 34% of delegates will be awarded on Super Tuesday when 14 states hold their nominating contests on 3 March. So we’ll have a much clearer picture of how the race is going after that.

Why Did Trump Endorse The Democrat Who Led The Impeachment Probe

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Trump accused of meddling and trying to fool voters in election that will decide Democratic candidate for Congress.

Former US President Donald Trump, a Republican, has released a pair of surprise endorsements for the upcoming midterm elections, lavishing praise ahead of the Democratic primaries in New York on two Democratic candidates central to his first impeachment by Congress.

The endorsements represented a stark about-face for Trump, who just days earlier had unleashed a scathing invective against one of the candidates, lawyer Dan Goldman, who was lead counsel in the Democrat-led House impeachment of Trump from 2019 to 2020.

Now, Trump, in a post on his social media site Truth Social on Wednesday, called him honourable, fair, and highly intelligent.

He also endorsed Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, who is currently leading a House Oversight Committee investigation into Trumps alleged storing of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago estate, saying she will never let our conservative movement down. Trump has repeatedly dismissed the myriad congressional investigations into his conduct as part of a coordinated witch hunt.

Im coming for you, Donald.

Daniel Goldman

True to form, Trump is trying to meddle in an election, Goldman, who is widely considered the frontrunner in the race following an endorsement from the New York Times, said in a statement. He called Trumps nod a pathetic attempt at fooling Democrats.

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Why The Electability Discussion Was Incoherent

So, for instance, moderate candidates like Delaney and Montana Gov. Steve Bullock argued that Sanders and Warrens support of Medicare-for-all and decriminalizing border crossing risked alienating swing voters and ensuring Trumps reelection that they were wrong on the politics.

But they also argued that those positions were simply wrong on the merits. Delaney insisted that if all hospital bills were paid at Medicare rates, then many hospitals in this country would close. Bullock said that if the government provided health care to unauthorized immigrants, well have multiples of the thousands of people showing up at the border right now. Bullock added that, no, we dont have to sacrifice our values to actually win.

Meanwhile, Warren and Sanders said, naturally, that their proposals were both right on the merits and right on the politics. Democrats win when we figure out what is right and we get out there and fight for it, Warren insisted. I am not afraid, and for Democrats to win, you cant be afraid either.

The concept that there might be some policies that are both a good idea and bad for electability-related reasons was only actually broached by the non-politician on stage, Marianne Williamson.

Regarding Medicare-for-all, Williamson said, Im normally way over there with Bernie and Elizabeth. But, she added, I do have concern about what the Republicans would say. And thats not just a Republican talking point.

A Roe Asterisk For Democrats In Florida

Everything we know about the overturning of Roe v. Wade is that it will likely be a major motivator for Democrats in the fall.

What abortion does not appear to be given Nikki Frieds wipeout in the Florida gubernatorial primary on Tuesday night is singularly determinative.

Fried, the state agriculture commissioner once heavily promoted as the future of the Democratic Party in the state had spent much of the primary campaign casting her opponent, Rep. Charlie Crist , as at best untrustworthy on the issue. Crist, a former Republican governor of the state before morphing into an independent and, eventually, a Democrat, said during his U.S. Senate run in 2010 that he would advocate for pro-life legislative efforts.

So, whats more important to Democrats than Roe?

Electability, it seems.

I think the litmus test question in this race is who is the candidate who can best defeat DeSantis, which is a strategic question that I think most Democratic voters are applying, said Fernand Amandi, a veteran Democratic pollster and consultant in Florida.

Crist is widely considered an extreme longshot in the general election against DeSantis, even among Democrats.

But paradoxically, while Crist needed to survive the politics of abortion to win on Tuesday, its that same thing that he will need to be competitive at all in November.

If not for Roe, Amandi said, Im not certain that the Democrat would have a chance.

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There Are Some Obvious Problems With Biden

In an ideal world, the Democrats would likely want a nominee younger than Biden, who is 77.

Its also true that for a party coming off the historic election of the first African American president and that came within a razors edge of electing the first female president, theres something symbolically disappointing about retreating to another white man.

This is made worse by the fact that when he was pressed to address his problematic personal treatment of women near the launch of his campaign, Biden was perfunctory and dismissive.

Representation matters, and with Biden were not getting a real advance. But we dont live in an ideal world, and there isnt a younger and slightly more self-reflective version of Biden out there for Democrats to vote for.

Theres way too much thats both tangibly and symbolically at stake with Trumps presence in the White House for Democrats to ignore the overwhelming evidence that the politicians with something on the line in tough races think Biden is the best chance to beat him.

Whos Best To Beat Trump 7 Answers When 7 Democrats Debate

Poll: Democrats say a white male is most likely to beat Trump ...

Making a case for the nomination, onstage together for one last time in 2019.

By Jonathan Martin

WASHINGTON Senator Elizabeth Warren argued that Democrats would defeat President Trump if they draw the sharpest distinction with what she called the administrations corruption and suggested that Mayor Pete Buttigiegs high-dollar fund-raising would undermine their ability to do that. Mr. Buttigieg said his party could scarcely afford to hew to such purity tests in a race against Mr. Trump.

And Senator Amy Klobuchar was even less subtle, repeatedly citing her heartland roots to argue that Democrats could win only if they put a Midwesterner like her at the top of the ticket, while recalling that Mr. Buttigieg had been soundly defeated in his one statewide race in Indiana.

In Washington, those who make politics a vocation or an avocation are consumed with this weeks impeachment of Mr. Trump, the branding of a scarlet I upon his tenure. But on the other side of the country, on the Democratic debate stage in Los Angeles, the candidates circled around a different vowel, and a different word the E word.

As in: electability.

Or, rather, which of the candidates running can eject Mr. Trump from the White House next year, now that its clear Republican senators wont offer the votes to convict him.


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A Long History As An Anti

The daughter of a longtime Wyoming state legislator, Hageman, 59, was born and raised on a small ranch outside Fort Laramie, Wyoming. She’s married to Cheyenne-based malpractice attorney John Sundhal.

After earning a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Wyoming and a juris doctor degree from the University of Wyoming College of Law, she worked as a law clerk for federal appeals judge before building a decades-long career as a water and natural resources lawyer throughout Wyoming, Nebraska and Colorado.

Hageman has long sparred with environmentalists over her anti-conservation record, a background that earned her the title “Wicked Witch of the West” — something she embraced. She became known in Wyoming for suing federal agencies over land use decisions and a successful battle to end a Clinton-era policy to halt road construction on millions of acres of federal land.

She claims to have “stopped the EPA from seizing control of our irrigation infrastructure and operations,” and prevented the USDA from enforcing the registration of all ranches with the federal government.

“I have been fighting back against Federal agencies that try to usurp our rights with overbearing regulations. I’ve never allowed my Conservative values to be shaken in the face of Left-Wing ideologues,” she has written on her website.

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