Friday, July 26, 2024

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Who Is Running Against Donald Trump

More Republican Leaders Embracing Trumps 2020 Election Lies

Meadows: Trump is still running against his own administration

The issue is particularly animating campaigns for secretary of state the office that in many states oversees elections in electoral battlegrounds that narrowly backed Biden over Trump in 2020 and will be hotly contested again in the 2024 presidential election.

Consciously or not, voters could render a final judgment on the conspiracy theories that Trump and his allies have spent 11 months nurturing.

Iâm the only candidate in this race whoâs willing to stand up all over Ohio, and all over America, and say that I believe the election was stolen from Donald J. Trump, Josh Mandel, a Republican Senate candidate in Ohio who has made the stolen election lie central to his campaign, told NBC News.

Its the right thing to do for our country, Mandel added, when asked if he worried his position might hurt him in a general election. And I donât care how it impacts me politically.

In Arizonas race for secretary of state, Trump has endorsed Mark Finchem, a state legislator who promoted a partisan review of Maricopa Countys election results that reaffirmed Bidens victory. In Georgia, Trump is supporting Rep. Jody Hice in a Republican primary to oust Brad Raffensperger, the secretary of state who resisted Trumps pressure to rig the states 2020 vote in his favor.

In Georgia, Hice has held himself up as an unabashed Trump defender.

All of this focus on rehashing the 2022 election based on baseless allegations is holding us back, she said. Its out of touch.

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Yang was widely regarded as a breakthrough candidate who surpassed the expectation of many as he outlasted sitting senators, former governors and other lifelong politicians as political newcomer. Yang has never held an elected position, yet generated a strong following that carried him through multiple Democratic debates.

Shortly after the polls closed in New Hampshire, Yang announced he was ending his bid.

“While there is great work left to be done — you know I am the MATH guy — it is clear tonight from the numbers that we are not going to win this race,” he said.

Political Activities Up To 2015

Trump’s political party affiliation has changed numerous times. He registered as a Republican in Manhattan in 1987, switched to the Reform Party in 1999, the Democratic Party in 2001, and back to the Republican Party in 2009.

Trump first floated the idea of running for president in 1987, placing full-page advertisements in three major newspapers, proclaiming “America should stop paying to defend countries that can afford to defend themselves.” The advertisements also advocated for “reducing the budget deficit, working for peace in Central America, and speeding up nuclear disarmament negotiations with the Soviet Union“.DCCC chair Rep. Beryl Anthony Jr. told The New York Times that “the message Trump has been preaching is a Democratic message.” Asked whether rumors of a presidential candidacy were true, Trump denied being a candidate, but said, “I believe that if I did run for President, I’d win.” In 1988, he approached Lee Atwater asking to be put into consideration as Republican nominee George H.W. Bush‘s running mate. Bush found the request “strange and unbelievable.” According to a Gallup poll in December 1988, Trump was the tenth most admired man in America.

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Brian Kemp Says His Win Was Built From The Grassroots Up

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp took the low key approach in his victory speech, saying little about Donald Trump and David Perdue while thanking his supporters for a big triumph over both of them.

Team Kemp has always been built from the grassroots up, Kemp said to cheering supporters who chanted four more years during a victory party at the College Football Hall of Fame in Atlanta.

Kemp mentioned Perdue by name only once, thanking his challenger for the nice phone call he made to concede the primary and express support.

The governor did not mention Trumps name at all.

Instead, Kemp spent most of his time attacking another politician: Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, who will face Kemp in November after narrowly losing to him four years ago.

This time around, Kemp said Abrams is only interested in being governor so that she can run for president down the line.

Georgia will never be on Staceys mind, Kemp said.

David Jackson

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Montana Gov Steve Bullock


Montana Gov. Steve Bullock is most notably known for winning in 2016 as a Democrat in a state that helped elect Trump.

As a Democratic governor in a state Trump won by 20 points, I dont have the luxury of only talking to people who agree with me, Bullock said in his May announcement video. I go all across our states 147 thousand square miles and look for common ground to get things done.

He campaigned for 202 days, but failed to gain traction at the national level, did not reach 2% in any of the Democratic National Committee qualifying polls and only made one debate stage. He suspended his campaign on Dec. 2 and said in a statement, While there were many obstacles we could not have anticipated when entering this race, it has become clear that in this moment, I wont be able to break through to the top tier of this still-crowded field of candidates.

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Former Us Ambassador To The United Nations Nikki Haley

Haley, 49, stands out in the potential pool of 2024 Republican candidates by her resume. She has experience as an executive as the former governor of South Carolina and foreign policy experience from her time as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Haley was a member of the Republican Partys 2010 tea party class. A former South Carolina state representative, her long shot gubernatorial campaign saw its fortunes improve after she was endorsed by Sarah Palin. Haley rocketed from fourth to first just days after the endorsement, and she went on to clinch the nomination and become her states first female and first Indian-American governor.

As governor, she signed a bill removing the Confederate flag from the state Capitol following the white supremacist attack at the Emanuel African Methodist Church in Charleston. She left office in 2017 to join the Trump administration as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and Quinnipiac poll found she was at one point the most popular member of Trumps foreign policy team.

I think that shes done a pretty masterful job in filling out her resume, said Robert Oldendick, a professor and director of graduate studies at the University of South Carolinas department of political science.

Haley criticized Trump following the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol by his supporters, saying she was disgusted by his conduct. Oldendick said he thought her pretty pointed criticism of the president will potentially cause some problems.

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Sanders suspended his campaign on April 8, amid the coronavirus pandemic that roiled the 2020 election cycle.

“We are now some 300 delegates behind, Vice President Biden, and the path toward victory is virtually impossible, “Sanders said in a virtual address to supporters. “So while we are winning the ideological battle and while we are winning the support of so many young people and working people throughout the country, I have concluded that this battle for the Democratic nomination will not be successful. And so today, I am announcing the suspension of my campaign.”

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Grand Jury Convened In Criminal Investigation Of Trump

Only one president, Grover Cleveland, has ever lost a re-election bid and come back to reclaim the White House. In modern times, one-term presidents have worried more about rehabilitating their legacies by taking on nonpartisan causes Democrat Jimmy Carter by building housing for the poor and George H.W. Bush by raising money for disaster aid, for example than about trying to shape national elections. But Trump retains a hold on the Republican electorate that is hard to overstate, and he has no intention of relinquishing it.

Theres a reason why theyre called Trump voters,’ Miller said. They either dont normally vote or dont normally vote for Republicans.

Trump lost the popular vote by more than 7 million last year and the Electoral College by the same 306-232 result by which he had won four years earlier but he got more votes than any other Republican nominee in history. And it would have taken fewer than 44,000 votes, spread across swing states Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin, to reverse the outcome.

Republicans, including Trump allies, say its too early to know what he will do, or what the political landscape will look like, in four years. A busload of Republican hopefuls are taking similar strides to position themselves. They include former Vice President Mike Pence, who is speaking to New Hampshire Republicans on Thursday, an event that the Concord Monitor called the kickoff of the 2024 race.

Thats basically what Trump is doing.

When Do The Polls Close

Chris Christie on possibly running against Donald Trump in 2024:

First polls will close in Georgia at 7 p.m. the only state voting Tuesday in Eastern Time.

Texas polls close at 7 p.m. local time, with the state covering both Central and Mountain Time. Alabama polls also close at 7, and Arkansas ends voting at 7:30 pm, with both states in Central Time.

Merdie Nzanga

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Sen Mitt Romney Of Utah

A Gallup poll last March found Romney, 74, has a higher approval rating among Democrats than Republicans, so you might figure he doesnt have a prayer in taking his partys nomination again. A February Morning Consult poll, though, had Romney polling ahead of Republicans like Pompeo, Cotton and Hawley. So, youre telling me theres a chance? Yes, a one-in-a-million chance.

The 2012 GOP presidential nominee and his wife, Ann, have five sons. He graduated from Brigham Young University and Harvard Law. Romney is a former Massachusetts governor, and the first person to be a governor and senator from two different states since Sam Houston, who was governor of Tennessee and a senator from Texas. Romney is this years JFK Profile in Courage Award recipient.

Meet The Cyborg Who’s Running Against Donald Trump For President

Zoltan Istvan, a leader of the transhumanist movement to merge humans with technology, is challenging Trump with a plan for America that’s beyond radical.

Eric Mack

Contributing Editor

Zoltan Istvan, a man who opens doors with a chip embedded in his hand and wants Americans to live forever, is now taking on President Donald Trump from inside his own party.

The author, journalist and a leader of the transhumanist movement, which believes humans can use technology to transcend our current physical and mental limitations, is challenging Trump for the 2020 Republican nomination for president and will appear on the New Hampshire primary ballot next year.

Former Transhumanist Party candidate Zoltan Istvan is challenging Trump again, this time as a Republican.

“Our goal is to try to really get the GOP to embrace a new way of looking at the world, one that is futuristic and transhuman,” Istvan told me. “I think it’s quite possible to be fiscally conservative and open-minded. Naturally, we’re taking on Trump too, who I don’t think is helping science and tech much.”

The Trump campaign didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

He also has a 20-point plan that’s, well… calling it revolutionary and radical just doesn’t seem strong enough.

You heard it here first: 2020 could be the year we finally see presidential candidates debate the merits of cyborg rights.

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Dropped Out: Senator Elizabeth Warren Of Massachusetts

On a video posted to her website on December 31, 2018, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warrenannounced that she was launching an exploratory committee for a presidential run in 2020. In the video, Warren who had long been expected to run described her vision of defending the middle class, which she said was under attack.

After running an impressive campaign operation, having breakout moments, and even being labeled as a frontrunner at points, Warren officially ended her campaign on March 5 after a disappointing finish on Super Tuesday, including coming in third place in her home state of Massachusetts.

MJ Lee

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“What the American people are really looking for is a leader to try to bring us together, not actually talk like half the country’s entirely wrong about everything they believe,” Delaney said on ABC’s “This Week” in January 2019, adding, “One of the things I’ve pledged is in my first hundred days, only to do bipartisan proposals. Wouldn’t it be amazing if a president looked at the American people at the inauguration and said, ‘I represent every one of you, whether you voted for me or not and this is how I’m going to prove it.'”

On Jan. 31, Delaney announced he was dropping out of the race.

“This race was never about me, but about ideas and doing whatâs right for our nation,” he said in a statement. “The unique and data-driven ideas that our campaign generated â on how to create a functional universal health care system, price carbon, advance trade, invest in rural America, cure disease, help workers, launch negative emissions technologies, reform education, and expand national service — are now ideas for the party and I will continue to advocate for them in my next chapter.”

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In An Interview Former Vice President Mike Pence Signaled That He May Make A Run For The White House In 2024 Even If Donald Trump Seeks His Old Post Again

Former Vice President Mike Pence, who has been trying to distance himself from his former boss while still touting the Trump administrations record, put himself into direct confrontation with the former president on Monday as he lays the foundation to be the GOP presidential candidate in 2024. In an interview with the New York Times last month, he made clear that he would throw his hat in the ring regardless if Number 45 seeks to get back into the White House too saying, Well go where were called.

The face-off between Pence and Trump is taking place in the Georgia Republican party primary race for governor, with the former VP backing incumbent Gov. Brian Kemp and public enemy No. 1 for Trump for not going along with the former presidents and his lackeys election lies. Trump for his part is backing former Senator David Perdue who lost re-election the day before the former president riled up a mob that marched over to the Capitol building which they proceeded to break into and threatened to hang Pence.

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