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What Was Trump’s Latest Tweet

Trumps Latest Tweets About China

President Trump’s recent tweet âwill drive his opponents crazyâ

China was not able to escape the Presidents fiery hands as he insisted in his latest tweet that China badly wants a trade deal, adding that thousands of companies are leaving because of the Tariffs.

He also stressed that China hopes for a democratic win so they could continue the great rip-off of America aside from the theft of hundreds of billions of dollars.

Twitter ‘permanently Suspends’ Trump’s Account

US President Donald Trump’s Twitter account is “permanently suspended… due to the risk of further incitement of violence”, the company says.

It comes amid a Big Tech purge of the online platforms used by Mr Trump and his supporters.

Some lawmakers and celebrities have been calling for years on Twitter to ban Mr Trump.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama tweeted on Thursday that the Silicon Valley giants should stop enabling Mr Trump’s “monstrous behaviour” and permanently expel him.

Trump Includes Himself Among The ‘very Stupid’ In Mangled Vote Fraud Statement

Trends Reporter, HuffPost

A sputtering Donald Trump, furious about what he baselessly claims was presidential election fraud, ended up including himself among the very stupid or very corrupt in the mangled syntax of a message he shared Saturday.

Trump used a double negative in a sentence posted by his paid aide Liz Harrington on her Twitter account, twisting the message into something likely the opposite of what he intended to say.

Anybody that doesnt think there wasnt massive Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election is either very stupid, or very corrupt! his message read.

Trump is someone who does not believe there was no massive election fraud, making him either very stupid, or very corrupt, according to his own message. He likely intended to refer to people who dont believe there was massive election fraud.

Twitter critics loved it.

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Twitter Locks Trumps Account After He Encouraged His Supporters To Remember This Day

In what could be interpreted as an attempt to stoke the flames of a Capitol mob which has begun to disperse, President Trump sent a tweet at around 6 p.m. in which he reiterated the false claim that the election was stolen and encouraged his supporters to remember this day going forward.

These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long, he tweeted. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!

Twitter later took down the tweet, saying that it had violated the companys rules.

Mr. Trump also posted a video in which he repeated his baseless claims of widespread election fraud on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. All three social media sites removed the video.

Why Was Trump Banned

Grammar nerds will grimace at Donald Trump

Mr Trump was locked out of his account for 12 hours on Wednesday after he called the people who stormed the US Capitol “patriots”.

Hundreds of his supporters entered the complex as the US Congress attempted to certify Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election. The ensuing violence led to the deaths of four civilians and a police officer.

Twitter warned then that it would ban Mr Trump “permanently” if he breached the platform’s rules again.

After being allowed back on Twitter, Mr Trump posted two tweets on Friday that the company cited as the final straws.

In one, he wrote: “The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!”

Twitter said this tweet “is being interpreted as further indication that President Trump does not plan to facilitate an ‘orderly transition'”.

In the next, the president tweeted: “To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.”

Twitter said this was “being received by a number of his supporters as further confirmation that the election was not legitimate”.

Twitter said both of these tweets were “in violation of the Glorification of Violence Policy”.

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Twitter Hides Trump’s Tweet For Violating Its Rules About ‘glorifying Violence’

The president strikes back at Twitter, saying the company is targeting him.

Twitter has placed one of Donald Trump’s tweets behind a label.

The took a fresh turn Friday, as the two locked horns over Trump’s tweets about protests and riots in Minnesota.

Trump’s latest ire was sparked by Twitter’s decision to place one of his tweets behind a label stating that the content violated its rules about “glorifying violence.” Rather than being deleted, the tweet is veiled by the label and can still be read by clicking on it.

“This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about glorifying violence,” states the label, applied early Friday. “However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain accessible.”

Trump was tweeting about the protests and riots taking place in Minneapolis, Minnesota, following the death of a black man named George Floyd in police custody on Monday. In the veiled tweet, Trump called the protesters “thugs” after threatening to send in the National Guard. “When the looting starts, the shooting starts,” he said in the veiled tweet, which he posted overnight.

The phrase — “when the looting starts, the shooting starts” — definitely has “historical context.” Miami Police Chief Walter Headley used the phrase in 1967, according to news reports at the time. The remark has been cited as contributing to tensions that sparked race riots in Miami in the late 1960s, according to The Washington Post.

When Did Twitter First Take Action Against Trump

Twitter first took action against Mr Trump in May 2020 appending fact-checks to tweets he sent claiming postal votes were fraudulent.

Later that same week it posted a warning label when the president threatened to send in the military to quell Black Lives Matter protests as he added, “when the looting starts, the shooting starts”.

Twitter used these fact-checks and warning labels increasingly throughout the year for Trump tweets about coronavirus and the presidential election, culminating in Friday’s ban.

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Sticking To The Script

Trump most commonly tweeted about the government, media and corporate institutions, which often became fodder for news coverage. The media often framed the tweets as attacks and counter-punching. But in a closer read, they were not merely responses to criticism or bad news. They regularly described something, the way a narrator would.

But his recasting of reality through his own lens may have also played a role in Trumps downfall. All the attacks, all the twisting of information, all the fear, may have worn out just enough people in key states to ensure his defeat.

When that defeat struck, Trumps storytelling framework did not change: It escalated and multiplied, consuming everything and everyone who did not blatantly support what many have called the Big Lie that the election was rigged against him:

  • Jan. 3, 2021: I spoke to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger yesterday about Fulton County and voter fraud in Georgia. He was unwilling, or unable, to answer questions such as the ballots under table scam, ballot destruction, out of state voters, dead voters, and more. He has no clue!
  • Jan. 6, 2021: Mike Pence didnt have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!

How The Storming Of The Capitol Unfolded

Trump’s latest Twitter controversy

Additionally, Twitter said his second tweet on Friday “may also serve as encouragement to those potentially considering violent acts that the inauguration would be a ‘safe’ target”.

Mr Trump has no plans to attend Mr Biden’s inauguration, making him the first president in more than 150 years – and just the fourth in US history – to miss the occasion.

Twitter initially suspended Mr Trump’s account for 12 hours on Wednesday after he posted a video that repeated false claims about election fraud and praised the rioters who stormed the Capitol.

Five people were killed in the violence, including police officer Brian Sicknick, who was seriously hurt “while physically engaging with protesters”.

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Meanwhile, Twitter said plans for future armed protests have already begun “proliferating on and off” the platform, including a proposed secondary attack on the Capitol on 17 January.

Earlier, they permanently banned two Trump loyalists – former national security adviser Michael Flynn and attorney Sidney Powell.

It was part of a broader purge of accounts promoting the QAnon conspiracy theory, whose supporters made up a large portion of the rioters.

The company also said Trump attorney Lin Wood was permanently suspended on Tuesday for violating its rules, but provided no additional details.

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Donald Trump Twitter: How Did The Former President Use Twitter

Donald Trumps tweets were a great way to know what the former President was thinking, what he was doing or thinking about to do. Always that Donald Trump used Twitter a newspaper wrote a new article. They were also a great source of conflict and controversy, just read the replies to any tweet he sent. We analyzed every tweet sent by Donald Trump since he became the President of the United States of America to see how he used Twitter. Can you imagine doing a hashtag tracking of all the hashtags he posted?

Can President Trump Really Tweet A Highly Classified Satellite Photo Yep He Can

“I think that Twitter is an important platform if for no other reason that some very high-profile political figures, the president included, have made it their platform of choice,” said R. Kelly Garrett, a professor at the Ohio State University’s School of Communication who researches online political communication. He compared Twitter to a “personal news wire,” as journalists amplify what politicians tweet.

The president joined Twitter as in 2009, well before he officially entered politics. And though he upon inauguration, the president has continued to tweet from his original handle, so the official account consists mostly of retweets from his personal account.

According to Shontavia Johnson, an attorney who focuses on the intersection of law and social media, Trump’s tweets should be considered part of the presidential record no matter which account publishes them because of their political import and historical significance.

She cited examples of such tweets from the past several years: one stating Mexico would reimburse Americans for Trump’s proposed border wall, one accusing China of stealing a U.S. Navy research drone, one rebuking then-British Prime Minister Theresa May but tagging the wrong username, and one disparaging the Electoral College system.

The reason for the record

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Archives in the digital age

It is unclear how the Trump administration is preserving his tweets, according to experts.

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Trump Tweets And Twitter Account Analysis

The dates of the analysis were since May 4th 2009 until the 7th of January 2,021. We analyzed a lot of info and we can say: Trump + Twitter, what a combination! He was probably the President in the world that used Twitter the most. And when we say used it means he did it personally, he did not seem to have a team of people managing the account for him.

If youd like to analyze Trump tweets, you should write from:realdonaldtrump in the search box. As that is nos possible anymore, you can for any other account with our exclusive Twitter user tracker:

State Attorney General Letitia James Has Asked Trump To Testify In Person At Her Office In The Probe Into Whether The Trump Organization May Have Illegally Reported False Values On Its Properties Potentially To Gain Banking And Tax Advantages According To The Post

Trump Election Tweet Gets Quickly Labeled By Twitter

Donald Trump to testify in an investigation into possible fraud in his namesake real estate group.

New York, United States:

New York’s top justice official wants former US president Donald Trump to testify in an investigation into possible fraud in his namesake real estate group, The Washington Post reported Thursday.

State Attorney General Letitia James has asked Trump to testify in person at her office in the probe into whether the Trump Organization may have illegally reported false values on its properties, potentially to gain banking and tax advantages, according to the Post.

James wants Trump to testify on January 7, the Post said, citing people familiar with the matter.

James’ office declined to comment on the report. There was no immediate comment from Trump.

The probe is looking into whether the Trump Organization fraudulently overstated the value of certain properties when seeking bank loans, and later reported much smaller values when declaring assets for tax-related purposes.

Trump’s son Eric, who is executive vice president of the Trump Organization, was interviewed by James’ office on the issue in October 2020.

The former president is facing pressure from several legal probes. He was questioned for more than four hours on October 18 for a lawsuit by a group of protestors who allege that his security guards assaulted them six years ago.

That trial will begin in mid-2022.

The New York investigations could potentially lose momentum next year, however.

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Sharing Of Violent Far

Trump has been criticized for his practice of retweeting or copying material from social media accounts posting antisemitic, racist, or false information, such as claims exaggerating the number of crimes committed by black people.

During campaign

PolitiFact singled out as particularly obviously false an image retweeted by Trump that claimed that 81% of white murder victims are killed by black people. Politifact noted that, besides being a five-fold exaggeration, the claim was sourced to the non-existent “Crime Statistics Bureau, San Francisco” it later highlighted this retweet when awarding its 2015 “Lie of the Year” badge to Trump’s entire presidential campaign. The fake statistics were first posted by a neo-Nazi Twitter account.

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The clip appeared on pro-Trump subreddit, /r/The Donald, about four days earlier, and was created by a Reddit account which had previously posted racist, antisemitic and bigoted content. A White House official later denied that the video came from Reddit the official declined “to respond to questions about where the president obtained the clip.” As of December 20,2017, the tweet had been retweeted over 330,000 times, making it Trump’s most retweeted post.

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