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How To Text President Trump

We Love You Youre Very Special

President Trump To Text All Americans Tomorrow

At 2:48 p.m., Meadows responded to Loudermilk that POTUS is engaging. But Trump would not tell the rioters to leave the Capitol for another hour and a half as messages continued to pour in from Trump allies, Meadows associates and reporters seeking a White House response.

Jonathan Karl of ABC News texted at 2:53 p.m., What are you going to do to stop this? What is the president going to do?

Karl said of his text to Meadows, I was asking a question as a reporter who wanted to know what was happening inside the White House as the Capitol was being attacked. But I was also asking as an American horrified by what I was witnessing.

Meadows received more messages from contacts in his home state urging Trump to intervene.

At 3:42 p.m., North Carolina-based lobbyist Tom Cors wrote, Pls have POTUS call this off at the Capitol. Urge rioters to disperse. I pray to you.

At 3:52 p.m., North Carolina lawyer Jay Leutze texted, Mark, this assault in the Capitol is tragic for the country. Please call it off so the Congress can resume its peaceful debate.

Finally, at 4:17 p.m., Trump released a video message telling the rioters to leave the Capitol. The video he tweeted was just over a minute long.

I know your pain. I know youre hurt, Trump said. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We dont want anybody hurt.

‘he Can’t Mention The Election Again Ever’

This story has been updated to include Hannity’s recent comments and Meadows’ comments in a court filing.CORRECTION: This story has been updated to correctly reflect the reporting in Michael Bender’s book, “Frankly, We Did Win This Election,” regarding an ad Hannity scripted for the Trump campaign. Bender reported that the ad ran only on one show on Fox, Hannity’s.

President Trump Will Send You A Text Today Whether You Want It Or Not

A new emergency text system will be tested by POTUS on Wednesday

It doesnt matter if you follow him on Twitter or not. It doesnt matter if youre conservative or liberal. President Trump will be directly sending a message to your phone on Wednesday, as part of a nationwide test of the governments emergency alert system.

Beginning at 2:18 p.m. ET, the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System will send the test message to all U.S. cellphones on major carriers. President Trump is the only person that can send the message and you cant turn off notifications for it.

Presidential Alert, the message will begin, followed by a brief text: THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.

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The new messaging system traces its roots back to the George W. Bush White House, when the president called for a national warning system after the U.S. government was criticized for its reaction the Hurricane Katrina. If a real national crisis were to happen, President Trump could leverage the alert system to send a nationwide warning. The message is sent by the same institution that handles Amber Alerts.

It also might be hard to miss the test message. Not only are people unable to opt out, but the special tone accompanying the message can be quite loud, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

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Meadows Got Texts From Jim Acosta Jonathan Karl On Jan 6

CNNs Jim Acosta and ABCs Jonathan Karl were among the journalists who sent text messages to former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows during the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Karl, a longtime reporter and anchor at ABC News, texted Meadows at 2:53 p.m. that day and asked him What are you going to do to stop this? What is the president going to do?CNN reported this week.

I was asking a question as a reporter who wanted to know what was happening inside the White House as the Capitol was being attacked, Karl told the outlet. But I was also asking as an American horrified by what I was witnessing.

A mob of supporters of former President Trump had overcome police and entered the Capitol well before Karls texts, forcing the evacuation of Congress during a joint session to certify President Bidens win in the election.

Acosta, a former White House correspondent at CNN and now a weekend host on the network, also texted Meadows that day, asking him Will potus say something to tamp things down?

Thousands of text messages to and from Meadows have been handed over to the House select committee investigating the attack. They show a number of other journalists, lobbyists and lawmakers either attempting to gain insight into how the White House was handling the attack or urging Meadows to get Trump to respond.

Just after 4 p.m. Trump tweeted a short video message asking the rioters to go home.

Texts Come Hours Apart With No Clear Explanation For How The Money Will Be Spent

President Donald Trump

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Former President Donald Trump is out of office, and has not announced any plans to run in the future, but that hasnt stopped his political action committee from bombarding his fans with daily requests for money and other support.

Months of text messages reviewed by The Independent reveal that supporters of the former president received at least one text message per day throughout the month of May, with some texts coming mere hours apart ahead of fundraising deadlines.

The donation links route money to the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, a joint fundraising committee that splits funds between the Republican National Committee , Mr Trumps 2020 campaign for president, as well as the Save America PAC, an organisation founded by Mr Trump to fund his future political efforts.

The frequency of the calls for donations rivals that of most active political campaigns, and suggests that Mr Trump is keen on maintaining a massive war chest throughout his post-presidency that means his endorsement carries huge financial weight in any local race.

Some texts sent to supporters via the automated service are designed to appear as if they were personally written by the former president, while others are signed by Eric Trump, Donald Trump Jr, and former first lady Melania Trump.

The Independent has reached out to the office of Mr Trump for comment.

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Send A Letter To The White House

Here are a few simple things you can do to make sure your correspondence gets to the White House as quickly as possible.

  • If possible, email us! This is the fastest way to reach the White House.
  • If you write a letter, please consider typing it on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper.
  • If you hand-write your letter, please write as neatly as possible with an ink pen.
  • Include your return address on your letter as well as on your envelope. If you have an email address, please share it with us too.
  • And finally, please be sure to write on the outside of your mailing envelope the complete address for the White House to make sure your letter gets to us as quickly and directly as possible:

The White HouseWashington, DC 20500

How Do These Mass Text Messages Work

Political campaigns tap companies such as Hustle or RumbleUp that employ hundreds of people who each send thousands of text messages to potential voters. Theyre exactly like the text messages that you or I send to our friends and family, and are categorized as peer-to-peer, or P2P messages. Thats different from whats known as application-to-peer, or A2P, messages, which are more formal blast text messages.

Since P2P messages are normally supposed to be more limited exchanges between individuals, systems may flag accounts that send too many messages. If, for instance, you send more than 1,000 messages in a day, those messages will likely get blocked.

Companies will work with the carriers ahead of time to get prior approval to send these mass messages.

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Explainer How Will Trump Get His Message Out Without Social Media

U.S. President Donald Trump gestures while campaigning for Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler on the eve of the run-off election to decide both of Georgias Senate seats, in Dalton, Georgia, U.S., January 4, 2021. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

WASHINGTON, Jan 11 The decision by tech companies to clamp down on President Donald Trumps ability to speak to followers through mainstream social media may force him to tap more traditional methods of communication or more isolated conservative online channels during his final days in office, experts say.

Twitter Inc , Facebook Inc , Alphabet Inc-owned Google , Apple Inc and Inc took their strongest actions yet against Trump to limit his reach, fearing continued violence stemming from his posts after his supporters attacked the U.S. Capitol building last week. They were joined by smaller tech companies including Twitch, Snapchat, Reddit, Shopify and TikTok. read more

Trump, who has without evidence challenged the validity of Democratic President-elect Joe Bidens Nov. 3 election victory, praised and egged on supporters before they laid siege on Wednesday to the Capitol, where lawmakers were certifying the Electoral College vote for Biden. Five people, including a Capitol Police officer, died in the assault. read more

The platform has 12 million users and Trumps sons Donald Jr. and Eric are active on it, but it will now have to find a new Web host to replace Amazon to even stay in business.


Someone Is Going To Get Killed

Text Messages Detail Trump Admins Efforts To Overturn 2020 Election

At 1:05 p.m., while Trump was still addressing the crowd at the Ellipse, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gaveled in the joint session inside the Capitol to begin certifying Bidens Electoral College win. Outside the Capitol, pro-Trump supporters were already breaking through police barriers.

Roughly an hour later, rioters clashed with police and breached the Capitol doors, forcing the House and Senate to abruptly gavel out of session and evacuate the chambers.

According to court filings, at 2:02 p.m. Meadows deputy Ben Williamson sent his boss a text message about the violence unfolding at the Capitol. The text is not included in the logs Meadows turned over, but Williamson provided it to the committee.

Would recommend POTUS put out a tweet about respecting the police over at the Capitol getting a little hairy over there, Williamson wrote.

Williamson said he had then spoken to Meadows in person and that Meadows had immediately gone toward the Oval Office to inform Trump, according to court documents.

Shortly afterward, Meadows began receiving messages about the mob at the door.

Will potus say something to tamp things down? wrote CNNs Jim Acosta at 2:12 p.m.

Despite Williamsons advice urging the President to send a message about respecting the police, Trump tweeted again at 2:24 p.m., attacking his vice president.

Four minutes later, Trumps allies began imploring Meadows to convince the President to do something. The first message came from Greene.

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But Didn’t The Trump Campaign Say It Was In Compliance With The Tcpa And Fcc Guidelines

Yes, and that’s accurate. But that’s largely because the legal guidelines around these kinds of P2P text messages aren’t clear.

The TCPA and FCC have rules about abuse on autodialer systems that can automatically send messages or make phone calls. But there isn’t any guidance on these systems because they’re run by humans.

The CTIA’s statement about requiring opt-out language and prior consent are part of recommended guidelines to the industry for players like the carriers and senders like political campaigns. But the trade group has no ability to enforce these guidelines, which are more like mutually agreed upon practices than firm laws.

An upcoming may offer some guidance on the legal definition of phone spam.

Donald Trump Really Wants You To Text His Name To 88022 But Will He Ever Text Back

At Donald Trump rallies and news conferences, the invocation is very often printed in the cameras lines of sight to ensure maximum exposure:

Text Trump to 88022

If you assumed this is a fundraising ploy, youd be wrong. The Republican presidential front-runner is self-funding his campaign, remember?

Instead of money, Trump ostensibly wants a channel to communicate directly with voters. His website advertises exclusive updates for those who subscribe to the texting service.

One problem: Trump doesnt seem to use the service very often.

Two weeks ago, on the day of the Wisconsin primary, I signed up and prepared for The Donald to Make My iPhone Great Again with the exclusive updates I had been promised. Heres how it went.

And then nothing for 14 days.

Last week, Fix colleague Philip Bump had the good idea to subscribe using a New York ZIP code to see whether the Trump campaign might be targeting residents of the Empire State ahead of the primary. He got nothing for five days.

Finally, on primary day Tuesday, the first exclusive updates arrived.

Later, after I asked the campaign about its use or underuse of the text line, both Bump and I received this message.

What. A. Waste.

Maybe, in another message, Trump could ask subscribers to name the No. 1 issue in the campaign: Text A for immigration, B for terrorism, C for trade, D for gun rights.

Heres what Buell recommends:

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Trump Chose You His Most Patriotic Supporter To Receive Constant Scammy Texts

CONFIDENTIAL: DONT SHARE, the Trump campaign texted me last month. Pres. Trump requested your input on some key issues. Well send your answers to his desk in 1 HOUR.

Take Survey NOW, the text continued, linking to a survey with questions like:

As of today, who will you vote for in 2020?

  • President Trump

  • A Socialist Fraud

When I completed the survey, I was directed to a page asking me to donate between $42 and $2,800.

The Trump campaign sends multiple texts like these every day to me and millions of Americans whose numbers have ended up in the campaigns database often without the consent of the recipient.

Some of the texts are designed to make you feel special, like an extra-patriotic member of an exclusive club. Theyll dangle offers of signed MAGA hats or fancy dinners with the president, which no one appears to have ever won. LAST DAY to accept your personal invitation to dinner with Pres. Trump in New York, one campaign text advertised. Hes waiting on your response, Jessica. Donate & WIN.

For people who arent motivated by gimmicky contests, the campaign also utilizes shame: Pres Trump noticed you ignored his text, Jessica. Your names still MISSING on the End of Month list. Donate in NEXT HOUR for a 6X-MATCH.

The texts are easy to mock especially the ones featuring failson Donald Trump Jr. pleading for money on behalf of his father.

Its the last spam-free inbox, Rory McShane, a Republican political consultant, said in a March interview.

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