Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Where Can I Get Trump Signs

Gop Lawmaker Who Was Threatened After Trump’s Coup Attempt Says He Still May Vote For Him

See ex-Trump official’s reaction to Trump Jr.s ‘revealing’ texts

President Donald Trump signed the massive $2.3 trillion coronavirus relief and government funding bill into law Sunday night, averting a government shutdown that was set to begin on Tuesday, and extending billions of dollars in coronavirus aid to millions.

President Trump Signs Executive Order On Modernizing Americas Water Resource Management And Water Infrastructure

WASHINGTON Today, President Trump signed an Executive Order on Modernizing Americas Water Resource Management and Water Infrastructure. This historic action ensures Federal coordination on water policy is standard practice now and into the future by formally establishing a Water Subcabinet of senior Federal agency officials to facilitate efficient and effective management and modernization of our water supplies and systems while also eliminating duplication between agencies. With this Executive Order, President Trump is demonstrating his bold vision for improving our Federal water infrastructure and prioritizing access to essential water supplies for all Americans.

The Water Subcabinet will be co-chaired by U.S. Department of the Interior Secretary David Bernhardt and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler, and will include senior officials from the U.S. Department of Agriculture , the Department of Commerce , the Department of Energy , and the Department of the Army . The Water Subcabinet will work in close coordination with senior officials from the White House Council on Environmental Quality , the Office of Management and Budget , and the Office of Science and Technology Policy , and other federal agencies as appropriate.

Under the Executive Order, the Water Subcabinet will:

· Promote effective and efficient water resources management by reducing duplication between Federal agencies developing water policy

President Trump Signs Into Law The Hong Kong Autonomy Act

On July 14, 2020, President Trump signed into law the Hong Kong Autonomy Act providing for the imposition of sanctions on foreign persons who materially contribute to the undermining of Hong Kongs autonomy by the Government of the Peoples Republic of China and foreign financial institutions who engage in significant transactions with such foreign persons. During a press conference announcing the signing of the HKAA, President Trump also indicated that he had signed an Executive Order ending Hong Kongs preferential treatment under the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992.

The HKAA is part of the US response to the new national security law imposed on Hong Kong by the PRC. The passage of the HKAA follows US Secretary of State Pompeos certification to Congress in May 2020, that Hong Kong is no longer sufficiently autonomous from the PRC to warrant its preferential treatment. For detailed information on these developments, please see our prior blog posts here and here.

Who Does the HKAA Target?

The HKAA provides for sanctions against foreign persons and foreign financial institutions identified in reports required under the HKAA to be submitted to the US Congress by the US Secretary of State and US Secretary of the Treasury.

What Sanctions Can Be Imposed Under the HKAA?

What Are the Likely Impacts of the HKAA?

Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China.

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Trump Signs Into Law The Never Again Education Act

U.S. President Donald Trump signed the Never Again Education Act, which seeks to expand Holocaust education in the United States, into law on Friday.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the legislation in January, while the U.S. Senate did so on May 13.

The new law expands the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museums education programming to teachers nationwide, requiring the museum to develop and disseminate resources to improve awareness and understanding of the Holocaust and its lessons.

A total of $2 million will be allocated annually this year and for each of the next four years to the Holocaust Education Assistance Program Fund, administered by the USHMMs governing body, the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council. Private donations for the fund would be permitted.

The measure will create an online Holocaust-education repository of resources for educators to teach both middle-school and high school students about the genocide that killed 11 million people, 6 million of whom were Jews.

The bipartisan Never Again Education Act is finally law, Rep. Carolyn Maloney , who introduced the U.S. House of Representatives bill with Rep. Elise Stefanik , told JNS. Im proud our country has come together to make clear that anti-Semitism cannot and should not be tolerated.

Currently, 18 states either encourage or require teaching about the Holocaust.

How To Join Trump’s Truth Social App And Create An Account On Ios

Trump 2020 Banner Flag Garden Yard Sign for Home Decorative House Lawn ...

Former President Donald Trump‘s new social media app, Truth, launched on Monday, but people have to wait in line to access the platform.

Trump railed against social media companies for being biased against Republicans and having been kicked off several social media platforms, the former president launched his own. Marketed as a platform free of censorship, Trump also plans to use the platform as a means of connecting with voters ahead of the 2022 midterms and a potential presidential run in 2024.

After downloading the application from the Apple store, users are brought to a page where they can either sign in or create a new account. Those creating a new account are asked to put in their birth date, as users must be at least 18 years old to access the platform.

Before accessing the platform, users also input their email address and then validate it with a verification email. After verifying their email, users are asked to create a username and password.

Unlike many social media applications, where a person can access content and features immediately after creating an account, the Truth social platform requires a bit more patience. Once successfully creating an account, users are put into a “waitlist” that could be more than a hundred-thousand people long.

As of Monday, Trump’s social media application is only available in the Apple app store, so only people using an iPhone or iPad can create accounts.

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This Is A Significant Day For Veterans

WASHINGTON U.S. Senators Jerry Moran and Jon Tester Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committeetoday applauded President Donald Trumps historic signing of their landmark Commander John Scott Hannon Veterans Mental Health Care Improvement Act into law.

In an effort to curb veteran suicide nationwide, Sens. Moran and Tester introduced their bill last Congress to bolster the Department of Veterans Affairs mental health workforce and increase rural veterans’ access to care, while expanding veterans access to alternative and local treatment options like animal therapy, outdoor sports and activities.

This is a historic day for veterans across the country who will now have better access to live-saving mental health services,said Ranking Member Tester.This new law combines the best ideas from veterans, Veterans Service Organizations, the VA, and mental health care advocates to deliver innovative solutions thatll help heal invisible wounds of war through increased access to care, alternate therapies and local treatment options. I couldnt be prouder to have worked alongside the Hannon family and Chairman Moran to successfully push for this monumental bill to become law. Together, we are following through on our commitment to supporting our nations heroes, making sure that no veteran falls through the cracks.

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Donald Trump Yard Signs

Good fortune has smiled on you because all signs point to great-looking yard decor! Lucky for you, you can find everything your front lawn craves right here in one place. You’ll find political signs of course, as well as yards signs that make statements in other ways like personalized welcome signs, custom house signs, business signs and more. Best of all, you’ll find these garden signs are anything but garden variety. You can welcome home your favorite hero, celebrate your wedding day, share a bit of vacation, anything you want. Promote your business or propose to your girlfriend, announce your newest family member or denounce a political viewpoint. Anything goes with these statement-makers, but best of all they’re built to proclaim with durability . Sign designs and categories run the gamut, but if you’d like to create custom yard signs, you can do that too.

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Trump Signs Save Our Seas 20 Giving Plastics Recycling Infrastructure Potential Boost

President Trump signed the Save Our Seas 2.0 Act into law on Friday. A White House announcement highlighted the bill’s creation of a Marine Debris Foundation, “genius prize,” increased cooperation “to raise international awareness of plastic waste and combat marine debris” and infrastructure grants to be administered by the U.S. EPA.

Anti Donald Trump Yard Signs

Donald Trumpâs social media app âtruth socialâ available online, users begin posting

Good fortune has smiled on you because all signs point to great-looking yard decor! Lucky for you, you can find everything your front lawn craves right here in one place. You’ll find political signs of course, as well as yards signs that make statements in other ways like personalized welcome signs, custom house signs, business signs and more. Best of all, you’ll find these garden signs are anything but garden variety. You can welcome home your favorite hero, celebrate your wedding day, share a bit of vacation, anything you want. Promote your business or propose to your girlfriend, announce your newest family member or denounce a political viewpoint. Anything goes with these statement-makers, but best of all they’re built to proclaim with durability . Sign designs and categories run the gamut, but if you’d like to create custom yard signs, you can do that too.

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Trumps Foreign Policy Moments

Donald J. Trumps presidency marked a profound departure from U.S. leadership in areas such as trade and diplomacy, as well as an across-the-board toughening of immigration policies.

In his inaugural address, President Donald J. Trump announces an America First approach to foreign policy and trade, which centers on reducing U.S. trade deficits and rebalancing burden sharing within alliances. Trump promises to unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism and emphasizes that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.

Trump directs the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative to withdraw the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a twelve-country, Asia-focused trade agreement the United States had championed under the Barack Obama administration.

The president signs an executive order banning nationals of six Muslim-majority countries from traveling to the United States for ninety days. The order, later amended to include an additional two countries, also indefinitely freezes refugee intake from Syria. Days later, a federal judge in Washington State blocks part of the order, beginning a series of judicial challenges. That same week, Trump signs two other executive orders concerning immigration. One directs federal funds to the construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, and the other bars so-called sanctuary cities from receiving federal grants.

Washington Post

More: Covid Relief Bill: Negotiations Reach Breaking Point Trump Plans Executive Order

It remains unclear what legal authority Trump has to enforce the actions.

Trump called the $400 unemployment benefit — which Democrats had insisted remain at $600 — “generous.” When asked about the decrease being a “hardship” for many he pushed back.

“Well, no, this is not a hardship, this is the money that they need,” he said. “This is the money they want. And this gives them a great incentive to go back to work so this is much more than what was originally agreed. The 600 was a number that was there and as you know, there was, there was difficulty with the 600 number because it really was a disincentive.”

Asked about the payroll tax holiday, which was opposed by both Democrats and Republicans and doesn’t help the unemployed, Trump said “It helps people greatly. It helps our country get back and anybody that would say anything different, I think, is very foolish. Everybody wanted it. By the way, the Democrats want it, the Republicans want it, they just couldn’t get it, they just couldn’t come to an agreement but everybody wants it. And the very important thing is, the people want it and the people need it, actually.”

Trump said he had intervened in the negotiations, in part, because Democrats had padded their bill with provisions that had nothing to do with coronavirus.

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President Trump Signed The Great American Outdoors Act Into Law

WASHINGTON Today, President Donald J. Trump signed the Great American Outdoors Act into law, which will significantly help address the historically underfunded, multi-billion-dollar deferred maintenance backlog at our national parks and public lands. In celebration of this historic achievement, U.S. Secretary of the Interior David L. Bernhardt announced that entrance fees paid by visitors coming to lands managed by the Department will be waived on August 5, 2020. Secretary Bernhardt also announced that August 4th will be designated Great American Outdoors Day, a fee-free day each year moving forward to commemorate the signing of the Act.

President Trump has just enacted the most consequential dedicated funding for national parks, wildlife refuges, public recreation facilities and American Indian school infrastructure in U.S. history, said Secretary Bernhardt. Ive designated August 4th as Great American Outdoors Day and waived entrance fees to celebrate the passage of this historic conservation law.

The remaining fee-free days in 2020 are:


On March 3, President Trump Congress to send him a bill that fully and permanently funded the Land and Water Conservation Fund and restored our National Parks. The President noted that it would be historic for Americas beautiful public lands when he signed such a bill into law.

The proclamation can be found online.

Trump Signs $23t Relief Spending Package

Trump Pence Keep America Great 2020 (18"  X 24" ) Yard Sign, Includes ...

President Trump on Sunday signed the government funding and coronavirus relief package, the White House said, averting a government shutdown and delivering economic aid as the pandemic worsens.

Trump signed off on the $2.3 trillion package from his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Fla., days after he expressed displeasure with the spending outlined in the omnibus and complained that the coronavirus relief measure should include direct payments of $2,000 per person, up from $600.

But the delay came after Trump single-handedly brought the government to the brink of a shutdown and unemployment benefits expired for millions of Americans Saturday as the bill went unsigned.

Trump has visited his golf club in Florida each day since arriving in the state on Wednesday and has made no public appearances. He did so again on Sunday both before and after signing the legislation.

I will sign the Omnibus and Covid package with a strong message that makes clear to Congress that wasteful items need to be removed, Trump said in a statement upon signing the legislation. I will send back to Congress a redlined version, item by item, accompanied by the formal rescission request to Congress insisting that those funds be removed from the bill.

Trumps demand that Congress clawback some of the spending greenlighted under the deal is already facing pushback, in a sign that congressional leaders are likely to ignore it.

Jordain Carney contributed. Updated at 9:10 p.m.

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