Friday, July 26, 2024

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What Is Trumps Health Care Plan

Trumpcare Was Intended To Replace Obamacare

What Trump’s health care plan would mean for your health

The AHCA was intended to be the replacement part of President Trumps campaign pledge to repeal and replace Obamacare, formally known as the Affordable Care Act .

Some provisions of Trumpcare directly oppose those put in place by Obamacare.

  • For example, the ACA protected people with pre-existing conditions from facing higher premiums for insurance plans. But Trumpcare would have potentially allowed companies to charge more on the basis of a pre-existing condition.
  • Obamacare also requires all Americans under 65 to have health insurance or else face a tax penalty, but Trumpcare would have eliminated that “individual mandate.”
  • The ACA also required companies to cover a list of essential health benefits. Under Trumpcare, states could potentially have received a waiver from covering these benefits if the state met certain criteria.

Trumpcare Never Became A Law

After narrowly advancing through the House of Representatives in 2017, Trumpcare went on to die on the Senate floor.

Trump hinted at plans to introduce a new plan in early 2019, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell reportedly warned Trump that the Senate would not revisit major health care legislation again until after the 2020 presidential election.1

That meant Trump would have to win a second term to try and make good on his campaign promise to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Trump Campaign Focuses Cable Tv Buys On Fox News While Biden Makes A Wider Play

Ben Kamisar and Melissa Holzberg

WASHINGTON Since April 8 the day Joe Biden became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign has spent 52 percent of its cable TV ad spending on ads airing on Fox News, according to data from Advertising Analytics.

That differs from the Biden campaign’s cable TV buys, which have directed nearly 22 percent for ads airing on Fox News, 23 percent on CNN and 10 percent on MSNBC.

Trump has spent just 9 percent of his cable TV buys on CNN, and 6 percent on MSNBC.

And the two candidates are spending drastically different amounts on cable TV Trump has spent about $15 million, while Biden has spent about $2.5 million.

Cable TV buys don’t show the full picture of either campaign’s TV investments both have spent millions of dollars on traditional network TV ads, and the president has far outspent Biden at most advertising turns .

But the glimpse at how the candidates are approaching cable TV buys is one of many examples of Trump playing to his base while Fox News enjoys strong ratings across the board, polling also shows Fox News viewers are far more likely to support the president.

Of course, that doesn’t mean voters feel assured that Biden will win. While Biden carried support from a majority of registered voters in Pennsylvania in a recent Monmouth University poll, 57 percent of Pennsylvania voters said there is a “secret” group of voters who will support Trump but not tell anyone.

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Trump Campaign Reserves More Than $95 Million In Tv Time For The Fall

Ben Kamisar

WASHINGTON President Trump’s campaign has booked more than $95 million in broadcast television time this fall, as the re-election has been pushed onto the defensive in recent months in many states key to the president’s success in November.

The campaign made the reservations throughout the day on Monday reserving time earlier in the cycle helps to lock the investment in when there’s less competition for the airwaves, but campaigns can add, subtract or shuffle their ad dollars around as the year draws on.

And while the outlay by team Trump is massive, it’s not indicative of the final ad dollars that will ultimately be spent in the presidential race because former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign hasn’t booked its fall TV time yet.

The investments run across six states that Trump won in 2016, but where recent polls have shown the president either tied with Biden or down Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The new buys run from Sept. 8 through Election Day.

So far, the Trump campaign has reserved the most for Florida, where it’s booked more than $32 million. The plurality of that spending is planned for the Tampa area, with Orlando close behind.

Everytown Booking $6 Million In Florida Ads To Target President Trump

The Health 202: Trump

Ben Kamisar

WASHINGTON Everytown for Gun Safety Victory Fund is booking $6 million in television and digital ads to boost former Vice President Joe Biden in Florida, NBC News has learned.

The group is partnering with Priorities USA, the major Democratic super PAC that’s supporting Biden and attacking President Trump, on production and strategy. Everytown plans to spend $4 million in TV ads in the Orlando and Tampa markets and $2 million in statewide digital ads starting after Labor Day and running for five weeks.

Facing a gun violence crisis that claims 100 American lives every day, President Trump has chosen the gun lobby over the safety of the American people at every turn, John Feinblatt, the head of Everytown Victory Fund, said in a statement. Together with Priorities, we’re going all-in to make sure Trumps a one-term president. Everytown has an aggressive plan to mobilize voters in Florida, who know the pain of gun violence all too well and are poised to play a decisive role in electing Joe Biden, a proven gun sense champion.

The announcement marks the group’s first formal entry into the presidential race’s TV ad wars of the cycle, and its largest-ever investment in a presidential race. The state has seen a handful of mass shootings in recent years, including at an LGBT-friendly nightclub in 2016 and a Miami-area high school in 2018.

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With Klobuchar Out The Vp Pool Narrows For Biden

Melissa Holzberg and Liz Brown-Kaiser

WASHINGTON The V.P. field narrowed Thursday night when Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar withdrew from the vetting process.

America must seize on the moment and I truly believe as I actually told the V.P. last night when I called him that I think this is a moment to put a woman of color on that ticket, Klobuchar said in an interview on MSNBC.

Biden , saying Klobuchar has the grit and determination to take on any challenge and help beat Donald Trump.

But as Klobuchar noted, calls for Biden to put a woman of color on the ticket are only growing. Here are the moves vice presidential contenders still in the veepstakes made this week:

Sen. Kamala Harris: Harris was among a group of senators to put forward a bill to commemorate Juneteenth as a federal holiday. Harris is one of four Black women known to be advancing to a more comprehensive vetting stage with the Biden campaign. She joins Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, Florida Rep. Val Demings and former national security adviser Susan Rice.

Harris stock in the veepstakes has remained steady since Biden became the presumptive Democratic nominee. She has defended her past as a prosecutor an issue that dogged her in the primary race with progressives and her personal relationship with the Biden family could make her more likely to appear on the ticket than those with less name recognition.

Check out the NBC News political units coverage of the veepstakes here.

A Summary Of Trumps Order And Hhs Regulations

The Trump Executive Order does little more than instructing the IRS not to enforce the mandates as harshly. The results are complex. See Trump Executive Order on the ObamaCare Mandates !

Unlike the Order, the Trump Administration HHS regulations change a lot.

In summary, the regulations:

On the plus side, the deregulation will likely lower costs a bit for those full-time employees with higher incomes and health coverage who will remain at their job .

See Trump Administrations First Big ObamaCare Regulations Summary for more details.

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Tennessee Gop Senate Primary Sets Up Another Establishment Vs Insurgent Battle

Carrie Dann

WASHINGTON After Tuesday’s Kansas primary results gave Senate Republicans a sigh of relief after Kris Kobach’s defeat, the Tennessee GOP Senate primary on Thursday also pits an establishment candidate against an insurgent. And both candidates are trying to brand the other as inauthentically conservative.

Bill Hagerty, a former private equity executive who most recently served as U.S. ambassador to Japan, was long seen as a shoo-in for the seat after Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., announced his retirement last July. President Trump endorsed Hagerty almost immediately, even before Hagerty made his own campaign official. In a state where Trump won by a 26-point margin in 2016, that support initially made the primary seem like a snoozer.

Tennessee loving Bill Hagerty, who was my Tennessee Victoy Chair and is now the very outstanding Ambassador to Japan, will be running for the U.S. Senate. He is strong on crime, borders & our 2nd A. Loves our Military & our Vets. Has my Complete & Total Endorsement!

Donald J. Trump

But surgeon and first-generation American Manny Sethi appears to have surged in the closing weeks of a race that has become increasingly nasty and personal. While Hagerty has the financial advantage and the support of the president, a Sethi win could demonstrate the limits of Trumps backing.

Public polling has been scarce, and Sethis internal numbers have shown a closer race than Hagertys, but both campaigns have ratcheted up negative attacks.

Gop Convention Will Abide By Mask

Trumpâs Health Care Plan Has Been âTwo Weeks Awayâ For Months | All In | MSNBC

Monica Alba and Melissa Holzberg

WASHINGTON The Republican National Committee announced on Monday that its convention in Jacksonville, Fla. would comply with any health regulations, including mask-wearing measures, that the city has imposed. On Monday, the city announced that masks will be mandatory indoors and in public places where social distancing is challenging.

It’s not clear that those rules will still be in effect during the Republican convention in late August.

The RNC is committed to holding a safe convention that fully complies with local health regulations in place at the time,” an RNC spokesperson told NBC News. “The event is still two months away, and we are planning to offer health precautions including but not limited to temperature checks, available PPE, aggressive sanitizing protocols, and available COVID-19 testing.”

The new mask measure comes when Florida is seeing a surge in positive coronavirus cases as reopening guidelines have relaxed, and indoor dining and group gatherings have resumed. President Trump has rarely worn a mask in public, and the Trump campaign did not mandate people to wear masks during their indoor rally in Tulsa, Okla. earlier this month.

Recommended Reading: Trump Lies To Date

Biden Leads Trump In Recent Tv And Radio Spending Across Virtually The Entire 2020 Battleground

Ben Kamisar

WASHINGTON Over the past week, former Vice President Joe Biden has had a significant edge in TV and radio advertising spending over President Trump in the presidential battleground, outpacing the incumbent in virtually every state that’s key to winning the presidency.

From Aug. 11 through Aug. 17, the Biden campaign outspent the Trump campaign in Arizona, Florida, North Carolina and Wisconsin, according to NBC analysis of TV and radio advertising data provided by Advertising Analytics.

Biden is also outspending Trump in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Nevada, four states where the Trump campaign hasn’t run any TV or radio ads in at least two weeks.

On the flip side, the Trump campaign is outspending Biden in Georgia and New Mexico, states where neither Biden nor his top affiliated outside groups have spent significant money on TV or radio ads.

Overall, across all states and on national television, the Biden campaign outspent the Trump campaign over that week by more than a two-to-one margin, $16 million to $7.4 million.

The Trump campaign briefly paused its TV and radio advertising at the end of July, a move they said was aimed at re-evaluating the campaign’s media strategy.

But in the two weeks since it returned to the airwaves, the Trump campaign has effectively leveled off spending in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, New Mexico and North Carolina, while increasing its spending in Wisconsin.

We Need To Burn The Affordable Care Act And Rebuild It Piece By Piece

After airline deregulation, a free and competitive airfare market emerged, reducing prices by about 50 percent while improving quality, safety and access. Travelers can now easily shop around based on prices and quality.

Like health care, air travel has many variables including weather, airport traffic, plane repairs, fuel prices, etc. that affect costs. Yet airlines are able to offer upfront, clear pricing that provides travelers with financial certainty and creates a market signal for competitors to try to undercut. The health-care industry can too.

Lower health-care and coverage prices will leave more money for patients and employers. That means improved family and business budgets, increased local spending and faster wage growth. The health-care beast, which now consumes nearly a fifth of GDP, will shrink, leaving the economy freer to prosper.

Trumps price-transparency rules will prove a dramatic breakthrough for American health care, just as price deregulation did for air travel, allowing all Americans to protect their health and wealth.

Cynthia A. Fisher is an entrepreneur, founder of and former CEO of Viacord Inc.

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Donald Trump Reveals Details Of His Health Care Plan

Donald Trump released his health care plan Wednesday evening, finally detailing the way in which he would fulfill his campaign trail promise to repeal and replace Obamacare.

In a seven-point plan posted to his website and publicized by a tweet, Trump says he will do away with the individual health insurance mandate, as well as allow competition over states lines for health care plans, and block grant Medicaid to the states, allowing them to follow through on his prescription to eliminate fraud, waste and abuse to preserve our precious resources.”

I am going to repeal and replace ObamaCare! Read more about my positions on healthcare reform here:

Donald J. Trump

The decision to go against the idea of an individual mandate is new for Trump, who told CNN during a February town hall before the South Carolina primary that he likes the mandate and that makes him a little bit different than other conservatives.

But Wednesdays plan outlines as the first point on the list: “Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.”

He counters that, however, by saying individuals should be allowed to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns.

Donald Trump: Is He Really The Voice Of Gop Voters

Donald Trump

Trump, who after almost every mass shooting has responded to questions on gun control with an answer about mental health, also noted the need for mental health institution reform. His plan states that amilies, without the ability to get the information needed to help those who are ailing, are too often not given the tool to help their loved ones. Beyond this statement, however, Trump gives no solution. Instead, writing that there are promising reforms being developed in Congress that should receive bi-partisan support.

Another recent talking point that has made its way into the healthcare plan is pharmaceutical drugs, special interest control of prices, and the need to be able to negotiate. Though this talking point seemed to stem from former Bush finance chairman Woody Johnsons attendance to a GOP debate, Trump has since included the need to negotiate prices and unleash Washington from its special interest hold.

The final point in his plan states the need to emove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, reliable and cheaper products.

Trump says that “Congress will need the courage to step away from the special interests and do what is right for America and that despite pharmaceuticals being private companies, they provide a public service. Trump instead is advocating for international competition and the importing of drugs from overseas to “bring more options to consumers.

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