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Who Said It Biden Or Trump

Biden Blasts Trump On Anniversary Of Jan 6

WATCH: Biden and Trump on what theyâll say to Americans who didnât vote for them

“We must be absolutely clear about what is true and what is a lie,” Biden said. “A former president of the United States of America has created and spread a web of lies about the 2020 election. He’s done so because he values power over principle, because he sees his own interest as more important than his country’s interest and America’s interest.”

“He can’t accept he lost,” Biden continued.

Biden ticked through the various falsehoods that Trump and his allies have spread about the 2020 election, pointing out that they have never been able to provide any proof for their claims, and portraying Trump as a president who was afraid to lose.

“Even before the first ballot was cast, the former president was pre-emptively sowing doubt about the election results,” Biden said. “He’s not just a former president. He’s a defeated former president.”

Biden, who has repeatedly said that Jan. 6 was one of the darkest days in U.S. history, asked listeners to close their eyes as he recounted the day’s violent events from attacks against police offers to death threats against the vice president and the speaker of the House all while Trump watched on TV from the White House.

“They weren’t looking to uphold the will of the people, they were looking to deny the will of the people,” Biden said of the rioters. “They were looking to subvert the Constitution.”

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What Did Biden Say

Wednesday’s event at a school in Wilmington, Delaware, was not open to the public, with Mr Biden, 77, citing coronavirus prevention needs. Both candidates walked on stage wearing masks to address a group of masked journalists.

Mr Biden noted that Ms Harris, a US senator from California, was the first woman of colour to serve as a presidential running mate for a major US party.

Mr Biden said: “The choice we make this November is going to decide the future of America for a very, very long time.”

He continued: “Donald Trump has already started his attacks, calling Kamala, quote, nasty, whining about how she is, quote, mean to his appointees.

“It’s not a surprise because whining is what Donald Trump does best, better than any president in American history.

“Is anybody surprised that Donald Trump has a problem with a strong woman, or strong women across the board?”

He also attacked Mr Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, climate change, the unemployment rate and “his politics of racist rhetoric that appeals to division”.

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Biden’s Statement On Trump’s 2020 Mail Voting Is Half True

If Your Time is short

  • Former President Donald Trump has spread falsehoods for years about voting by mail, inspiring a wave of proposed and passed state restrictions on voting by mail.

  • In 2020, Trump voted by mail in Florida in the presidential preference primary and the August primary. For the 2020 general election, he voted in person at an early voting site in October.

  • When he was a New Yorker, Trump went to the polls to vote in some elections and voted absentee in others.

While Republican state lawmakers have passed and proposed numerous restrictions on voting by mail since the 2020 election, there exists a curious fact: The leader of their party, former President Donald Trump, chose to vote by mail multiple times in recent years.

President Joe Biden noted that do-what-I say-not-what-I-do philosophy during a speech in Georgia calling on Congress to pass voting rights legislation.

Biden said that Georgia Republicans have put up obstacles such as “making it harder for you to vote by mail,” a reference to the state law passed in 2021 that adds some restrictions to voting by mail, including availability of drop boxes. But in the presidential election, Trump himself cast a mail ballot, Biden said.

“The same way, I might add, in the 2020 election, President Trump voted from behind the desk in the White House in Florida,” Biden said.

Featured Fact-check

In the summer of 2020, Trump defended his record of voting by mail.

It’s Like Where Do We Go

Donald Trump and Joe Biden trade insults in opening election debate ...

These swing voters readily say that their frustrations with both a Republican Party in Trump’s grasp and with Biden leave them feeling a bit lost politically.

Georgia resident Xaveria asked a simple question: “It’s like, where do we go?”

These voter discussions were part of a series of focus groups that have been organized by longtime political strategist Sarah Longwell, the publisher of The Bulwark website who herself is a Republican who’s worked to defeat Trump.

She hears voters like Xaveria and Christine and says they reject Trump and GOP candidates trying to be “Trumpy” themselves. She says such voters are open to voting for Democrats, but the party also needs to nominate more moderate candidates to make these voters feel welcome there.

These moderate-to-conservative voters “are very clear that they feel politically unmoored, politically homeless,” Longwell said in an interview.

“I really view these voters as up for grabs in 2022 and 2024,” she said. But Longwell says it matters who the candidates are and how the parties see themselves.

And Longwell says it makes such voters worth watching. It also makes them potentially pivotal. “Right now, people who are willing to change their vote from one party to another really hold the keys to political power,” she said.

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Joe Biden And Kamala Harris Say Trump Has Left Us ‘in Tatters’

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Harris have attacked “whining” President Donald Trump as an incompetent leader who has left the US “in tatters”.

The pair held their first campaign event together, a day after Mr Biden unveiled Ms Harris as his number two.

President Trump hit back, saying Ms Harris had “dropped like a rock” in her own presidential bid.

Mr Biden will face Mr Trump, a Republican, in November’s election.

Seeking Democratic Convention: Atlanta Chicago Houston New York

The deadline for submitting bids to host the 2024 Democratic National Convention has passed, and the following cities are seeking to hold the event Atlanta, Chicago, Houston and New York.

Thats according to a Democratic official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private deliberations.

The coronavirus pandemic forced Democrats to scale back the last convention nominating Joe Biden to a largely virtual one.

Former president Donald Trump delivered a full-throated defense of gun rights at the NRA convention, rejected efforts at tighter gun laws and argued that if the United States can spend $40 billion on Ukraine, it can harden security at schools.

Trump pressed ahead with his appearance at the convention days after a school massacre in Uvalde that claimed the lives of 19 children and two teachers. Other Republican politicians decided against participating, such as Rep. Dan Crenshaw , or provided prerecorded messages, such as Gov. Greg Abbott . Trump took a tacit swipe at them.

Unlike some I didnt disappoint you by not showing up, he said at the start of his remarks.

Trump read the names of each victim as an electronic bell tolled, and called for a moment of silence. Each precious young soul that was taken is an incomprehensible loss literally not comprehensible stolen from us by a malice that no words can describe, Trump said, adding that the shooter was eternally damned to burn in the fires of hell.

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How Did Trump Respond

At a White House news conference, Mr Trump disparaged Ms Harris’ failed bid for the Democratic party’s presidential nomination, during which she fiercely attacked Mr Biden’s record on race.

Mr Trump said: “I watched her poll numbers go boom, boom, boom, down to almost nothing, and she left angry, she left mad.

“She said horrible things about him, including accusations made about him by a woman, where she, I guess, believed the woman.

“Now all of a sudden she’s running to be vice-president saying how wonderful he is.”

Last year Mr Biden was accused by a number of women of unwelcome contact, including touching and kissing. Mr Biden acknowledged at the time that he must respect personal space.

A more serious allegation surfaced this year from a former aide who accused Mr Biden of sexually assaulting her in the halls of Congress in 1993. He denied the claim.

Ms Harris, who had dropped out of the presidential race at that point, said Tara Reade “has a right to tell her story”.

California state records also show Mr Trump donated to Ms Harris when she was a candidate for the state’s attorney general in 2011 and 2013, while he was still a private citizen.

Shortly before the Biden-Harris event, Mr Trump goaded Mr Biden for remaining at home for much of the campaign so far amid the pandemic lockdown.

Trump Leads Biden By 7% In Slu/yougov Poll

Jacksonville residents say they decided who theyâre voting for before Trump-Biden debate

Joe Biden leads Donald Trump rather comfortably in national polling with a average of about 9%, 49% to 40%. Biden also leads Trump in most Battleground states. However, our SLU/YouGov Poll shows Trump with a rather comfortable lead in Missouri among likely voters, 50% to Bidens 43%.

Missouri was once touted as the nations best bellwether state during the 1900s, but Missouri has been trending red, especially in presidential elections since Bill Clinton won Missouri in 1992 and 1996. Missouri has not voted for a Democratic presidential candidate since, voting for George W. Bush twice, John McCain, Mitt Romney, and Donald Trump with Romney and especially Trump winning by large vote margins.

Support among men and women for Trump in Missouri is also down from 2016, from 62% to 56.5% for men and from 53% to 43% among women. Although Trump still shows strong support among voters without a college degree, his support among four-year college graduates is sharply down. Among these college graduates, he has fallen from 55% support in 2016 to 41% in our poll. While 45% of males with four-year college degrees say they will vote for Trump, only 36% of four-year college degreed women say they will.

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Not Thrilled With Biden But Absolutely Not Missing Trump

These two focus groups consisted of all Biden voters, but overwhelmingly they still consider themselves Republicans. They haven’t yet left the party, even though they’re disillusioned by Trump’s ongoing presence and the control he still holds.

In contrast to the majority of Republicans responding to polls, none of these voters falsely believes the 2020 election was stolen.

None said they regret their 2020 vote. And while they may be disappointed in Biden, they absolutely rule out voting for Trump if he runs for president again.

Former President Donald Trump waves to the crowd at the end of a rally on Saturday in Perry, Ga.hide caption

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Former President Donald Trump waves to the crowd at the end of a rally on Saturday in Perry, Ga.

Take Christine from the Philadelphia suburbs. Like others in her focus group, she said she first voted for Trump because he was a businessman and not a politician.

But she got far more than she bargained for. She used blunt language to describe the former president: “I felt like we had this monster in office that was bipolar, up and down, irrational, crazy thinking.” She called Trump “childish,” said that “crazy things came out of his mouth,” and that he was “not good for the United States.”

And after all of that, Christine confessed: “I didn’t want to vote for Biden. And I’m going to be honest with you, I would have voted for anybody but Trump.”

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  • This is a more optimistic projection than the one delivered by a top Pentagon official, Colin Kahl, in October 2021. Kahl testified before a US congressional committee that ISISs affiliate in Afghanistan could mount external operations somewhere between six and 12 months while al Qaeda would take a year or two to reconstitute that capability.

    That said, the Taliban is in a stronger position today than the last time it was in power. That was before the 9/11 attacks, when it was fighting the Northern Alliance, a not insignificant opposition force.

    The Taliban today hasnt significantly changed any of its social policies, nor has it abandoned its alliance with al-Qaeda. We have seen how this movie plays out in the past. To paraphrase an observation attributed to Mark Twain, while history may not repeat itself, it certainly may rhyme.

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    Biden Leads Among 2016 Validated Voters

    Trump and Biden mostly hold onto their partys coalition of voters in 2016, though there are some modest differences: About 6% of Trumps 2016 voters currently say they support or lean toward Biden for president, while 2% say they are supporting a third-party candidate.

    Similarly, about 4% of validated Clinton voters say they prefer Trump for president this year 1% say they are supporting a third-party candidate for president.

    Biden also holds a modest advantage among those voters who say they supported Gary Johnson, Jill Stein or someone else in 2016: 49% say they lean toward or support Biden, while 26% say they support Trump. A quarter say they plan to vote for a third-party candidate again in 2020. Among those voters who did not vote in 2016, Biden also leads by 16 percentage points .

    Among validated 2018 midterm voters which shifted decidedly toward the Democratic Party compared with 2016 Biden captures 54% of these voters, while Trump garners 42% support.

    Again, Trump and Biden mostly hold onto those voters who cast ballots for their parties candidates in the midterm. However, about 10% of verified voters who cast a ballot for a Republican candidate for House in 2018 say they are considering voting for a candidate other than Trump in 2020. In contrast, Biden holds onto 94% of those voters who cast a ballot for a Democratic candidate for House in 2018.

    Top Choices For The Democrats

    Can Biden heal America when Trump and his allies donât want it healed ...

    The Democrats are spread very thin in terms of leadership potential.

    With a party now run from the radical left and focused on a Green New Deal socialist vision, their appeal is running out. Many see how the party is run by elites who care more about ideology than working families.

    At the top of the Democrats list would be VP Kamala Harris, followed by Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, and Vermont Independent Senator Bernie Sanders.

    Harris is around 40 percent approval, however, which puts her only slightly ahead of Biden.

    Shes made a fool of herself on the world stage and has had many gaffes even recently, going on bizarre rants that sound like a drug-addled drifter.

    As for Warren, shes a socialist busybody whos been noted for recent clashes with Tesla CEO Elon Musk after she demanded the billionaire pay more taxes.

    A staunchly pro-abortion far-left radical, Warren stands a solid chance of winning a 2024 nomination if Biden doesnt run.

    Begging the universe to please give me Elizabeth Warren in 2024

    Olivia May 30, 2022

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