Sunday, July 21, 2024

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How Can Anyone Support Trump

All The Republicans Who Wont Support Trump


Numerous top G.O.P. officials have said publicly or privately that they will not be backing the presidents re-election. Some have even endorsed Joe Biden. Heres a look at where they all stand.

Follow our latest coverage of the Biden vs. Trump 2020 election here.

As November draws nearer, some current and former Republican officials have begun to break ranks with the rest of their party, saying in public and private conversations that they will not support President Trump in his re-election. A number have even said that they will be voting for his Democratic opponent, Joseph R. Biden Jr.

As Mr. Trumps political standing has slipped, fueled by his failures in handling the coronavirus pandemic and by the economic recession, some Republicans have found it easier to publicly renounce their backing.

Here is a running list of those who have said they will support Mr. Biden in the fall, those who simply wont support Mr. Trump, and those who have hinted they may not back the president.

Millions Of Americans Support Use Of Force To Restore Trump To White House: Report

An estimated 21 million Americans believe that Joe Biden is an illegitimate president and that former President Donald Trump should be restored to the White House by force.

Thats the disturbing finding of a new report from the University of Chicago that seeks to understand what motivated the insurrectionists who attacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

Letter: How Can Anyone Still Support Trump After Yesterdays Coup Attempt

In a letter to the editor, Hoboken Democratic Committee Recording Secretary Joe Quintero questions how anyone can still support outgoing President Donald Trump after he led an attempted coup at the Capitol.

Dear Editor,

To my friends, family, and acquaintances tell me who you are those of you whom after the events of yesterday, would continue to support the antics and the rhetoric of Donald Trump.

Four years ago you could be forgiven for wanting to give this outsider a shot, despite all signs pointing to his inability to lead, his amorality, and his lack of common decency.

Many asked me whats the worst that could happen? I answered nuclear war.

And while warheads have not been launched after four years, we are left with the American carnage that Trump had claimed to save us from, but was actually just another of his classic projections.

Four years later there are nearly 400,000 of us dead because of Trumps incompetence.

Four years later, Trumps impotency has cost millions of jobs. Four years later, we are the same pariah globally, which Trump was amongst the New York elite.

Four years later, an American President led an attempted coup in the birthplace of modern democracy.

Well the Capitol has been stormed, arms have been bared on the floor of the House, and at least one person is dead. Your right Dad, this isnt Mexico, this isnt Colombia they dont do this kind of thing anymore.

Joe QuinteroHoboken Democratic Committee Recording Secretary

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American Heartland: The Shock Of Being Left Behind

In 2017, when Adam Jadhav returned to his old home town of Henry, Illinois , his research found some of the maladies described by Lenz and Chatman. Some people longed for better days gone by. Some younger men were seething because they no longer had a place in the local economy.

But in an article published recently in the Journal of Rural Studies, he described something more subtle: a quiet despair in farm country.

Not so long ago, Henry was an economic hub in central Illinois. There were healthy family farms, and industries associated with the farms Caterpillar Inc. machinery factories, tire factories. And the town was 99% white, which allowed an unchallenged racism. Jadhav was harassed because his father, the United Methodist minister, was an Indian immigrant.

In recent decades, change has swept through Henry like a prairie storm. The economy has devolved. Opportunity, wealth and people especially young people have fled to bigger cities. Shops have closed. Churches have closed. And the people left behind mourn for whats been lost.

When Donald Trump ran in 2016, Jadhav said, the slogan Make America Great Again found an audience. Its not that Trump was popular to many, Jadhav said, he seemed a horribly flawed candidate. Still, Trump spoke to their values and insecurities, and Hillary Clinton didnt.

What comes next, now that Trump has lost? Jadhav is of two minds.

The Road To Renewal Is Economic And Spiritual

How can anyone still support Trump?

Steven Hayward speaks at a UC Berkeley event in 2017.

Conservative author Steven Hayward, a Berkeley Law lecturer and visiting scholar at Berkeleys Institute of Governmental Studies, looks to the past for a guide to the future. The late 1960s and early 70s were a time of upheaval in the U.S., he said, and the nation was shaken by assassinations, bombings, riots and campus unrest. Eventually, though, much of the fury burned itself out.

Hayward believes that many working class people embraced Trump because he seemed to understand their sense of being left behind. But like other scholars, he suggested the Biden administration will be more conventional, bringing a calm that could reduce the exhausting polarization and conflict of the Trump presidency.

Several scholars, however, suggested that Democrats hold some responsibility for the repairing the cultural divide because they helped to cause it. They have increasingly lost a sense of alliance with people in rural America and the declining industrial regions, said Berkeley sociologist Neil Fligstein, and as a result, theyre seen as distant, arrogant elites.

Neil Fligstein, UC Berkeley sociologist and director of the Center for Culture, Organization, and Politics.

Jadhav, meanwhile, goes beyond the political and economic to something nearly spiritual.

At the same time, he sees an essential need for engagement between coastal people and heartland people, metropolitan people and rural people.

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I Just Want To Watch The Chaos

I wanted to explain why Id vote for Trump. There are 2 main reasons:

  • His desire to be a successful president to feed his ego could paradoxically motivate him to be an extremely willing, conscientious delegater, surrounding himself with effective political operatives so he could stick to his strength of being a showman.
  • Partly I just want to watch the chaos unfold if a purely ego-driven man were to experience success with a presidential run. Im a young guy who is immature, a bit antisocial, and with no plans for kids or a wife ever. At some level, I dont really care how things go with America as long as its fun to watch, like watching a basketball game when your favorite team isnt playing. I hope this sheds light.
  • The Republicans Running To Support Donald Trump

    Across the country, candidates who support Donald Trumps false claims about the 2020 election are running for office, promising to replace fellow-Republicans who went along with certifying last years results. Republicans are favored to take back both houses of Congress in 2022 and tighten their grip on state houses, raising urgent questions about whether the Party, which largely proved unwilling to support Donald Trumps push to overturn the election last year, might be more amenable to doing so in 2024.

    One of those candidates is Don Bolduc, a retired Army general and the only Republican who has declared his candidacy for next years U.S. Senate race in New Hampshire against the Democratic incumbent, Maggie Hassan. Establishment Republicans in Washington are hoping that New Hampshires governor, Chris Sununu, will also challenge Hassan, in part because Bolduc has firmly attached himself to Trump, praising the former President frequently and signing a letter with other former military leaders claiming election fraud. Trump has not yet endorsed a candidate in the race, but he recently released a statement praising Bolducs attacks on General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Trump and Biden.

    What is it that you want to bring to the Senate?

    This reminds me a little bit of former President Trump. Can you talk about his appeal?

    The Vice President?


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    How Early Trump Supporters Feel Now

    The former presidents 2015 backers, in their own words

    About the author: Conor Friedersdorf is a California-based staff writer at The Atlantic, where he focuses on politics and national affairs. He is the founding editor of The Best of Journalism, a newsletter devoted to exceptional nonfiction.

    Now that Donald Trumps presidency is over, how do the Americans who supported him at the beginning of his political run feel about his performance in the Oval Office? I put that question to 30 men and women who wrote to me in August 2015 to explain their reasons for backing his insurgent candidacy.

    Among the eight who replied, all in the second week of January, after the storming of the Capitol, some persist in supporting Trump others have turned against him still others have lost faith in the whole political system. They do not constitute a representative sample of Trump voters. But their views, rendered in their own words, offer more texture than polls that tell us an approval rating.

    As I did in 2015, Ill let the Trump voters have their say. But this time Ill conclude with some thoughts of my own, in my capacity as a Trump critic who knows that Americans have no choice but to coexist, as best we can, because our political and ideological differences are never going away.

    And now?

    The third correspondent told me in 2015 that hed vote for Trump, despite knowing that he would do a terrible job:

    His assessment today:

    Andrew Bilardello 63 Retired Police Captain And President Of The Republican Club At The Villages Retirement Community In Central Florida

    Trump AT WAR with Republicans, Says DON’T DONATE!

    For years Ive been saying what we need is a businessperson to be president. I was fortunateIve met Donald Trump on many occasions at his golf course in West Palm Beach and at Mar-a-Lago, where we would host fundraisers . When the cameras werent rolling, hes a different person. Hes a lot nicer. Sometimes when the cameras are rolling, he changes. And there are times that I dont like that Donald Trump. I didnt like the way he mocked and belittled people. But it worked for him. He got elected president.

    My mother is a Democrat. My daughter is a Democrat. She hated Donald Trump, and there was a lot of friction between us because of my position. She sees a lot of my statements, and she gets offended. How could you support him? How could you do this? Im like, Honey, you cant take this personally. I do what I can to promote my party and my partys beliefs. I do what I can to promote my candidates and try to get them elected. But if they dont, I move on. Right now, as a former military guy and a former law enforcement officer, Joe Bidens my president. I may not like his politics, but Im going to do everything in my power to succeed.

  • The Enemy Isnt Republicans
  • *Grimaldo asked to use a pseudonym because her work discourages her from making public political statements.

    This is part of What We Learned, a series of reflections on the meaning and legacy of the Trump years.

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    Have Expressed Reluctance Or Misgivings But Havent Openly Dropped Their Backing

    Paul Ryan and John Boehner, the former speakers of the House: Both have expressed their dislike of the president, but have not said whom they will support in November.

    John Kelly, a former chief of staff to the president: Mr. Kelly has not said whom he plans to vote for, but did say he wished we had some additional choices.

    Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska: She has said that shes grappling with whether to support Mr. Trump in November. She told reporters on Capitol Hill in June: I am struggling with it. I have struggled with it for a long time.

    She said: I think right now, as we are all struggling to find ways to express the words that need to be expressed appropriately, questions about who Im going to vote for or not going to vote for, I think, are distracting at the moment. I know people might think thats a dodge, but I think there are important conversations that we need to have as an American people among ourselves about where we are right now.

    Mr. Sanford briefly challenged the president in this cycles Republican primary, and said last year that he would support Mr. Trump if the president won the nomination .

    That has since changed.

    Hes treading on very thin ice, Mr. Sanford said in June, worrying that the president is threatening the stability of the country.

    Maggie Haberman contributed reporting.

    What To Make Of More Than 70m Americans Who Voted For Trump

    As of today, 73,781,603 people voted for Trump, which amounts to 47.2 percent of the total votes counted.

    • Hamid Dabashi is the Hagop Kevorkian Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature at Columbia University.

    Donald Trumps crushing defeat in the 2020 US presidential election was a psychological triumph for humanity at large. The peoples of the world needed catharsis from the terror of Donald Trump that Americans perpetrated upon them, so they wished for his humiliating defeat. This collective wish had nothing to do with his rival, Joe Biden. It had everything to do with humanitys desire to return to sanity and reason after being subjected to Trumps thuggery for four calamitous years

    On the morning of November 7, when Joe Biden was finally called as the winner of the election, there was a sigh of relief audible across America and the world. But the respite was brief. Now Americans and the rest of the world are wondering how some 70 million people could vote for Donald Trump, after his racist thuggery was on full display for so long.

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    Trump Is An Egomaniac

    I think Trump is a ego-maniac. And on his resume he would like to add the moniker of the man who gave America a shove back toward being number one again. It has nothing to do with liking his personality, his way of doing things or NOT DOING them. Because he is crazy impulsive he has no qualms to step on toes when he is on a roll, and correctness enters in his objective. So in my opinion, Trump is the only person in the playing field who could chop off heads, feet, or other current government extremities, which get in the way of what most Americans see as a path to make America over for Americans and strong again! An egotist who will not take no as an answer Trumps objective is to prove what he has said publicly is true.

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