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Does President Trump Have A Rally Tonight

About 20000 People Expected To Attend Trump

Alabama Sen. Tuberville Makes Racially Charged Comments At Trump Rally

May 5, 2022 / 7:20 PM / CBS Pittsburgh

GREENSBURG, Pa. Former President Donald Trump will be in Westmoreland County on Friday night to campaign for Mehmet Oz.

He endorsed the TV celebrity for Senator Pat Toomeys seat. About 20,000 people are expected to attend the rally on Friday.

It is a little less than 24 hours until the gates open for the rally, but people from across the country have made their way to the Westmoreland Fairgrounds to hear the former president. For some, these rallies are a pilgrimage for their political beliefs.

Crews are still setting the scene, as Trump supporters make their way to Mt. Pleasant Township.

Theres so much wrong with whats going on. Hes doing what needs to be done in America, Ralph Pelusi, of Mississippi, said.

Whether from Texas, California, Mississippi or anywhere in between, the following for the 45th president still draws a crowd. Some drove or flew for hours to hear him speak.

Because hes real. Hes so real, Katerina Phang, of California, said.

Rick Frazier, of Ohio, said hes attended more than 50 rallies for Trump. Hes been a follower since early in Trumps presidential run in 2016.

I believed in his America first policies, he said.

Trumps endorsement carries a lot of weight among his supporters. Its been coveted by many Republicans looking to gain a seat in office. Followers are intrigued to see what Trump has to say about Oz during Friday nights rally.


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Am: Masters: ‘this Race Is Winnable’

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Blake Masters continued what amounted to a victory lap ahead of his rally with former President Donald Trump in Mesa later today.

Masters appeared with Maria Bartiromo on “Sunday Morning Futures” on Fox News and made the case that his showing in Thursday’s debate with Sen. Mark Kelly, D-Ariz., had reversed the race.

“I expected him to struggle to defend and he did,” Masters said of Kelly. “All I had to do, Maria, was go out there and tell the truth. Explain to the people how Mark Kelly has kept our border wide open, how his votes for all the crazy trillions of dollars in spending have caused inflation.”

“I think we had him on the ropes a little bit, and it’s a huge vibe shift, a momentum shift for our campaign,” he continued.

Asked about the lack of financial investment from some conservative corners, Masters predicted, “a lot more people are going to get involved.”

“I think I showed people that this race is winnable, that I’m a much, much better candidate than Sen. Kelly in that debate the other night.”

Ronald J. Hansen

What We’re Covered Here

  • West Virginia event: President Trump spoke at a rally in Charleston.
  • More rallies to come: Trump said hed spend more time campaigning ahead of the November midterms.
  • What he didnt say: The President made no mention of his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who was found guilty on eight counts of financial crimes today, or his former lawyer Michael Cohen, who pleaded guilty and implicated the President this afternoon.

Our live coverage has ended. Scroll through the posts below to see how President Trumps rally in West Virginia played out.

Also Check: How Much Wall Has Trump Built

Pm: Masters Continues To Pound Kelly Over Border Drugs Crime

U.S. Senate candidate Blake Masters continued his aggressive attacks on Sen. Mark Kelly, D-Ariz., saying he should have to attend the funerals of overdose victims killed by drugs that entered America from its porous borders.

Masters rattled off a familiar list of complaints about current conditions: There are 300,000 people crossing the nations border each month, violent crime has soared in Phoenix since 2019 and fentanyl continues to kill Americans everywhere.

Mark Kelly has been radio silent about fentanyl for 22 months, Masters said. That ended last week, Masters said, because he had a debate with Masters.

One month before Election Day, he says, Uh oh. I better pretend to start doing something about fentanyl, Masters said, adding that 2,000 Arizonans have died from the drug in the past year.

I think Mark Kelly should have to attend the funerals. Let him look a grieving mother in the eye and he can explain to her why he failed to even lift a finger to secure our border, Masters said.

His words extend attacks on Kelly that shot to prominence last week during the debate between the Senate candidates.

Masters took the stage to Danger Zone, the song made famous in both installments of the movie Top Gun that is about Navy pilots. It would seem a curious choice. Kelly was a Navy fighter pilot before becoming an astronaut, while Masters never served in the military.

Ronald J. Hansen

Trumps Campaign Told Fox 35 That A Rally Was Not Happening After A Local Reporter Said It Was

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Huge crowd, tremendous enthusiasm for tonight

Fox 35 reported from the location where the rally was going to take place and shared that he might be having a virtual rally instead. However, Fox 35 later reported online that the virtual rally is not happening.

The original report is still uploaded on the News Now from Fox channel on YouTube.

We have learned now that the remarks, the event is still on but it will be a virtual rally, the reporter from Fox 35 announced. And the President will make remarks tonight at 7:00, presumably from the White House as he continues to battle COVID-19. So folks are getting those emails to sign up for that virtual event that is still set to take place tonight at 7:00.

You can watch the announcement in the video below.

However, Fox 35 reported on its website, after the above video was made, that Trump would not be having a virtual rally. The update, posted here around 3:35 p.m. Eastern, reads:

FOX 35 News reported President Donald Trump would be holding a virtual campaign rally on Friday evening in lieu of a physical appearance in Sanford, Florida as he had originally planned. The Trump Campaign has notified FOX 35 News that there will not be a virtual rally. The Sanford rally was canceled after the president and first lady tested positive for the coronavirus.

An update from President s physician:

Kayleigh McEnany

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Donald Trump Is Holding A Rally Tonight In Michigan

Former President Donald Trump is expected to speak before 8,000 to 10,000 Michiganders tonight, as he throws his support behind two of the state’s top GOP contenders.

The former president is scheduled to headline the Save America rally Saturday night, which his team has described as a ‘continuation of President Trump’s unprecedented effort to advance the MAGA agenda by energizing voters and highlighting America First candidates and causes.’

The goal, according to the Detroit Free Press, is to raise the profiles of Matthew DePerno, a lawyer running for state attorney general, and Kristina Karamo, who is running for secretary of state – the state’s chief elections officer.

Both candidates have supported Trump’s claims that the 2020 presidential election was ‘rigged’ against him – a claim Trump is likely to repeat on Saturday night.

He is also likely to hint at another presidential campaign and rail against what he perceives to be a ‘witch hunt’ orchestrated by Congress and the courts against him.

Trump’s speech comes ahead of an April 23 endorsement convention, where the state Republican Party delegates will formally begin nominating candidates for down-ballot races – including attorney general and secretary of state.

Tickets to the speech were free and first-come first serve. The town estimates there will be between 8,000 to 10,000 Michiganders in attendance at the Michigan Stars Sports Center.

Trump Rally For Budd Kicks Off In Wilmington

With just six weeks to go until election day, former President Donald Trump will hold a rally in Wilmington Friday for Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ted Budd.

The gates are slated to open at 2 p.m. at the Aero Center at Wilmington International Airport, with Trump slated to speak at 7 p.m. Joining Trump for the rally are Lt. Governor Mark Robinson, 7th District U.S. Rep. David Rouzer, NCGOP Chairman Michael Whatley, and Bo Hines, the Republican nominee for U.S. House in North Carolinas 13th Congressional District.

Previous Save America rallies over the years have drawn thousands of North Carolinians, donned in red. white, and blue America First garb, and this evening should be no exception. Roads around Wilmington are already closed, and traffic is redirected across the area as the parking lots for the rally open.

Budd has leaned into Trumps endorsement from the beginning, at the NCGOP convention in 2021.

Ted Budd has consistently supported America First polices that protect and promote American jobs as the top priority. Why would anyone back away from that? said campaign adviser Jonathan Felts in campaign material promoting an ad featuring the former president.

Budd, on the other hand, recently signed on as a co-sponsor of a bill in the U.S. House that would end abortion nationwide after 13 weeks of gestation, with exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother.

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Trump Rally In Iowa Live Stream: How To Watch Former President’s Rally In Des Moines

Former President Donald Trump is heading back to Iowa today for a rally amid positive polling numbers that show he has more appeal to voters there than President Joe Biden.

Recent polling out of Iowa showed that Trump had a 53 percent approval rating, the highest approval rating the former president has ever received in Iowa. While Trump’s approval rating is going up, Biden’s struggling with Iowa voters with his approval rating falling lower than Trump’s worst showing in the Des Moines Register and Mediacom poll.

Nearly a year after his last speech in the state, given at the Des Moines International Airport, Trump is returning to Iowa to hold a rally at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines. He’s expected to take the stage at 7 p.m. CT, which is 8 p.m. ET, and Newsmax has coverage lasting until 10:30 p.m. ET.

Viewers can tune in for Trump’s remarks on television on the Newsmax channel, as well as on the Newsmax TV website.

Trump is the headliner of the rally but he won’t be the only official speaking at Saturday’s event. Along with the former president, Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig, Representatives Marianette Miller-Meeks and Ashely Hinson, and Senator Chuck Grassley are expected to speak. Governor Kim Reynolds, former Attorney General Matt Whitaker and Jeff Kaufmann, the chairman of the Republican Party of Iowa are also scheduled to speak at the Iowa rally.

Pm: Trump Claims Predecessors Took Classified Records

Trump Downplays His Classified Document Scandal at Nevada Rally | The Tonight Show

Former President Donald Trump unloaded on the FBI and accused his presidential predecessors over the criminal investigation of the documents seized from his residence at Mar-a-Lago.

He alluded to a third presidential run that wont get derailed by what he views as politically motivated attacks on him.

What theyre trying to do is take us out so we cant represent you if we decide to do that, but well be making a decision very soon, he said to rising cheers.

Trump claimed that former President Bill Clinton took millions of classified records with him when he left office, and presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama also improperly took records as well.

Clinton lost the nuclear codes and former President Jimmy Carter sent the nuclear codes to a dry cleaner, Trump said, adding that nothing happened in those matters.

Lock her up! Lock her up! the crowd chanted after Trump mentioned former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton kept private from officials government emails.

They should give me back everything that was taken, Trump said of the records taken by the FBI.

They plant documents, he said of the FBI. Trump wondered aloud when the Clintons would face investigation and prosecution.

I dont think they will do it, and I dont think they should do it, Trump said.

Despite his complaints, Trump said the actions against him drove his poll numbers higher.

Ronald J. Hansen

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What Time Is Trump Speaking Tonight

Timeline of Events:

  • 8:00AM Parking and Line Opens
  • 3:00PM Doors Open and Entertainment Begins
  • 5:00PM Pre-program Speakers Deliver Remarks
  • 8:00PM 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks

Oz will be one of the five Senate candidates participating in the April 25 debate in the abc27 studio. The debate can be watched live on

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How Trump Addresses The Fbi Search

Saturdays event in Wilkes-Barre will be Trumps first political rally since FBI agents searched his Mar-a-Lago estate on Aug. 8.

The former president has addressed the search at length on Truth Social, his fledgling social media platform, but he has yet to speak about it in front of throngs of energized supporters, where Trump tends to use his most bombastic and incendiary rhetoric.

The Department of Justice in filings has laid out how it spent months unsuccessfully trying to get sensitive government documents back from Trump after he left office, culminating in the August search. A redacted affidavit indicated that the government received 15 boxes from Mar-a-Lago with dozens of documents marked secret or top secret, raising concerns that additional highly sensitive materials were still at the residence and prompting the search.

The legal battle over Trumps retention of government materials is still playing out in court as his team seeks to draw out the governments investigation.

But Trump on Saturday is likely to whip his supporters into a frenzy, railing against the politicization of the FBI and DOJ and arguing he is the victim of a political witch hunt intended to discourage him from running for president in 2024.

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Trump Is Speaking Monday In Sanford Florida

Signing up for any event online does not guarantee a seat, as those are given first-come, first-served. Note that because of the pandemic, these events are subject to change.

His first event is a rally in Sanford, Florida scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. Eastern on Monday, October 12.

The event is being held at Orlando Sanford International Airport and doors open at 4 p.m. Eastern.

Punching Back At The Department Of Justice

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The former president is currently involved in a legal tussle with federal authorities over a cache of classified documents that the FBI seized last month.

Government authorities say Mr Trump improperly took and stored White House documents, including some marked top secret at his Florida home the Mar-a-Lago resort.

Federal prosecutors now say he may have obstructed the investigation into his possession of the documents.

Mr Trump has previously spun investigations and attacks against him as witch hunts, and it was no different on Saturday.

He came out swinging, calling the FBIs search the shameful raid and break-in on my home in Mar-a-Lago a travesty.

The former president has long built his appeal by casting himself and his supporters as political outsiders and persecuted figures.

Mr Trump linked his personal legal troubles to his supporters political frustrations, claiming: We are being assaulted⦠by the FBI and DOJ.

It was not just my home that was raided⦠it was the hopes and dreams of every citizen who Ive been fighting for since the moment I came down the golden escalator in 2015, wanting to represent the people, he added, drawing boos from the crowd.

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Happening Now: Trump Speaks At His Rally

President Trump started his rally by talking about some NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem and the coal industry.

Earlier today, the Environmental Protection Agency formally unveiled the details of its new plan to devolve regulation of coal-fired power plants back to the states, one that is expected to give a boost to the coal industry and increase carbon emissions nationwide.

The move would reverse Obama administration efforts to combat climate change and marks the fulfillment of a campaign promise at the heart of his appeal in coal-producing states like West Virginia.

Former Pres Trump To Speak At Save America Event Friday In Wilmington

Trump is scheduled to speak at 7:00 p.m. at Aero Center Wilmington.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Former President Donald Trump will be in North Carolina to rally the Republican base on Friday, September 23, 2022.

Trump is set to visit Wilmington for a Save America event. He will also be campaigning for Republican Senate candidate Ted Budd who is running against Democratic Senate candidate Cheri Beasley.

Sharonne Hayes previewed the event during WBTV News at Noon what supporters could expect this evening if theyre headed to Wilmington.

Trump is scheduled to speak at 7:00 p.m. at Aero Center Wilmington at Wilmington International Airport. Event organizers say they are expecting 10,000 people in attendance.

This is the first appearance by the former President since the New York Attorney General filed a civil suit against him and three of his children. The suit accuses The Trump Organization of fraudulent business practices.

Its actually not the former Presidents first visit to Wilmington, with his visit to the area in 2020.

Trump is hoping to build support around Republican candidates ahead of the upcoming midterm elections. The Save America event will feature several GOP guest speakers.

The Democratic party of North Carolina recently unveiled a billboard highlighting what they call Trumps attacks on democracy. That billboard is located by the entrance of the Wilmington airport and includes quotes from Budd calling the nothing and just patriots standing up.

Don’t Miss: When Is The Next Trump Rally In Florida

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