Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Is Trump Running For Reelection

Joe Biden Would Not Be Disappointed For Rematch Against Donald Trump In 2024

Trump will ‘run for re-election in 2024’ if Biden is declared the winner

We should start with the fact that Donald Trump is going to run again, the report said.

There has been ongoing speculation about Trumps presidential goals, including whether he would announce on the Fourth of July.

But Trump, who launched his 2016 presidential bid by riding down an escalator in Trump Tower, dismissed the idea that he would even consider using the nations birthday as a backdrop, calling the reports fake news.

I dont think we have to compete with that, he told New York. First of all, a lot of people arent around on the Fourth of July. Its not a great time to do an announcement. I never said I was going to. That was just fake news. Somebody said that I was going to. I dont think it was any of our people.

Trump also said in the interview that he wasnt worried about other Republicans mostly notably Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis who might challenge him in a Republican primary.

He discounted DeSantis, who has been making headlines in the Sunshine State over his opposition to coronavirus restrictions, as a rival.

I dont feel that. I endorsed Ron, he was at 3, and as soon as I endorsed him, he went to first place, he was not going to win, Trump said, moments later clarifying that he was referring to DeSantis running for governor.

No, I meant when he ran for governor, as you know, he was running and then he came to me for an endorsement because he was not, you know, he was at 3 percent, Trump said.

Trump Should Not Run For President In 2024 Majority Of Americans Say

As former President Donald Trump considers launching another bid for the White House, more than six in 10 Americans do not want him to run in 2024, according to a new PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll. And while Trumps possession of more than 10,000 government documents at his Florida home seems not to have changed the minds of his steady supporters, a plurality of Americans think he has done something illegal.

The level of support for another Trump campaign remains virtually unchanged from December 2020, the month after he lost the presidential election and weeks before a mob of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol in an effort to stop the certification of the Electoral College votes.

His numbers dont move. Theyre locked in, said Lee Miringoff, the director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion. The good thing for former President Trump is his numbers dont drop. The bad thing is hes only talking about a third of the electorate who are in his corner.

Graphics by Megan McGrew

Thats not a great place to launch an election campaign, he added.

Just 28 percent of independents believe Trump should run again, this poll found, while two-thirds say the former president should sit out the next election. According to 2020 exit polling, 41 percent of independents had voted for Trumps reelection, suggesting a significant cratering of support since.

WATCH:The political impact of what the FBI found at Mar-a-Lago

Graphic by Megan McGrew

Ivanka Trump Fusses Over Dress In Jan 6 Documentary Teaser

On another issue important to voters, Morris said Trump and the Republicans have a strong hand to play as the law-and-order party and paint Biden and the Democrats as soft on crime during the fall midterms and in 2024.

He said the left wing of the Democratic Partys campaign to defund the police is a gift to Trump and the GOP.

The crime issue is particularly toxic for the Democrats, because it is obvious to voters that it was not nearly as bad a problem before Biden was elected. Back in 2019, and before, crime had fallen out of the headlines and faded in popular consciousness. But after Bidens election, the movement to defund the police, and the vilification of dedicated, responsible, fair, and hardworking police officers has set the crime rate soaring. So who is to blame? Figure it out!, Morris said.

The Left wants to cut the number of uniformed police and replace them with social workers and psychologists to stem violence and escalation. So the next time you worry that a criminal is trying to break into your home, call 911 and wait for a social worker to arrive, he said.

The Lefts goal is not to reduce crime by cutting the number of murders, rapes, and robberies. It is to reduce punishment, incarceration, and harsh sentencing by decriminalizing crime.

He said decriminalization of marijuana makes sense, but Democrats have gone overboard with policies such as eliminating cash bail.

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What Politicians Are Saying About A Hypothetical Trump Re

Illustrated | Getty Images

Speculation about who will be the 2024 Republican presidential nominee is at an all-time high as former President Donald Trump continues to tease an attempt for a second term. True enough, Trump appears to have many allies within the GOP who are prepared to support him if he’s on the ticket. Still others, though, seem either uncertain or decidedly against him as a candidate. Mounting legal concerns including the Capitol attack investigation have plagued Trump since he left office, and seemingly caused him to slip in the polls.

Here is where prominent Republican lawmakers stand on whether or not they support Trump as a candidate for the 2024 presidential election:

Emboldened ‘unchanged’ Trump Looks To Re

Donald Trump announces he will run for presidential re

The set of advisers around Trump now is a familiar mix of his top 2020 campaign aides and others who have moved in and out of his orbit over time. They include Miller, Susie Wiles, Bill Stepien, Justin Clark, Corey Lewandowski and Brad Parscale.

While his schedule isn’t set yet, according to Trump’s camp, his coming stops are likely to include efforts to help Ohio congressional candidate Max Miller, a former White House aide looking to win a primary against Rep. Anthony Gonzales, who voted to impeach Trump this year Jody Hice, who is trying to unseat fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger as Georgia secretary of state after Raffensperger defied Trump and validated the state’s electoral votes and Alabama Senate candidate Mo Brooks, according to Trump’s camp.

Trump’s ongoing influence with Republican voters helps explain why most GOP officeholders stick so closely to him. Republicans spared him a conviction in the Senate after the House impeached him for stoking the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, House GOP leaders have made it clear that they view his engagement as essential to their hopes of retaking the chamber, and Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., was deposed as Republican Conference Chair this year over her repeated rebukes of Trump.

Those numbers suggest that Trump could be in a strong position to win a Republican primary but lose the general election in 3½ years. A former Trump campaign operative made that case while discussing Trump’s ambitions.

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One can speculate how it would turn out, but it is unprecedented.

All of this would only apply if Trump were ever convicted of a crime. He has strenuously denied wrongdoing, previously saying that presidential records were turned over in an ordinary and routine process.

Others also suggested that the raid will only further strengthen the support of Trumps followers, many of whom rushed to support him outside Mar-a-Lago, sharing his belief that he is being unfairly targeted.

If they raided his home just to find classified documents he took from The White House, one legal expert told Politico, he will be re-elected president in 2024, hands down.

It will prove to be the greatest law enforcement mistake in history, the expert said.

While divided on the law, there was clear agreement that Mondays raid was one for the record books.

This raid is surely one of the most significant the FBI has ever undertaken, Jonathan Shaub, a former attorney adviser at the Justice Department, told the Miami Herald.

Beschloss, the historian, tweeted that we have never seen a scene like this in Presidential history.

Lets pause for a second to look at how weird and horrible this is: the FBI is going in to search the house of an ex-president because theres serious suspicion that a federal crime was committed here, he told MSNBC.

They dont do this just for fun.

Some In Trump World Still Want Him To Announce Now

Despite Trump being counseled by a growing number of advisers to delay his campaign announcement until later this fall or winter, not everyone in his inner circle has been convinced that thatâs the right move.

One source close to Trump dismissed the escalating political and legal concerns as âexcuses,â arguing that the former President is already being blamed for the shifting midterm forecast and putting off a presidential campaign launch is unlikely to inoculate him from further criticism among Republicans if the party either fails to win the Senate or disappoints in its overall gains.

âThey are going to blame him no matter what, so he should just announce,â this person said.

People familiar with Trumpâs thinking said he has been more receptive to postponing his campaign announcement until after the midterms in part because of the way Republicans rallied behind him following the FBI search. The former President has recently told allies he doesnât think he will face a formidable challenger in the 2024 GOP primary, according to three people familiar with his comments, one of whom said Trump has been quick to point out how Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis compared the FBI search to âBanana Republicâ tactics. DeSantis is widely expected to be a top primary rival if he runs for the nomination against Trump.

Two days before federal investigators conducted their search of Mar-a-Lago, Trump used the speech to complain that he is âalways being persecuted.â

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Trump Is Betting On This Playbook In 2020

Instead of discussing specific policies, the U.S. president has been promising LAW & ORDER. Trump and his surrogates are asking people to vote on this issue. Law and order is on the ballot in November, asserted Sen. Lindsey O. Graham , a key Trump surrogate. Through a social media barrage, Trump supporters say America is on fire, as one writer put it in The National Interest. As his former counselor Kellyanne Conway said explicitly, The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on whos best on public safety.

While the disruption has occurred under his watch, he claims it would be much worse under his political opponent. If you want a vision of your life under a Biden presidency, think of the smoldering ruins in Minneapolis, the violent anarchy of Portland, the bloodstained sidewalks of Chicago, and imagine the mayhem coming to your town and every single town in America. He said recently, If our opponents prevail, no one will be safe in our country and no one will be spared.

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It is ‘not surprising’ Donald Trump is ‘teasing’ at running for re-election

When I meet people and they find out I am a political reporter, they inevitably — and immediately — ask some version of this question: “Is he going to run again? And can he win?”

The Point: Trump is the least predictable politician, well, ever. Which means that you can never bank of anything with him — including another run for president. But, man does it look and sound like he is going to run again. And, yes, he can win.

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Trump 202: Will He Actually Run Again Or Be The Nominee

Only one U.S. president has served nonconsecutive terms: Grover Cleveland. Cleveland lost the election in 1888 before returning to office in 1893, making him the 22nd and 24th president.

Apparently, Donald Trump hopes to follow in his footsteps. Though he has yet to explicitly announce a 2024 campaign, he has repeatedly hinted that he plans to run again, telling rally audiences he wants to make America great again, again again and a crowd at one of his golf courses that hell be the 45th and 47th president. And Trumps political committees announced they have accumulated an astonishing $122 million in cash, as of February.

But how likely is it that Trump will actually run again in 2024, let alone become the Republican Party nominee or win reelection? After all, the House panel investigating the January 6 riot at the Capitol has found that Trump and his associates engaged in a criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States” and prevent Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s 2020 victory. But lawmakers can only refer their findings to the Justice Department, which has not indicated it plans to pursue charges against Trump, as the Associated Press reported.

Trump and many of his supporters remain committed to the big lie that he never lost the 2020 election to Biden, and Trump’s encouragement of the insurrection doesn’t seem to have cost him popularity with the GOP base or support from many party leaders.

Gov Ron Desantis : Unclear But A Likely Rival

Trump once called DeSantis his “great friend,” but their relationship appears to be on the rocks as DeSantis is increasingly heralded as a potential rival in the 2024 primary. Sources close to the former president said the two haven’t spoken since early summer, The Washington Post reports. Trump has yet to endorse DeSantis in his November re-election race, despite doing so in 2018 DeSantis likewise hasn’t asked Trump for an endorsement and according to Politico, doesn’t plan to do so.

DeSantis has yet to announce plans to run for president, but he also hasn’t denied that he is considering it. He has been touring swing states and headlining Republican rallies throughout the country.

DeSantis told Fox News reporters “nice try” when asked if wanted to run in June. The Post reports that he told Arizona donors who inquired about his 2024 ambitions that “I’m governor of Florida, and I’m running for re-election in Florida.”

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Donald Trump 2020 Presidential Campaign

Donald Trump for President 2020
  • Announced: June 18, 2019
  • Presumptive nominee: March 17, 2020
  • Official nominee: August 24, 2020
  • Lost election: November 3, 2020
  • Projected defeat: November 7, 2020
  • Keep America Great!
  • Promises made, promises kept
  • Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!

The Donald Trump 2020 presidential campaign was an unsuccessful re-election campaign for the 2020 United States presidential election by incumbent RepublicanDonald Trump. Trump was inaugurated for his first term on January 20, 2017, and officially announced his reelection campaign on June 18, 2019.

Trump refused to accept the results he and his allies made false and disproven claims of fraud, pressured elections officials, filed dozens of lawsuits , and directly attempted to overturn the results at the county, state, and federal level. This culminated in the January 6, 2021, attack on the United States Capitol, for which Trump was impeached a second time. The day after the attack, Trump formally conceded the election without mentioning president-elect Biden by name, in a video posted on .

Researchers estimate that the rallies Trump held from June 20 through September 22 caused more than 30,000 diagnosed cases of COVID-19 and more than 700 deaths.

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Trump Is Seeking Reelection On a Pro

Former President Donald Trump said he has made up his mind about mounting another White House bid in 2024 and indicated that the only decision left is whether he announces before or after Novembers midterm elections, a new report says.

Well, in my own mind, Ive already made that decision, so nothing factors in anymore. In my own mind, Ive already made that decision, Trump told New York magazine in an interview at his golf resort in Bedminster, NJ.

Initially, the 45th president remained coy about the timing of his decision, but then continued.

I would say my big decision will be whether I go before or after, he said. You understand what that means?

He was then asked about the midterms and repeated the words.

Do I go before or after? That will be my big decision, Trump said. I just think that there are certain assets to before.

Let people know. I think a lot of people would not even run if I did that because, if you look at the polls, they dont even register. Most of these people. And I think that you would actually have a backlash against them if they ran. People want me to run, he continued.

Look, Trump said, I feel very confident that, if I decide to run, Ill win.

The interview with Trump was published on Thursday, the same day the Washington Post reported that he is looking at September for announcing his decision, with a confidante predicting that the odds are 70 to 30 that he announces before the midterms.

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Which Republicans Will Back Trump If He Runs In 2024

Speculation about who will be the 2024 Republican presidential nominee is at an all-time high as former President Donald Trump continues to tease an attempt for a second term. True enough, Trump appears to have many allies within the GOP who are prepared to support him if he’s on the ticket. Still others, though, seem either uncertain or decidedly against him as a candidate. Mounting legal concerns including the Capitol attack investigation have plagued Trump since he left office, and seemingly caused him to slip in the polls.

Here is where prominent Republican lawmakers stand on whether or not they support Trump as a candidate for the 2024 presidential election:

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