Friday, July 26, 2024

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What The Fuck Is Trump Doing

Day : Historic Nightmare

Trump rips Biden on Ukraine: This should have never happened

1/ Mitch McConnell told Republicans he has the votes needed to begin Trumpâs impeachment trial without committing to calling new witnesses or admitting new evidence, rebuffing demands from Democrats. McConnell believes he has at least 51 votes from his 53-member Republican conference to start the trial, offering no guarantee that the Senate will issue subpoenas for witnesses and documents beyond what the Houseâs inquiry gathered. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has withheld the articles of impeachment since the House voted in December to charge Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, in an effort to push Republicans to agree to fair rules for the trial.

  • Minority Leader Charles Schumer said Senate Democrats will force votes on witnesses and documents at the start of the impeachment trial, putting Republicans on record about âa fair trial.â

  • ð Day 1082: Former national security adviser John Bolton said he is âprepared to testifyâ in Trumpâs impeachment trial if subpoenaed by the Senate. Bolton, who so far has complied with a White House directive to not cooperate in the inquiry, has direct knowledge of Trumpâs actions and conversations regarding Ukraine that could fill in blanks in the impeachment case. A Senate subpoena requires at least 51 votes, which means four Republicans would need to vote with Democrats to call a witness.

Day 1: Incriminate Hillary

1/ Trump Jr. was told â in an email â that the Russian government wanted to help the Trump campaign. The email was sent by Rob Goldstone, who brokered the June 2016 meeting with a Kremlin-connected lawyer â Natalia Veselnitskaya â that promised damaging information about Clinton as part of a Russian government effort to aid the Trump campaign. The meeting took place less than a week before thousands of DNC emails were released by hackers. Goldstone is a publicist who represents a Russian pop star, whose father â Aras Agalarov â helped bring Trumpâs 2013 Miss Universe pageant to Moscow. Agalarovis is also a close friend of Putin.

2/ The email sent to Trump Jr. said the documents âwould incriminate Hillaryâ and âwould be very useful to your father.â Within minutes, Trump Jr. replied: âIf itâs what you say I love it especially later in the summer.â Four days later, Goldstone wrote back proposing a meeting with a âRussian government attorney.â Trump Jr. agreed, saying he would bring âPaul Manafort â and âmy brother-in-law,â Jared Kushner, now one of the presidentâs closest White House advisers.

Here’s my statement and the full email chain

â Donald Trump Jr.

7/ The man connecting Trump Jr. to the Russian lawyer checked in for the meeting at Trump Tower on Facebook. A screenshot from Rob Goldstoneâs Facebook page suggests he was at Trump Tower the day of the meeting. The caption reads âpreparing for meeting.â

Day : What Happens At Georgetown Prep Stays At Georgetown Prep

1/ The Trump administration is unable to account for nearly 1,500 additional migrant children who were placed with sponsors after leaving federal shelters. The revelation comes months after a similar admission in April concerning an initial 1,475 children. Since 2016, HHS officials have called sponsors to check on migrant children 30 days after placements. The department has said it is not legally responsible for children after they are released from government custody.

2/ Dr. Christine Blasey Ford wants the FBI to investigate her allegations against Brett Kavanaugh before senators hold a hearing. Ford has not yet confirmed whether she will attend a public hearing on Monday.

  • Fordâs letter to the FBI says she has âbeen the target of vicious harassment and even death threatsâ and has been forced to leave her home.

  • Kavanaugh in 2015: âWhat happens at Georgetown Prep, stays at Georgetown Prep.â Kavanaugh made the remarks during a speech he gave at Catholic University of Americaâs Columbus School of Law.

  • One of Fordâs former classmates wrote a Facebook post saying she remembers hearing about the alleged assault by Kavanaugh. Cristina Miranda King says she has no first-hand information to corroborate Fordâs claims. âI did not know her personally but I remember her,â King wrote. âThis incident did happen.â King has since taken down her post.

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Day : Beyond The Pale

1/ Democrats plan to bypass Republicans and approve a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package on a party-line basis using budget reconciliation. The process allows some legislation tied to the budget to pass the Senate with a simple majority, rather than the 60 votes needed to avoid a filibuster. Republicans have repeatedly rejected Bidenâs plan, which would provide a $1,400 check, increase and extend federal unemployment, provide funds for vaccine distribution, state and local governments, and schools. Press secretary Jen Psaki also ruled out splitting up the package, saying the Biden administration is ânot going to do this in a piecemeal way or break apart a big package meant to address the crisis weâre facing.â

3/ The U.S. economy shrank by 3.5% in 2020 â the worst year for economic growth since World War II. Itâs the first time the economy has contracted for the year since 2009, when GDP shrank by 2.5%.

5/ After the Trump administration relocated the Bureau of Land Managementâs headquarters to Colorado, more than 87% of staffers either quit or resigned. A total of 287 BLM employees left the job while 41 people moved to the new office in Colorado. About 95% of the more than 9,000 BLM staffers were working outside of Washington before the relocation took place.

Day 4: We Must Prepare For That

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1/ A federal judge in Florida struck down the Biden administrationâs Covid-19 mask mandate for public transportation. U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, a Trump appointee, said the CDC exceeded its authority and had incorrectly claimed the mask mandate was a form of âsanitation.â Mizelle wrote that âWearing a mask cleans nothing. At most, it traps virus droplets. But it neither âsanitizesâ the person wearing the mask or âsanitizesâ the conveyance.â The White House, meanwhile, said the CDC continues to recommend that people wear masks on public transportation and that the Justice Department will determine whether it will appeal the ruling.

2/ At least 10 mass shootings across the U.S. this weekend left eight people dead and dozens injured. The violence comes following Bidenâs announced tougher gun regulations last week. In 2022, there have been 144 mass shootings, and total gun deaths for the year have reached more than 12,600.

4/ Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warned that âall of the countries of the worldâ should be prepared for the possibility that Putin could use tactical nuclear weapons. Zelenskyy added that there is a âpossibilityâ that Putin could turn to either nuclear or chemical weapons because he does not value Ukrainian lives. âWe shouldnât wait for the moment when Russia decides to use nuclear weaponsâ,â Zelenskyy said. âWe must prepare for thatâ.â

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Day 1: Extremely Enthusiastic

1/ Nancy Pelosi rejected two of the five GOP members who were selected to serve on the 1/6 committee. House Speaker Pelosi on Wednesday rejected the appointment of Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio and Jim Banks of Indiana, both of whom objected to the certification of the November 2020 election in the House, to serve on the commission. In response, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy pulled the remaining three GOP members.

2/ Trumpâs longtime friend and ally Thomas Barrack was accused of trying to use his influence to help the United Arab Emirates. The billionaire businessman was arrested Tuesday in California and charged with violating foreign lobbying laws, obstructing justice and making false statements, officials said.

3/ Ted Cruz is blocking diplomats from being confirmed for reasons that have nothing to do with their qualifications. An extraordinary effort by Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz to block nominees from being confirmed to vital jobs in the State Department is creating hurdles for the Biden administration and hindering U.S. diplomacy, according to Democrats and Republicans who spoke to CNN.

5/ Senate Republicans blocked a vote Wednesday to start debate on a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, as they push for more time to strike a deal with Democrats and write the legislation. The vote was 49-51, short of the 60 votes needed to advance the measure.

Day 2: A Disgraceful Dereliction Of Duty

1/ Trump was acquitted for the second time in 13 months. The Senate voted 57-43 Saturday in favor of convicting Trump â one month and a week after insurrectionists incited a riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6 â 10 votes short of the required two-thirds majority necessary for conviction. Republicans Richard Burr, Bill Cassidy, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse, and Patrick Toomey joined all 50 Democrats in voting to find Trump guilty of âincitement of insurrectionâ â the largest number of senators to vote to find a president of their own party guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. Trump is also the only U.S. president to have been impeached twice.

  • ð Six hours of paralysis: Inside Trumpâs failure to act after a mob stormed the Capitol. âHe was hard to reach, and you know why? Because it was live TV,â said one close Trump adviser. âIf itâs TiVo, he just hits pause and takes the calls. If itâs live TV, he watches it, and he was just watching it all unfold.â

  • ð One Legacy of Impeachment: The most complete account so far of Jan. 6. âThough Mr. Trump escaped conviction, the Senate impeachment trial has served at least one purpose: It stitched together the most comprehensive and chilling account to date of last monthâs deadly assault on the Capitol, ensuring that the former presidentâs name will be inextricably associated with a violent attempt to subvert the peaceful transfer of power, the first in American history.â

Recommended Reading: What Has Trump Done To The Epa

Day : Climate Of Change

1/ Scott Pruittâs lease of a D.C. apartment cost him $50 a night but only when he slept there. Vicki Hart, the healthcare lobbyist who co-owns the building the apartment is in, is the wife of J. Steven Hart, an energy industry lobbyist. The EPA administrator worked directly with Hart to set up the $50-a-night rental room in a prime Capitol Hill building. The arrangement required him to pay rent for just a single bedroom, even though the other bedrooms in the unit were unoccupied. Hartâs firm represents clients in the industries that are regulated by the EPA.

2/ Pruittâs 24-hour security in Washington extended to personal trips to Disneyland and the Rose Bowl game, as well as trips home to Tulsa, Oklahoma. House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy recently made Pruitt turn over all of his travel records for his first year. The EPAâs inspector general is also investigating Pruittâs 2017 travel.

  • Scott Pruittâs protective detail broke down the door at the Capitol Hill condo where he was living last year, believing he was unconscious and unresponsive and needed rescue. The incident occurred in the late afternoon on March 29, 2017. The EPA agreed to reimburse the condo owner for the damage to the door.

poll/ 60% of Americans between the ages of 15 and 34 describe Trump as âmentally unfit,â 62% call him âgenerally dishonest,â and 63% say he âis a racist.â 33% approve of Trumpâs job performance â 9 points lower than all adults.

Day : America’s Values

Is the media now doing what it slams Trump for doing?

1/ Scientists and public health experts say that âherd immunityâ in the U.S. may not be attainable due to vaccine hesitancy. About 30% of the U.S. population remains reluctant to be vaccinated. The original herd immunity threshold, meanwhile, was estimated to be about 60 to 70% of the population. Experts, however, now estimate that the herd immunity threshold to be at least 80% due to more contagious variants circulating in the U.S. Experts also say the coronavirus will most likely continue to circulate in the U.S., causing hospitalizations and deaths but in much smaller numbers.

  • Los Angeles County reported no new deaths related to Covid-19 and just 313 new cases of the coronavirus. Infections in L.A. County are at their lowest levels since the start of the pandemic.

  • Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis suspended the stateâs remaining Covid-19 public health restrictions, saying âwe are no longer in a state of emergency.â Since the beginning of the pandemic, Florida has reported the third-most Covid-19 cases in the U.S. at more than 2.2 million and the fourth-highest death toll at more than 35,000 fatalities.

5/ The Biden administration will reunite four migrant families separated during the Trump administrationâs âzero toleranceâ immigration policy in 2017. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas called it âjust the beginningâ of a broader effort. More than 1,000 families, however, remain separated.

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Day : Regime Survival

1/ Trump dismissed climate change as a hoax, calling for âglobal warmingâ to âcome back fastâ as a dangerous deep freeze hits the Midwest where a polar vortex is expected to drop temperatures to negative 30F with the wind chill driving temperatures as low as negative 50F or 60F â the lowest in more than two decades. Roughly 83 million Americans â about 25% of the U.S. population â will experience temperatures below zero this week. Weather and climate are two different things: Weather is what you experience in the moment, while climate is the broader trend. Trumpâs , asking âWhat the hell is going on with Global Waming?â â misspelling âwarmingâ â suggests he doesnât understand the difference between climate and weather. In 2017, Trump also tweeted that the U.S. could use some âgood old Global Warmingâ while most of the Northeast was experiencing record-breaking cold weather.

4/ The Senate Judiciary Committee delayed a vote on William Barrâs nomination for attorney general as Democrats raised concerns about whether he would allow Mueller to finish his probe and publish his report. Barr has repeatedly refused to provide a firm guarantee that he will release the report to Congress and the public. The committee postponed its vote on Barr until its next meeting.

poll/ 32% of Republican and Republican-leaning voters would like the GOP to nominate âsomeone otherâ than Trump in 2020. 65% want the GOP nominate Trump.

Day 2: The World Wonders Whether We Can Function

1/ House Democrats â again â postponed a vote on the $1 trillion Senate-approved infrastructure bill, pushing off its consideration until at least next week. The delay followed a visit to Capitol Hill by Biden, who asked House Democrats to support both the infrastructure plan and the separate social policy and climate change framework, saying: âWe are at an inflection point. The rest of the world wonders whether we can function I donât think itâs hyperbole to say that the House and Senate majorities â and my presidency â will be determined by what happens in the next week.â Progressive Democrats, however, blocked the scheduled vote, saying they wanted to review the written legislative text of the $1.75 trillion social spending outline â and receive assurances that Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema would vote for it, which neither have outright given. The House, meanwhile, passed another temporary extension for highway funding until Dec. 3 â the same deadline to address government funding and a debt ceiling default. The Senate unanimously approved that extension after it passed the House.

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Day : Presidential Harassment

1/ Democrats won back the House for the first time in eight years, picking up at least 27 seats to give the party a check on Trump and the GOPâs economic policy. âTomorrow will be a new day in America,â Nancy Pelosi said in a victory speech. âToday is more than about Democrats and Republicans. Itâs about restoring the Constitutionâs checks and balances to the Trump administration.â Some key races are still too close to call as of Wednesday morning.

  • Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, the pro-Russia Republican incumbent, lost to Democrat Harley Rouda in Californiaâs 48th House district.

  • The Nevada brothel owner who died last month won in the race for Nevadaâs 36th Assembly District. County officials will appoint a Republican to take his place in the seat.

  • Trump described the midterm election as âgreatâ for Republicans, but vowed to turn the tables on Democrats who investigate him and his administration. âIf the Democrats think they are going to waste Taxpayer Money investigating us at the House level, then we will likewise be forced to consider investigating them for all of the leaks of Classified Information, and much else, at the Senate level. Two can play that game!â Trump tweeted. Mitch McConnell cautioned Democrats against engaging in âpresidential harassment.â

2/ Republicans increased their majority in the Senate, building on their one-seat majority in the chamber by winning Democratic seats in Indiana, North Dakota and Missouri.

Day : The Gravest Damage

Donald Trump Flag Fuck

1/ Biden marked the start of his presidency by signing or finalizing 17 executive orders, memorandums, and proclamations to roll back some of Trumpâs policies. Hours after his inauguration, Biden began signing orders on a range of issues, which included defunding the construction of Trumpâs border wall, reversing Trumpâs travel ban targeting Muslim-majority countries, ending the Trump administrationâs efforts to exclude undocumented immigrants from the Census, recommitting to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, revoking the permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, and rejoining the Paris climate agreement. âThereâs no time to start like today,â Biden told reporters in the Oval Office as he began signing. âIâm going to start by keeping the promises I made to the American people.â Biden also signed an order appointing Jeffrey Zients as his Covid-19 response coordinator who will report to the president, in an effort to âaggressivelyâ gear up the nationâs response to the Covid-19 pandemic. One of Bidenâs top advisers described the flurry of executive authority as an effort to âreverse the gravest damagesâ done to the country by Trump.

  • ð· Dept. of âWe Have It Totally Under Control.â

  • Global: Total confirmed cases: ~97,284,000 deaths: ~2,085,000

  • U.S.: Total confirmed cases: ~24,571,000 deaths: ~409,000

  • Covid-19 Live Blogs: New York Times / Washington Post / NBC News / ABC News / CNBC

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