Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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What Does Fox News Say About Trump

Why Do All The Women On Fox News Look And Dress Alike Republicans Prefer Blondes

Attorney says Trump couldn’t declassify docs by ‘thinking about it’

From pundits like Ann Coulter to Kellyanne Conway, American rightwingers are a uniform vision of dont scare-the-horses dressing

Why do so many rightwing American women have bottle-blond hair, often worn girlishly long? Im thinking of Kellyanne Conway, Ann Coulter and almost any woman on Fox News.

Jonathan, London N16

Excellent question, Jonathan! I was pondering something similar myself recently while looking through Ivanka Trumps fashion collection on, which seems to be one of the only places it is stocked these days. The grimly bland suede pumps, the simpering floral shifts, the just-flirtatious-enough body-skimming little black dresses welcome, people, to death by mainstream feminine. You know how your mother goes on about how you wear too much black/denim/weird stuff, and you cant figure out what the hell it is she expects you to wear? Well, allow me to introduce you to Ivanka Trump. What a shame it seems to be sold almost nowhere these days, as these are the clothes your mother dreams of. Oh well, looks like shell have to put up with you in your awesome Bella Freud jumper and Topshop wide-legged culottes combo for another weekend!

Fox News Isnt Ready To Dump Trump Even If The Murdochs Are

New York PostWall Street Journal

In recent weeks, elements within the Murdoch media empire have leveled relatively harsh criticisms against Donald Trump and flirted with the idea of Florida governor Ron DeSantis running in 2024. In June, Fox & Friends cohost Brian Kilmeadesaid the former president was unhinged in the weeks between the 2020 election and January 6a period he described as the worst moment of Donald Trumps political career. The New York Posts editorial board later reacted to the January 6 committees findings by declaring Trump unworthy of reelection, while TheWall Street Journals editorial board wrote that he utterly failed the country that day.

That sentiment is reportedly shared at the very top of the networks food chain: Fox News chief executive Lachlan Murdoch has privately lambasted some of Trumps behavior, arguing that another Trump bid in 2024 would be bad for the country, according to CNNs Oliver Darcy. Additionally, The New York Times and The Washington Post published reports in July suggesting that the Murdochs are attempting to quietly wean Fox News off its Trump-centric coverage, with The Postnoting that Trump may have outlived his usefulness in the eyes of Rupert Murdoch.

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Moving Forward In May

Kelly had a one-on-one interview with Trump that aired in early May, but before its release, she said it took her some time to find the right time to reach out to him.

In April there was a lull in the tweet storm, and I seized on the opportunity, Kelly told ABC News. I had been looking for months for just the right window to go in there. But every time I thought I was there, hed start up again, whether it was boycotting the second Fox News debate or calling me crazy and sick after the third debate.

During the interview, Trump said he thought Kellys question about his comments about women was unfair but appeared to understand her decision to ask it.

I dont really blame you, because youre doing your thing. But from my standpoint, I dont have to like it, he said.

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Trump Claims On Fox News That Presidents Can Declassify Documents ‘by Thinking About It’

Former President Donald Trump went on Fox News host Sean Hannity’s show Wednesday night, and Hannity brought up the FBI’s seizure of about 100 classified documents from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club in August. Trump reiterated his claim that he declassified all those documents something his former aides say they have no knowledge about and his lawyers have declined to state in court and Hannity asked him the process he would use to declassifying sensitive government documents.

“There doesn’t have to be a process, as I understand it,” Trump said. “If you’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying, ‘It’s declassified.’ Even by thinking about it.”

Trump says you can declassify documents by just thinking about it


There is, for the record, a process for presidents to declassify information, and it’s more involved that just thinking the classification away. And even if Trump were right, it’s not clear how his system would work, as Politico‘s Kyle Cheney illustrates.

This raises all kinds of questions like, what happens if a president dreams about declassifying top secret intelligence, or hands someone w/o a clearance a declassified document and then mentally classify, subjecting them to legal jeopardy.

Kyle Cheney

The appellate ruling was handed down after Trump sat down with Hannity.

In A War With Fox Trump Will Likely Lose

Donald Trump tweets

Now Trump and Fox News are at war. And as Nate Silver writes, this is a war Trump probably can’t win.

Until now, Trump has mostly been fighting with institutions that Republicans mistrust like the media, and the Republican establishment in Washington, DC. But 80 percent of Republicans trust Fox News. And Fox News is the most reliable source of cable airtime for Republican candidates trying to reach Republican voters.

Perhaps as importantly, there are few parts of the contemporary conservative movement that aren’t woven into Fox News. So Fox has allies that go well beyond its walls. An example is Erick Erickson of, who disinvited Trump from a RedState event after his comments about Kelly. Erickson, who has , is an influential conservative in his own right, but he is also a Fox News contributor.

So far, Trump had found he can divide and conquer by separating a certain segment of the conservative base from the Republican Party. But it’s much harder to cleave conservatives from Fox News, because, both in terms of money and exposure, it’s much more important for leading conservatives to be in the good graces side of Fox News than in the good graces of Donald Trump. The angrier Trump makes Fox News, the fewer friends he will find he has.

On Monday, Trump tweeted that Fox News CEO Roger Ailes had called him and all was now well:

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Even Fox News Analysts Say Trump Should Face Criminal Charges As Channel Starts Airing Jan 6 Hearings

Fox News analysts have said evidence from the January 6 House select committee showed Donald Trumps unfitness to lead the country and that he may be guilty of a crime.

Analysing the fourth hearing by the panel investigating the Capitol insurrection, former assistant US attorney Andy McCarthy told Fox News host Anita Vogel when asked if the panel was trying to charge the former president with conspiracy to defraud the United States.

No, I dont think so, I think the most plausible crime is obstruction of Congress, Mr McCarthy replied.

He said the committee was relying heavily on the opinion of a federal district judge in California, David Carter, a Clinton appointee who once ran for public office as a Democrat, a lot of bombastic rhetoric in that opinion, not surprising they are relying on it.

He argued: What I would just say is that if you had a different perspective being presented here, I dont think that would be very helpful to President Trump, per se, because the evidence pretty clearly shows his unfitness.

It even suggests that he may be guilty of a crime, maybe, maybe not, there are arguments on both sides, but I would highlight here is the plausible gap, a scheme that attacked every tier of government versus how likely it was to succeed, he added.

It came as Fox News walked back on its previous plans of not airing the primetime hearings which made it the only major American outlet to not air the hearings for a short while.

What Is Fox News Saying About Donald Trump Today

One of the most compelling questions on the minds of American citizens right now is, What is fox news saying about Donald Trump today? The networks political commentators have long been a source of friction between the two major parties, and their recent escapades have been no exception. Some Fox viewers have expressed dissatisfaction over the political commentary on the network, and some have even made the unorthodox move of calling the Arizona Senate race for Democratic nominee Joe Biden. The president has continued to make outrageous claims about election fraud and rigging, and to blame Fox News for the uncensored commercials.

On Friday nights Fox News program, host Sean Hannity compared the technical difficulties at a Putin rally to those faced by former Vice President Joe Biden. The stadium in Moscow, where Trump was speaking to his supporters, was filled with government workers and people who opposed him. While CNNs show was full of bombast and slander, CNNs reporting is a travesty.

The presidents phone call on Fox News was cut short because he did not respond to the question directly. The Presidents response was a text message. But the transcript of the exchange was edited, resulting in an incoherent exchange that made the president appear less coherent. The former Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky argued that Russia stole the election from him, and the ambassador to the UN was looking defecated.

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Why Is It Lie After Lie After Lie: Fox News Anchor Goes Off On Trump Administration

Why is it lie after lie after lie? Smith said to fellow anchor Chris Wallace. The deception, Chris, is mind-boggling.

What set Smith off was the latest development about a June 2016 meeting between Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, and a Russian lawyer who reportedly offered dirt on then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Reports on Friday revealed there were more people in attendance than Trump originally acknowledged.

Were still not clean on this, Chris. If theres nothing there and thats what they tell us If all of that, why all these lies? an exasperated Smith said.

The reprimand was uncharacteristic coming from Fox News, which has been reliably positive in its coverage of the White House. Since news of the Trump Jr. meeting broke last week, pundits on the network have targeted their criticism at the media, President Obama, and Hillary Clinton herself.

There are still people who are out there who believe were making it up, Smith said. And one day theyre gonna realize were not and look around and go, Where are we, and why are we getting told all these lies?

The Washington Post went so far as calling the Smith monologue his Walter Cronkite moment. In 1968, the esteemed CBS anchor gave a pessimistic report on the Vietnam War, supposedly leading President Lyndon Johnson to mutter, If Ive lost Cronkite, Ive lost Middle America.

As Trump Separates From Fox News Whats Next For Both

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As supporters of President Donald Trump gathered around the country in the past week to protest the election, a surprising chant could occasionally be heard: Fox News sucks.

The network has held a central role during Trumps presidency, regularly hosting him on its various shows and featuring a slate of commentators who vociferously defend him. But that relationship began to show signs of strain in recent months, culminating in outright hostility from Trump after Fox News and The Associated Press became the first major media outlets to announce that former Vice President Joe Biden had won Arizona in the presidential race.

On Thursday, Trump took his anger at Fox News even further, claiming the networks ratings had collapsed, which is untrue. On election night, ratings data from Nielsen showed that Fox News averaged 14.1 million viewers from 8-11 p.m. ET, a record for cable news coverage of a presidential election.

Very sad to watch this happen, Trump tweeted, but they forgot what made them successful, what got them there. They forgot the Golden Goose.

With Biden as president-elect, Fox News relationship with Trump and conservative America is at a crossroads. The conservative media landscape is far broader today than it was four years ago, and the rival networks that proliferated during Trumps presidency could be eager to take on Fox News possibly in concert with Trump. But any predictions of Fox News demise would be premature.

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The Secret History Of Kimberly Guilfoyles Departure From Fox

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As President Donald Trump heads into the 2020 elections, he faces a daunting gender gap: according to a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll, he trails Joe Biden by thirty percentage points among female voters. As part of his campaign, Trump has been doing all he can to showcase female stars in the Republican Party, from nominating Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court to naming Kimberly Guilfoyle, the former Fox News host and legal analyst, his campaigns finance chair. Guilfoyle, however, may not be an ideal emissary. In November, 2018, a young woman who had been one of Guilfoyles assistants at Fox News sent company executives a confidential, forty-two-page draft complaint that accused Guilfoyle of repeated sexual harassment, and demanded monetary relief. The document, which resulted in a multimillion-dollar out-of-court settlement, raises serious questions about Guilfoyles fitness as a character witness for Trump, let alone as a top campaign official.

Until now, the specific accusations against Guilfoyle have remained largely hidden. The draft complaint, which was never filed in court, is covered by a nondisclosure agreement. The former assistant has not been publicly identified, and, out of respect for the rights of alleged victims of sexual harassment, The New Yorker is honoring her confidentiality. Reached for comment, she said, I wish you well. But I have nothing to say.

People In The Murdoch Family Dont Speak To Each Other Partly Over The Issue Of Fox News And Donald Trump Author Tells Cnn

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Michael Wolff, the man behind three books about the Trump administration, told CNN that Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch hates Donald Trump but loves the money the former president brings his cable news channel.

CNNs Brian Stelter asked Wolff on Sunday why Fox News is still so attached to Mr Trump if Mr Murduch despises him.

I think that there are two worlds going on here, Wolff said. Theres Rupert Murdochs world, which is all-powerful, but its actually not quite all-powerful.

The author added that the Fox News network has moved its business model to an old Trump model.

Thats where the money comes from Would Rupert Murdoch have an alternative to that, that would supply that much money? Rupert hates Donald Trump, hates him, but Rupert loves money. Those are two warring things.

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President Trump is acting badly. He is being supported by enablers in his government and by allies who fear him and/or want to take advantage of him. And hes being supported by Rupert Murdochs Fox News.

So what else is new?

The stakes. Theres a very small chance that Trump could actually disrupt a peaceful transfer of power with his baseless claims of election fraud. He will, more likely, permanently damage Americas ability to hold elections by undermining much of the countrys faith in them.

Its time for Fox to dispense with the bad-faith, bifurcated approach to the truth it has used for years, which allows its most popular stars to peddle lies to its audience under the guise that theyre merely offering their opinions.

That wont happen, of course.

Thats in part because of Foxs well-documentedsymbiosis with Trump, where its top talent Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, the Fox & Friends crew act as Trumps on- and off-air advisers and cheering squad.

And its in part because Murdoch, who enjoys conservative politics but truly loves power, has an endgame in mind: By mid-January, Joe Biden will be president, and Fox News will be the disloyal opposition, a position where it thrives.

Either way, well get to the same point next year, where Fox News is very comfortable attacking the Democratic president who some viewers will believe doesnt have the right to be in office.

Twitter Users Wonder If Fox Has Dumped Trump After Steve Doocy Does Actual Journalism

See how quickly Fox News pivoted once Trump took COVID

Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy had Twitter users wondering if the network is moving away from unabashed support of former President Donald Trump after he unexpectedly asked South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem a somewhat hard-hitting question about classified documents stashed at Mar-a-Lago.

During the interview, Doocy remarked that the FBIs search of Trumps Florida residence and its discovery of boxes of government documents that Trump had neglected to turn overultimately comes down to why did he have all that secret stuff at Mar-a-Lago?

He added: I know team has said they declassified it, but thats news to the agencies that those documents belong to.

As Noem, a Trump ally, began to respond with Republican talking points about precedent that other presidents have followed, Doocy cut in:

Governor, I dont think any president has ever carted off that many documents to their house after they left the presidency.

As you can see from the clip below, Doocys co-host, Brian Kilmeade, seemed to seethe at his co-workers remarks.

Steve Doocy to Kristi Noem: “Ultimately, it comes down to why did he have all that secret stuff at Mar-a-Lago? I know his team has said they declassified it, but that’s news to the agencies that those documents belong to.”

Aaron Rupar

At another point, Doocy expressed shock that the biggest secrets in the world were just in a desk drawer.

Many Twitter users were surprised that Doocy was asking legitimate questions about the Mar-a-Lago documents.

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