Saturday, July 27, 2024

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When Did Trump Close Borders

A Timeline Of What Trump Has Said On Coronavirus

Trump Says Closing Border Was âThe Right Decisionâ Amid Coronavirus Spread | NBC News

President Trump says he has always taken the coronavirus very seriously from early on, pushing back at reporters who cite statements he’s made in the recent past dismissing the severity of the virus.

“No, I’ve always viewed it as very serious,” Mr. Trump said on March 16. “There was no difference yesterday from days before. I feel the tone is similar, but some people said it wasn’t.”

But not so long ago, as the virus ravaged China and Europe and touched the U.S., the president compared the number of deaths from COVID-19 to deaths from the flu.

“The flu, in our country, kills from 25,000 people to 69,000 people a year,” he said on February 9, suggesting that it dwarfed the 15 cases of COVID-19 that had been reported in the U.S. at the time. By March 31, though, his tone was different. He talked about a friend who had slipped into a coma because of the disease. “This is not the flu. It is vicious,” he told reporters in the White House Briefing Room.

In February, when the federal government had confirmed just 15 cases of the virus, Mr. Trump predicted the number would soon be near “zero.” Now, the White House is preparing the nation for the sobering possibility of 100,000 deaths, or maybe more.

Here is a timeline of the various ways the president has described the virus since January, along with how many cases were reported in the U.S., according to Johns Hopkins data.

Global Tally Hits 145000

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide has surpassed 145,000 overnight. Here’s a snapshot of where we stand:

  • 145,374 people have now been diagnosed with the coronavirus. 71,694 of these people have recovered, while 5,429 have died.
  • Italy has now detected 17,660 cases – the worst affected country outside China by far. 1,266 people have died.
  • Other nations in Europe are also struggling to contain the virus – and the World Health Organization said yesterday that the continent is at the “epicentre” of the outbreak, with more cases every day than China reported at its peak. .
  • Spain has 5,232 cases, Germany 3,675 and France 3,667. Switzerland has more than 1,100 while Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark and the UK are hovering between 800 and 1,000.
  • But some good news to end: in Wuhan, China – where the outbreak emerged – just five new cases were reported. And for the second consecutive day the number of people who recovered exceeded that of new infections in South Korea.

Our interactive map has a full breakdown:

Yes Theres A Crisis On The Border And Its Trumps Fault

Instead of wasting his time on a wall, the president should fix the asylum system.

Alan Bersin served as the commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection and assistant secretary and chief diplomatic officer for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Nate Bruggeman held senior policy positions at the Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection from 2009 to 2012. He is a partner in the consulting firm BorderWorks Advisers.

Ben Rohrbaugh was the director for enforcement and border security at the National Security Council from 2014 to 2016. He also served in senior positions at the Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Donald Trump has made border security and immigration enforcement a rallying cry of his campaign and the centerpiece of his presidency. But now, as the effects of his immigration policies have become measurable, it is clear to usâthree people who have worked on the issue in previous administrationsâthat Trump is the worst president for border security in the last 30 years.

Trump made stopping illegal immigration his signature issue. It is time to acknowledge that he has failed miserablyâso we can start thinking about how to clean up the mess he has made.

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‘some People Think Coronavirus Won’t Touch Them’

French security forces fired teargas and clashed with anti-government “Yellow Vest” protesters who were demonstrating in Paris on Saturday in defiance of a ban on mass gatherings that aims to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

In a televised address to the nation on Thursday, President Emmanuel Macron announced school closures and urged people to avoid close contact for fear of propagating the virus that has killed 79 people in France and infected more than 3,600, Reuters reports.

The government on Friday banned all gatherings of more than 100 people. Paris police had already turned down requests for protesters to convene at sensitive sites, including the Champs Elysees where there were violent clashes between security forces and protesters almost a year ago to the day.

“It’s Saturday, demonstration day. Some people think that the coronavirus won’t touch them and refuse to respect the advice,” said a riot police officer in front of a heavily armed vehicle blocking the road that leads to the presidential palace.

Muslims Allies Advocates And Others Across The Country Continue To Challenge The Banand We Have A Solution

Trump closes border with Canada to nonessential traffic

Communities across the country will not stop working to end the Muslim banand any racist ban put forward by this administration, including its attacks on the asylum system.

In addition to challenging the ban in the courts, we continue to advocate for a legislative solution. Members of Congress have acted by introducing the NO BAN Act . The current bills would end the Muslim, refugee, and asylum bans by preventing future presidents from targeting people based on religion or other criteria.

All of us deserve to feel safe from hatred and to live and pray in peace.

Use our resources to help spread the message: The Muslim ban has no place in our societynot now, not ever:

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‘effective Interventions Will Need To Be Instituted Soon’ Officials Say

The UK Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies committee met yesterday to reviewed the latest numbers of cases in the UK, updated modelling, interventions made by other countries, and proposals for monitoring and modelling the outbreak as it advances.

The review of the new data showed that as anticipated the epidemic progressing and on that basis SAGE advised the next planned effective interventions will need to be instituted soon, a statement by Downing Street said.

Chief Scientific Adviser Patrick Vallance and Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty said:

We are dealing with a very fast moving epidemic with emerging data from many disciplines and many complex decisions. We will publish our models and welcome input from the scientific community.

Scientists across the world are helping each other, governments and society to deal with this international emergency

The Politics Of The Chinese Virus

Casting the virus foreign was not a simple rhetorical flourish. According to the database website Factbase, the president used the expression Chinese virus more than 20 times between March 16 and March 30. The deliberateness of the wording was made clear when a photographer captured the script of his speech wherein Trump had crossed out the word Corona and replaced it with Chinese.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused China of putting the world at risk for its lack of transparency, even scrapping a joint G7 statement after its members refused to refer to the virus as the Wuhan virus.

Secretary Pompeo had a point. By early February, there was already strong evidence of a Chinese cover-up and repression of whistle-blowers , later confirmed by more investigations . Yet rather than criticize China, President Trump heaped praise on the Chinese response, especially following his phone conversations with Chinas leader Xi Jinping for whom the president said he had great respect and who, he claimed, was doing a good job , a professional job , loves his country and is extremely capable, working hard and professionally . This, even when he was asked about how he can legitimately believe the Chinese communiste regime .

This is when the president started using the expression Chinese virus. When faced with accusations of racism, he dismissed its impact on Asian Americans, saying:

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Colombia Orders Border With Venezuela To Be Shut

Colombia’s president has ordered his nation’s border with Venezuela closed as a coronavirus containment measure.

Ivan Duque has announced that all official border crossing with the neighboring Andean nation will be shuttered beginning on Saturday morning.

The two nations share a 1,370-mile border that is crossed by thousands of Venezuelans each day searching for food and medicine. Many also cross to permanently leave their nation’s economic crisis.

Venezuelan officials announced on Friday that they have confirmed their first two coronavirus cases.

Over 4.5 million Venezuelans have fled in recent years, many arriving in Colombia. Experts in Colombia are concerned that the migration crisis could exacerbate the spread of coronavirus throughout the region. Colombia has 16 confirmed cases.

Donald Trump Bans All Flights To Us From Britain And European Countries Start To Close Borders

Trump threatens to close southern border over migrant surge

Tens of thousands of travellers’ flights to the US will be cancelled today after Donald Trump extended his travel ban to the UK and Ireland, causing chaos for British families and businesses, whose plans are torn up at short notice.

The US president, who said yesterday he was awaiting the result of a coronavirus test, acted after the World Health Organisation designated Europe the epicentre of the pandemic.

Mike Pence, the vice-president, said there had been a “unanimous recommendation” from health experts to extend the ban, adding: “Americans in the UK can come home, legal residents can come home, funnelled through specific airports, and processed.”

The number of coronavirus cases in the US has reached 2,499, with 68 killed by the virus, and predictions the nation’s intensive care beds could soon be overrun.

Countries around the world continue to tighten travel restrictions in an effort to slow the rise in Covid-19 cases.

Jet2 planes heading to Spain were turned around in mid-air over the weekend as the airline cancelled all flights to the mainland, Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands.

Outside Europe, the United Arab Emirates said yesterday it was shutting major tourism venues, including the Louvre Abu Dhabi museum and the Ferrari World theme park. Dubai, the UAE’s regional business and transit hub, said it was cancelling all events planned this month and asked hotels to stop hosting wedding celebrations.

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President Trumps Executive Order On Immigration

President Trumps Executive Order on Immigration issued on January 27, 2017, created uncertainty and confusion for many, including students at Hamilton. This timeline provides background on what has transpired since the order was first issued.

The situation remains dynamic, therefore, please continue to refer to this page for updates and resources.

President Biden ends Donald Trumps majority-Muslim travel ban which was first issued in January 2017.

President Trump added Africas biggest country, Nigeria, as well as Myanmar, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Sudan and Tanzania, to his restricted travel list.

The Trump administration plans to add seven countries to a group of nations subject to a travel ban, including Nigeria, along with others in Africa and Asia, according to administration officials who have seen the list.

The Supreme Court ruled to uphold President Donald Trump’s travel ban by a 5-4 margin along partisan lines.

The U.S. Supreme Court has allowed the newest version of the Trump administration’s travel ban to take effect pending appeal. The ban places various restrictions on foreign nationals from eight countries.

President Trumps most recent attempt to restrict travelers from eight countries from entering the United States was temporarily blocked when a federal judge in Hawaii issued a nationwide order freezing most of the administrations third travel ban the day before it was to go into effect.

Syria To Postpone Elections

Syria will postpone parliamentary elections due to take place on April 13 until May 20 as a precautionary step against the spread of coronavirus, a statement from the president’s office said on Saturday.

Syria has said it has no confirmed cases but is taking preventative steps such as shutting schools and public venues as it monitors for the virus.

Read Also: How Much Did Trump Lie

Claim: The Us Implemented A Travel Ban Way Ahead Of Anybody Else This Is False

On April 1, Trump told reporters that the United States had banned “dangerous foreign travel that threatens the health of our people and we did so early, far earlier than anyone would have thought, and way ahead of anybody else.”

The U.S. implemented a restriction on foreign travelers who had been in China in the past two weeks, at 5 p.m. Feb. 2. Italy had already done so by Jan. 31 and North Korea had banned all foreign tourists Jan. 22.

Cambodia Introduces Entry Bans

Trump Plans To Keep Borders Closed Until Coronavirus Isnât A Threat ...

Cambodia has become the latest country to ban entry of visitors from Italy, Germany, Spain, France and the US. to curb the spread of coronavirus.

The 30-day ban on “foreigners” will come into effect on March 17, the Ministry of Health said in a statement on Saturday as Cambodia recorded two new cases, bringing its tally to seven.

Minister of Health Mam Bunheng said in the statement:

“The Kingdom of Cambodia has subsequently detected the Covid-19 virus on different foreign nationals, which requires immediate measures to prevent the spread and importation of the Covid-19 virus into Cambodia.

“Therefore, the Ministry of Health takes measures to ban foreigners from Italy, Germany, Spain, France and the United States from entering the country for 30 days, effective March 17, 2020.”

Cambodia, which recorded two new cases of the virus on a 49-year-old Canadian teacher and a 33-year-old Belgian man on Friday, hasn’t banned travellers from China, where the outbreak was first detected.

Read more: Tables turn on Europeans in Asia, Nicola Smith reports.

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Disney Will Release Frozen 2 Early

Disney has announced that it will release Frozen 2 to its streaming platform Disney+ three months ahead of schedule to bring “some fun and joy during this challenging period” as the coronavirus outbreak grips the US.

“Frozen 2 has captivated audiences around the world through its powerful themes of perseverance and the importance of family, messages that are incredibly relevant during this time, and we are pleased to be able to share this heartwarming story early with our Disney+ subscribers to enjoy at home on any device, Disney’s chief executive Bob Chapek said.

The film will be available for streaming in the US on Sunday, though British fans will have to wait a bit longer.

Italian Workers ‘are Scared’

The Italian government’s decision to close all shops but to allow factories to remain open has triggered a wave of strikes across the country, Erica Di Blasi reports.

Workers have been downing tools everywhere, but especially in northern Italy, the country’s industrial heart. Trade unions are concerned about their members’ safety and have called for all companies in the metalworking sector to close until March 22 so that workplaces can be made cleaner and safer.

“The workers are scared,” said the unions as they prepared for new strikes.

There are reports from across the country that workers are complaining about a lack of care from employers and are asking to be allowed to go home. Some large companies have stopped production but others cannot do so because they would face penalties.

The prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, held a videoconference with trade unions and industrialists on Friday to discuss the implementation of “safety protocols in factories to protect workers’ health”.

The result is an agreement between businesses and unions that will allow employers in all sectors, through the use of social safety nets and the reduction or suspension of work, to make factories and other workplaces safer.

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